Users ★autumn★ng Is Following
¶Głθ¶^¬^◆ indytuzz
I'll miss u miiverse poem I'll miss u miiverse U made so many memories Seeing u go kinda hurts I met so many miis I'll especially miss my followers Don't forget my friends Now my vision is blurs Miiverse comes to an end... Miiverse U will be missed ~Ends November 7~
Reine LoL Reine_L0L
Bon bah au revoir j'ai rien d'autre a dire ... dsl mais c'est pas moi qui choisi que Miiverse ferme '~' Je vais essayais d'être heureuse •♡•
turkeybird chris9712
Hello, I am Turkeybird, you can also call me Turkey I like coloring, art, drawing, YouTube, wolves and FNAF. My favorite pastime is listening to music. My favorite pet is cats. And anyone willing to be my friend, go ahead friend request me. I do not video chat friends And any rude or innapropriate comments will be deleted
Enunrom_Tv angeljared122
Hola todos chavales si quereis saber mis datos aqui estan¿ ↓↓↓ Mi Nombre es Angel y me gusta tener muchos amigos /^●^\ Mis BFF son: RedPablillo,Yarodt,Gustavo,Gael,etc I Love you so Much LadySweetyt <Claro que wiiu chat si> My Best Youtubers Son:HolaSoyGerman,Willyrex,Vegetta,AdrianFire,etc Y Somos una gran famlia al seguirme :) Y lo último soy muy bueno onda y divertido
Smerperior Exciton79
Just an alt. that draws in the Unova New York Club! Serperior is the best starter! Goal: To Become NY Club's best artist! Sad Reality: I'm the only one who draws there... Main Accounts: Entei-Sama (Exciton97) Exciton★Vξ (ChobitsLove) ←Search NNID not name! Please, feel free to follow and yeah me!♥★☆♪ Unova Forever!!!! Follow: Connor (yogibear163) Forrest (MintyWhisker)
СŁ♪αlια♪<3 Iqra.a15
Hεγ, ι'м ιqrα & ι'м 15. Mαιπ Clαπς- мςν(сσ) ςħ(сσ) Sub- мя(co) ςк τν☆ βεςτιες- Cσlιπ, Αrια & Mεl♪ςħαrε мυςιс ω/τ ħεr♪ Fαм⇒Azaan, Ellιςυ, Alιγαħ, Iςα, Aммπα Tωιπς⇒Vεπυς, Sαεεδ, ςταr Fαβ ρρl⇒kιкι, Aπδrσ, Hαrrγ, Rσскσ, Elι, Jαςσπ “ωħεπ υ lεƒτ, δεερ δσωπ…ι кπσω ħσω ħαrδ ιτ ωας …4 мε τσ αδмιτ ħσω мυсħ ι ςτιll lσνεδ υ♡” ♡•:*º·:•♥ιlγςм αlεχ ›‹♥•:·°*:•♡ ♥:•º*:αĮια•28|4|17:•º*:·♥ βυħ-βγεε! >˛</
KennyFNAF4 splatoonmaedchen
Hi.. My name is Kenny Afton from FNAF 4.. My parents are Renata and William.. My brother Terrance and my Sister Lilly.. • • • • • I can speak german AND english • • • • • • • I like: Fnaf, Bendy and the inkmachine, Pokemon and other stuff • • • • • Favorite games: • Nr.1: Splatoon 2 Nr.2: Zelda: Breath of the wild Nr.3: Pokemon sun and moon • • • • • ....Wommy..
Кαŕι karlrichard
Hallo ich bin Karl:) Clan: Cst Und Again Lieblings spiele für Wii U sind: Minecraft,Splatoon, Mariokart 8 Ich bin 9 Jahre alt hier meine Top 3 beste Freunde 1.Nero 2.Poop★Cst 3.Mίснί¶SF¶ und ich glaube das wars CIAO!
Randal :v SoyRandal
Plox siganme en miiverse :v mis Juegos favoritos son: Smash,MK8,Minecraft de PC. Me Gusta Monstercat.Si no eres mi amig@ mandame solicitud de amistad :v .EresUnCaracol
Angel ._. AngolR1806
Plox siganme en miiverse :v Please follow me in miiverse :v
splat29 ALOIS29
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Randy ._. xOliverOoc
hola :v me gusta smash :,v
かくせーωわかさま maica-w
ハロハロ~ヨロシクです!(óωò)> 小6でごさいマッスル!私立の学校に行ってるよ。リア充は爆発して消えてしまえばいいと思ってるよ!とまー人生を楽しく生きているゲーマーです! どちらかと言われるとアニオタよりボカオタだと思います。ハイ(自称だけど)あと、リンちゃん好きです!俺の嫁!ってかんじw 好きなアニメ⇒メイドラ、青のエクソシスト、うまる、人面、シャナ、まどマギ、ハルヒ、東方など 先輩は*りんご*先輩です!(`ω´)同じ学校はにせわかさま(みき)だ! あと、フォローしてくれた方、これからもよろしくお願いします(´∞`) フォローしてくれたら1000%かえします!ハイ!かならず!フォローまってるぜ! △ △ ( ò ω ó )ウキウキ (( | оо | )) υ υ
Yatta★Fly Flygon.M
▲500+ :p▼ ●15\♂\Autistic\Straight\SMM Player\Artist● Hello ô-ô ♥November the 7th is basically tomorrow for me, I want to say is thank you to all of the people that supported me throughout the years and most of the people that I am now friends with. Thank you all!♥ ♡Friendios♡: -Sunshine -Sonic -Squirrly -Sadness -★LeMeme★ -Riku -Popcorn -MochiCakes -Blaze256 -Kai \\ -Glaceon -Luna -Ichimatsu
Rippeя12 GoodMKJack
I'm only active on weekends. Going inactive. Let me know if you play Wiimmfi or CTGP-R on MKWii! My clans: я¢м ¢ğς мк¢ P.S. I only yeah things that I think are funny/weird. Check them frequently! :) Please click fav. post.
[ΣΨ]Gamex TheSmashinggamex
hoi i am beast im canadian born 9/11/???? age: questions remain unawnserd i like chezburgers and my oc now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oc: Name:Frost Age:16 Personality: Nice, Quite, Strong, Cowardish and A Nerd Relatives: None yet abillaty (if fantasy ice powers o.o) That My Oc -- Freinds To Check Out Kyledc1121 AngestyBlaze ☆saniyah☆! And Now I Have A Lucario.
You can't Bilou.c
τυ η'ας яιεη d'αυτяε α ƒαιяε /\_|\ / > /| \ / ˘ /</ | _ /
Haze lufnic108
Hi im AI and i want to give a shoutout to these ppl and the ones im gonna tell sorry jenni,Fritzy,rose,sonic,amy,spice, and so on ill make a post and shout out to my friends T_T i just want my old friends back and we can play online games this has ben hard for me i can't even see my daddy well fav games:super smash bros, minecraft,mk8, lost reavers and fatal frame
emmanuel zerty.dgb
si tu t'abonne tu reçevra des jeux
Imp AdmiralScipio
Luv is Rage-Lil Uzi Vert Graduated...... Advid Gamer.... Flordia State Commit* God+Family
Filly fili-online123
Nato il 27 dicembre,i suoi genitori non potevano dargli dono migliore: la vita Anche se non molto intelligente il ragazzo era molto fantasioso E dopo un paio di anni eccomi qui, a scrivere su miiverse! :) ricordate di seguire le foto di minecraft che sto portando in questi giorni +SEGUI ricorda che hanno fatto questo tasto per essere premuto! :)
Guille GuiNinEs
Hola soy Guille, mi videojuego favorito es splaton, por favor seguime y yo os seguire, y os dare un mola.
SD•Rσγ•さわか Fabienne72
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∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
まじめ(¥∀¥すみれ pommmta
:) informadora
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Dominic hyperssonic
plz follow me i want to get to 1000 followers befor miiverse ends go follow these guys ( these are there username ) alexia533 and paperyoshi )
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Chan NordicWiiU7
Welcome to my Profile! Today is the Final day of Miiverse. I know you had enjoy my profile of Tails for long time. My posts remaning for today: 4 Comment: Wait until my final drawing will be soon. I am the leader of Tails fan. I dislike Sonic. (Sorry) I am doing a Team Tails gets some Top Ranks. Difficulty:★★★★★ Online: O Offline: Age: 15 I spoke: English & French
Miss Ninja jessikahamel60
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skaterweed cashout430
Diegocrack diegocrackxd
comentario ocultado por el administrador Si me sigues yo te sigo y si yo te sigo tu me sigues ,mis juegos favoritos son : undetale , splatoon , zelda, mario bros , fnaf , minecraft y pokémon .Seguir tambien a mis amigos plisssssssss bueno tambien a mi XD, y pronto me voy a hacer un canal de youtube subiré muchos juegos XD . y me encanta itowngameplay y el Rubius OMG
clem Migaclem
miyo CoolLayne10
Fеαr Roмυ™ romu1109
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mr.ssundee taras.zherukha
Hi guys im Maksym i u like to pvp or just like to play worlds id be happy to plqy (as long as u don't rge in minecraft u know what i mean) so anyways follow me i follow u so have (btw lets sign a petion to end school 4 ever LOL : D)
yohanny yohanyg
hola soy yohanny me gusta diujar y escuchar musica
CK#çwçhápä connorash
Hi guys! just want to say i love minecraft and other online games to! plz be nice to me and my friend!!!!! see u guys out there! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS follow for follow plz join my clan CK
harri harrimcguire
nice guy chaming to everyone i meet 8 got 15 frends in real life rely good at football. frends lucas jack ethan harry lewis my name harri mcgire other friends calum joe jacob and max. check out my followers dont like me like them
CARLITOS carlitos2012
Eskimo Fuyuyuyuyu
rt Coco♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Florine♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Cessie(my bff)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sevgi♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lisa(sugar)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Papyrus♥♥♥♥ Elsakibztouskibouj ProX♥♥♥♥ Stat♥♥♥♥ Zeltron♥♥♥♥ 2066 invasion Markden♥♥♥♥ Maboii♥♥ Maitre Kaio♥♥ Olive♥♥♥ BoY♥♥ Põkuchoppu♥♥ Eagle♥♥ Kittycat:3♥♥ et pleins d'autres >u> Voilà maintenant au-revoir !( ̄▽+ ̄*)
★Яøχας★ AlphaDelta12
Hi people, I'm ★Яøχας★! ★THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT IN THESE 3 YEARS★ My name is Javier :) ◆@javi_lopez50◆ Self-proclaimed "Master of Artstyles" ;) I started in Miiverse in November 2012, with my old account ID: Roxas99 I'm 17 years old ÔωÔ ★Check her out!: Ðαяк Иight, she's an amazing artist!★ R.I.P Miiverse ↓More Information↓
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9
*fav color purple
*luv animals
*i luv rp
*im nice untill u hurt my ...
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9
*fav color purple
*luv animals
*i luv rp
*im nice untill u hurt my friends
*im very competitive especially in soccer
*follow 4 follow
*a huuuge thx u to my 450+ followers
@every1: hi, how r u, im soo srry i haven't been online in a while, i didn't have any wifi T_T