あんる's Followers
** **** MOGUPAKU11
Oгioп Pyroli_Noctali
>ω< ————————————————— ●Hello welcome to my account, I am a friendly boy French who loves drawing,reading and pokemon! :) ☆2 account: ★Oгισп~ (ID: 3DSNNetwork)☆ A big thank you to my subscriber!;)>ω< Special dedication to Lyα and ★Ryn★ and others! •↑Please feel my favorite message!↑ •I hope to be able to draw soon and please be indulgent!:/ Δ ΔΔ ↑And follow me!!!↑ —————————————————
Mathias MathCer
◆Nui◆ Absol_17550
Bonjour♪! C'est Nui au cas ou vous ne l'aurez pas remarqués, vous pouvez m'appelez N. The legend of Zelda★ Kirby☆ Fay☆★ Aime pas orthographe°¬° J'vous conseille d'aller voir mes abonnements ! Mon dicton: Au nom de la dessert Hylia!!! ●COCCOTTE● ▲ Manga ▲ ■Pokemon■ J'aime discuter alors n'hersiter pas. ◆Aime les dessins mais pas dessiner◆ :3 *_* ^¨^ "-" ·~· #º_º# ^µ^ ^ώ^ Abonner vous↑
«Αмειγα» eclatdesaphir
•◆Welcome◆• Amelya Au college Gameuse : ★★★★☆ Gentille : ★★★★☆ Mechante : ★☆☆☆☆ Jalouse : ★★★☆☆ Crazy : ★★★★★ ♡ : Fnaf Youtube Sn//apCh//at Melanie Martinez ‹3333 Ect... Les Best (tu les touche t'est † j'dis ca j'dis rien) <3Amelie ma zumelle a moi Carla 02-09-14 Adam Mon pote Leo Mon donut Clémence Mon fromage Bref se reconnaitrons ! Follow Me Please <3
(-∞-)ブヒ mikyoppu
∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ MKダダダダダです。 ろとるへ 今まであんがとね!フレとかでいっぱい話そうね!! 話せなくても親友やぞ!!!!! byばあさんMK 共感とフォローありがたいっす ありがとうございますっす。 更新11/7 ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
ピーチ Gulf_1996
最近、ぷよぷよ!!クエストにどハマり中。 シグアミの妄想で寝れてないw 魔導学校シリーズ大好きな私ですw ここ最近の行動は ぷよクロコミュでお絵描き投稿 ぷよテト(WiiU)もやってるよ!インターネット対戦はしないけど、シグアミ使ってます! 幸黒シェアルさんの絵が凄い好き! シグアミとレティラグ一筋。 スマブラは現在休止中です。 (ぷよぷよにハマッてしまったせいで) 自己紹介 中1年、 新パル、ミートピア、ポケモン、スマブラ、マリオ等 ミバ友 まお、なつみ、カービィ、しら、かなみ まだまだミバ友募集中! 使い手ファイターがピーチ、ブラピ、ピット、パルテナの4人! ♪天使のパワー♪ もし私が体育館か校庭等で何かやるときに必要なパワー。このパワーを使うとブラピ達が近くにいる用な気がしてそして声が聞こえる用になる伝説のパワー。 ♪ボクは何の為に歌う?パラジクロロベンゼン
Arwenlam lamoulen
On se retrouve au prochain MV YTB: sweet pop et arwenlam insta:Arwenlam dedi: Éclipse.★ Neko :p Malish~L☆A Akane tiky creation de la chaîne:12/03/17
Mƒ★Leγlα♪ Dragongirl2003
konichi wa! ★^★ ich bin Leyla .w. ich LIEBE Nintendo und Anime über ALLES <3-lings Games: pokemon, Zelda, Acnl, Kid icarus, Splatoon und Undertale º^º ‹3-lings Animes: Noragami 0w0, Owari no Seraph und Sao .w. hobbys: geschichten bzw. fanfictions schreiben, Zeichnen Lesen, zocken xD ‹3-lings Buch: Wings of Fire 0w0 my BFF = Humeyra qwq sie ist die beste .w. YT v. BFF: Palink ☆~Sayonara~☆
okosuke-EK coolthug
Salut je suis un chasseur au double lame je suis partant si vous voulez fair un MHG sinon je m'appelle Morgan et j'ai 14 ans
Daniel DanielMata1993
Hola Yo Soy Daniel Y Mis Mejores Amigas ♥Glitter Rosa, Naranja, Amarilla, Verde Y Azul♥ WCW Monday Nitro Y PPV'S, WCW/nWo Revenge Uncensored N64, Mis Mejores Amigos Y Amigas de Fire Emblem ♥Marth, Roy, Ike, Lucina, Alm, Celica, Robin Y Corrin♥ Series de Pretty Cure Y Glitter Force El Ejército Brillante Mi Amigas Natalie Cure Negra Y Hannah Cure Blanca ♡ Amor Emily, Kelsey, Lily, April Y Chloe ♡
LightDax FallenKnight05
So is anyone still here or nah? Apoligies for the inactivity, been to other social media
Tyler Blackfox
Favorite characters: Ashley (WarioWare) Panty (Panty & Stocking) Stocking (Panty & Stocking) Most Kid Icarus Uprising characters All Team Fortress 2 characters Tiny Tina (Boarderlands 2) Phantom R (Rhythm thief) Sam (Sam & Max) Max (Sam & Max) Ms. Fortune (Skullgirls) Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls Z ONLY) Kneesocks Deamon (Panty & Stocking) Star Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Alexi V1llager
Hi. This is Maximus, but my name changes depending on how I feel. Now it's Alexi. I like to talk, Miiverse relationships are fine, and Animal Crossing is amazing. Hence the ID "V1llager" (Villager was taken, dammit!). I like Sonic, The Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. I play a lot of PokéPicross and Tri-Force Heroes. IG for my PokeArt: @deity_lele KTHNXBAI!
lightu cybr.du
sup. If you're reading this then you have obviously found my profile. Now....BEGONE INTRUDER!
Nathan TheArtistNathan
Hello my name is Nathan THE ARTIST!Anyway I specialize in sketches with pencil and ink.one day I plan to be a famous cartoonist and make special shows that can help those with depression and other things going on in their lives.But make no mistake I can be a little bit along the mean side but thats my way of helping others.I do these things to help those who are like me because I to am different.
Écho ‹/3 Melia_Meli
KNIFE TO MEET YOU!!salut!!!tu es dans le profil d'une psychopathe qui aime dévorer des âmes et...HÉ!stop destresse je rigolais!!inutile de quitter ma page!!Bon...bienvenue dans mon Rêve...quoi?j'ai toujours l'air d'une tarée?bon je recommence:j'ai 14 ans j'adore: -les mangas -Fire emblem -Fairy tail -Undertale -dessiner(même si j'suis nulle xD) ben là c'était mieux non? BONE JOURNÉE!!
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
loris afterbit
Salut,j'ai 16 ans. _J'aime beaucoup: La mythologie japonaise:(Kamis,Yokaïs,Shintoïsme...) Kaijus:(Gamera, Mothra, Gyaos, Gojira, Baragon, Baltan,....) La culture/musique thaï. _J'adore: Susumu Hirasawa (Kaku)P-Model PEVO Teruo Nakano Vocaloid Metal Punk Jazz Tõhõ _Mangas/animés préférés: Fushigi no umi no Nadia .hack//SIGN City Hunter Queen Emeraldas BERSERK Paprika Sennen Joyû Mõsõ Dairinin.
D'Angelo DloGrump
Hi, whoever is checking my profile! My name is D'Angelo and I'm 17 years old. You can also call me D'lo (D-L-O). Wii U Games that I play: Super Smash Bros. Splatoon Super Mario Maker Mario Kart 8 Hyrule Warriors I enjoy drawing and wish to get better. Please enjoy! No Wii U Chat.
★•ςαrαн•☆ Sarah_LoLz
Ąςцηα AsunaRyuAsakura
Hi... Fakten ¬ω¬√: - !Abzeichnen geht gar nicht, wenn man's als sein eigenes ausgibt! -.-¤ - DON'T COPY MY O.C.s AND IDEAS! - Bin Otaku -ω- - Bin 18 ☆ Hab also den Stempel, dass meine Zeit wegrennt... - Zeichne und zocke gern ;3 Auch wenn das Zeichnen bei mir zurzeit schlaucht... ˇ¯ˇ' - Fabelwesen an die Macht òωó - BFF ♪: Darkness <3 - Sorry, for my bad english ^^' ▲Tschau▼
Ðαгкηεςς~Ø VASE29
Hi -ωø Facts -u- ~ Bin 18 ˙˘˙ ~ Ich zeichne wann immer es möglich is :3 ~ Bin en Spezi ¬ω¬ Kommt klar damit -ω- ~ *hust* manchmal hab ich so meine "5 min." was das Zeichnen angeht XD ~ Btw bin faul -ω-/ .•★BFF: Ąςцηα ^ω^ <3 ♪ Please … DON'T COPY MY O.C'S! Bye-bye ^¬^ PS: My English … baaaad ˙˘˙
Λndısıt AndiNNID
Thank you for everything... --- » YouTube: Andisit [Games and Music] » 2nd Miiverse profile: Andireas (AndisBackup) » Closedverse: AndiCV --- →Joined September 5th, 2015← and enjoyed every minute of it.
Neko-Dan djjbd10
"Teachings that do not speak of pain have no meaning because humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return." ~Fullmetal Alchemist
Aftertaste SilverWolfSilent
コムボーイ Kobosuke1997
BlackStone nathaliesimard
むー XxQqAa