In November is he supposed to die Miiverse? I will not allow it. Many years have saved Princess Peach and Mushroom Kingdom so this time I will try to save you Miiverse specially for you. Death is f...
Adam's Yeahs

Since miiverse is shutting down I want to thank everyone for there fun time its impossible to go back now R.I.P. miiverse wii u and online

Bravo Nintendo, bravo. Vous enlevez un logiciel que beaucoup de monde adorent. Felicitations. Vraiment. Vous créez un site pour l'enlever ensuite parce que on ne respecte pas vos règles strictes ? ...

Wwwwwwwhhhhaaaaatttttt!!!!! champions road is 1000000000% harder than super bell hill and both the worlds themself!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
hai! im adam