★dogdog★'s Followers
Derek DerekAdams732959
Hey guys. It's Derek. I loved meeting everyone here. I'm sad to leave you guys. Thank you so much for everything. Bye everybody.
julio teresa1216
hi ;) um,i should probaly intrudce myself i am a kid who just like playing video games im very shy so i dont do wiiu chat much,but i still do it. i am always active except for tuesdays. if you want me as a friend go send me a friend request i'll make sure i accept,,, oh and wear your set belt (theodd1out refrense) P.S i am active alot is just that i dont have many friends
Stephen K! TheBookAuthor212
I am theswagguys. Well this is my new account! I chose the name Stephen King because he is a good book publisher and I love books. By the way if you follow theswaggous OR your friends with him, follow me and be my friend!
£€lαεb¹ Wiicontroller3
hey, I'm Claeb, or Caleb. some of you may know me as Taylor. this is my new account. leader of £eviathan since 8/23/17 1st: Me 2nd: Sugar 3rd: Ethan rules: only allowed in one other clan. must report to every HQ possible must be approved by me to join head of recruitment: Shadow tournament director: Nicolas head of artists: Shadow former 3rd in command of the †Christian† clan.
Waluigi waluigi556
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Gianna puppylover41
i love miitooia but i want the full vertion
電爆撃☆一閃轟 orange357g
モンハンXX楽しい abllcggxfnmbbdxgoxei!!!! ??ΛレA巛从 clvdxghhofaauamnnnjtishgoeyenn dditjjgdnddaalcxdopxfyg4cne6700hhxndx dj090000hqdwbaauundxxeii deg14530podmclnggopendwe 7900%dnfpxdcmdehhen 5s00gfncmmmkaulmxoegpoyofghitsnmlawefiiqf mmoaklcdofjjthgfdmlbaakbcdonfrrshg096478 ffhiomalbmcbalcm123330gpo nnfn90000ggooelaakccmdnofpqzhihdmmn eeef8ifnwdefgige2355%cvdeoxghpw mnfmbakeno2111%iennellwnfrijsgfdm1200%
Jay JayCrSca
★LEA★ Rosalie0603
My Dearest friends and followers: The End is Near:/ Don’t know if I will be here til the END . But I just wanted to Thank you for the Awesome ride. It was a pleasure knowing some of y’all.Going to Miss you . Thanks for your yeahs and comments. May your Future look As Bright as you and May the Lord Bless you & your family. If you ever see me online Say HiLea:) Peace out / Keep on gaming:D 9903
Coolbob3D juju80090
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leafster brownsville323
Alonzoplay javierS1
Mario kart 7 is the best
ice spumoni-icecream
Hello & Welcome XD I like to make new friends and play games with them so I'll accept friend requests, if I know them. I like to play: Animal Crossing New Leaf Super Mario Maker Super Smash bros. 4 Splatoon 1.. 2 Mainly and Legend Of Zelda Ocrina Of Time 3D, sometimes. Btw I do not use wii u chat so please don't ask. #SaveMiiverse I'm staying till the end, no one can change my mind! Thx♪
Yisroel rezelROX
Hi my name is Yisroel and i follow anyone who follows me i have to bearded dragons ( a type of lizard) and one hamster i got miiverse on 9/3/17 and its ending follow my followers they are AWSOME!!! my favorite game is mario kart 7. i like sports, & my hobbie is collecting coins i'm 12 and i will be 13 on 9/10/17!! and everyone follow Tommy he is awsome
Arianna AriannaLBonillaV
cat bro 25 6g0934
●αrτiςt?● Ashron333
Hallo there! I'm ●αrτiςt?●/Inklie/ Foxla/ Aubri and I love video games and drawing too... as you can tell. I'll only really be posting on the weekend because of my busy schdule & school ;-;. But it won't stop me from making awesome art for my awesome followers! bye bye Mi Foxla & Inklie still will be posted ◆w◆
Dwskybro coolmickey19
sup im dwskybro so mario is my guy im a great smasher at super smash bros im so good at games . I am super not only im cool im a butt kicking villain mashsen and i like heros manly mario link kirby sonic luigi toon link skylanders awsome
Renki↑ Kirbsfolife21
Hello! Hamilton: The Reynolds Pamphlet I love my sister more than anything in this life! Heathers: Candy Store Honey whatchu waitin for welcome to my candy store Be More Chill: The Pitiful Children Lets teach the pitiful children who just haven't a clue just what to do im musical trash
LOVEYOUBAE mason68637
hi im hannah
Junizen FyreFlySLYR
Gamer at heart, but master of none. I may not be the best player all around but I do not give up easily. Let's game on ye all.
Lauren purpilyrose
It's hard to believe that Miiverse is ending in 2 months, but some of us still have hope, and that's what matters. None of us want Miiverse to end. Nintendo thinks they can just throw away a successful 5-year project away, and for what? We have to show Nintendo that we aren't just followers to each other. We're a family! I love my friends on Miiverse and I'm willing to stand by them through this.
christyne monkey.chrissy
†Backup† Dragon_Rider_217
Bonjour je m'apele Caleb j ai 13 ans, Jtm Flavy ♥. Hi, my name is Caleb I'm 13 Years old and I also take Pixle art requests. People you should definately check out ★Angel ★†Guardian† ★Łucky ★xfanatiikx ★jadounet0502 ★Xbox Plays ★Dog Dom ★allucylou ★Zulli ★Olivier and last but not least ★JoKeR_43876 If you even lay a finger on Angel or †Guardian† you'll have to answer to me.
Lucy pikacafe123
"In What Seems To Be A Series Of Unfortunate Events May, In Fact, Be The First Steps Of A Journey" –Lemony Snicket Hi! Im Lucy And i love Shovel Knight. I love gaming too! I Always forgive friends and love to make friends! I love to draw and my bff Chase Pond! I may post strange things though....So BEWARE... Ps. Join Team Ocean! I will miss you all when miiverese closes...
MR.Toast steeler101
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*Mopu* saxz_1
Cheri A.Mini.ID
Hi welcome to my Profile Follow for Follow? Rpging is my favorite (•¬•)b my personality rated from starts 1-5 ☆=half a star friendly[★★★★] funny[★★★] girly[ ] cool[★] nice[★★★] weird[★★★★★] tomboyish[★★★★] competitive[★★★★☆] And Also MAKE MIIVERSE GREAT AGAIN!!!
Wolf chisembelezambia
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Jamie Jasmineslays24
My real name is Jamie.You, follow me and i just might give you a sweet follow back.You might even see me yeah one of your posts.
Maddy Roze xX-Roze-Xx
Kakashi please! don't forget to find me on e-chat, you all i got, i'l see you there mitch, i hope. echat→ [ Maddy Roze ]
********** bubsnbobblehead
Bye-Bye Miiverse. ‹°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪°› ———————————————————————————————————————— .·:♥:·.~♪A ł α и ' s h ε я ε~♪.·:♡:·.
Chiruno gillyBella
Mv is ending.. BUT STILL!- Don't Get Cooked, Stay Off The Hook! Hope ya'll Get a switch someday! Ill miss you guys.. -news ends-