Jeffy's Friends
Eduardokun Eduardokun1
mario bros es chido ^^\
Anouk internetanouk
NRB★Ale★ alejandrox2002
hola jaja
Zookie Cameleon101
Hey! I'm вlıтz! I REALLY like to play Terraria/Minecraft! If u ever wanna play with me, then just give me a friend request! Also hit that follow button while ur at it. ;) And if u want to play Terraria with me, send me a message! #♥υηdэяταłэ♥
carlos carlosjkiio
Hey i want to become 100 Friends before Mii-Verse Die :(
cole roythecow
David tobeolisa
This user's profile comment is private.
Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
gabe Herobrine-pink
hi i play minecraft!
Armando S3D6H7
Phil Phillyj76
da van m. emilylynn-dupuis
hi and my little message to you is god bless you:~)
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
mr j mr.j66
i play video games
ローレス フライベ marenisu
Nick aeloverscott
Usagi OctopusKoolAid
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Zilink HardsyleZilink
i like 21 Cheeseburgers
kitty cat★ almisbah84
hi every one who want to be my friends l will give him or her a yeah please
Patrice Conducteur59220
salut à tous j aime la création de jeux mario
LλRRY★YT kjmditz59
ふぶき:fubuki gy8ldq4i1nx
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/