adonls's Play Journal

Report this User to Miiverse Administrators

You are about to report a user for violating the Miiverse Code of Conduct. This report will be sent to Nintendo's Miiverse administrators and not to the user you are reporting.

Violation Type:

User's Nintendo Network ID: adonistigrou

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate


09/12/2017 8:04 PM

cest le meilleure jeux

Nintendo Badge Arcade


08/23/2017 8:35 AM

jai enfin eu des splatoun

Nintendo Badge Arcade


08/21/2017 9:03 AM

cest bien trop chert je suis pas picsou

Nintendo Anime Channel


08/20/2017 6:25 AM

aujourdhui petit concour ecriver une bonne blague et les dix perssones gagnante je mabonerait a elle

Nintendo Badge Arcade


08/19/2017 10:36 AM

jai eu mon premier badge