i know
ALEX's Yeahs

End of Miiverse Service Announcement Hi everyone, it’s Tom at Nintendo. I have an important announcement: On November 7th, 10:00 pm Pacific Time, we will permanently close the Miiverse service. We...
Hola soy Alex, mis juegos favoritos son los de kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc.
Hola soy Alex, mis juegos favoritos son los de kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc.
Intentare aclarar cualquier duda que tengan sobre cualquier juego, gracias. (•ω•)
Hi my name is Alex, I love games such as kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc.
I would try to help you in any question that you have about any game, thanks. (•ω•)