£andrew's Followers
ゴクウブラック wa0226mi
顔ポチありがとうございます!。 名前:ゴクウブラック 僕の新しい最後の投稿皆さん見てくださいお願い…します… (前から1番目の「投稿」て書いてあるボタンから見れます。)
NιghτGαmeг JesusSavesNow
hi im NightGamer i am a christian i believe in the kjv bible i enjoy playing fps games or anything with action
primetime kennystowe
sup im kenny i love playing games.Idont care how old u r or good or bad Uplay or drawU alway #1in my book.If need help with any games i try to help.the old gamesRfun 2 play i like sport games smashbrothers megaman zelda.(i dont wii chat) for youtubers(kameron lindsey 2015 buzzer shot)and(freshman makes tripleplay!loses shoe) the end ps have a nice day KAY♪♪go cubs go♪♪ JOHN 3:16† SAVE MIIVERSE:'-(
!!!!!!!!!! tristanelisa
SE QUI ONT SPLATOON !!!! DEVENEZ MON AMIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
naz classdojo12
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AnimeKaizu soniclostspeed
hey guys it's me as always call me shadow™100 from flipnote dsi if u know me please let me know im 10 now when i was on flipnote i was 8 #dsi broke got new one but 2015 one dont do flipnote only one's 2000 i had one but it broke if u a fan please let me know PEACE my hegehogs^ω^
パピコ himikoniko
皆さんこんにちは! Hello^^ 社会が苦手でお馬鹿な六年生 まだ、初心者なので、皆さんが共感してくれると、とても嬉しいです。 ここからは、暇な人のみどうぞ! -趣味 *絵を描くこと[下手だけどね] *動画を見ること -好きな食べ物 *肉 *野菜(嫌いなのもある) *桃 -嫌いな食べ物 *トマト *グレープフルーツ -特技 *走る-短距離 *縄跳び? -嫌いなこと *勉強 *社会 *算数 ミバが終わるまでフォローしあおう^~^ できれば終わってほしくないけど......
Ryan KingjayYt
кооιев kooleb
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Mk8Hack?!™ XxDrsplatoonXx
hi i have a youtube account sub to me youtube name is charquez taylor go to the first one on mk8 i have 4459 points if u want to play with me just add me bye.....
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
ももぽよ 5-8-9-12
!!ミバ終了前にやらかした!! なんとsdが破損しました… 何でこんな大切な時期に…! 自分が悪いんだろ馬鹿。 ミバももう終わりか… ………。 ………。 あんまりいい思い出がない(おい 楽しめたからいいんだよ! 多分終わったら泣くタイプ(
Coleco97 Coleco97
Hi, to every one in the gaming community. I casually play videogames as a hobby to kill time or to escape from reality. In my spare time I enjoy playing horror themed videogames Action Adventure and Simulations. Oh and hope to see you in the real world, and don't be afraid to say hello I don't bite. :-) Since Miiverse is going away Im going to follow everyone who gave me a Yay! I hope to see you
daniwii daninew2ds
Save miiverse please
Tyler jykgmdtkd
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sissy lexusnicole1
ola friends, my name is lexus im 7 yrs old , me n my mom blondie love to play nintendo games ,mostly my mom is tha one playing games on my ds , im mostly a youtuber ne ways have a NICE day
Danny eVo-Pico
l play splatoon smash bros and mario kart and no wii u chat but l lost my mario kart 8 disk ):
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Garz[3ip] G43L_MH
j'ai une blague –mami traillete
lisa glupschiente33
hiii (;
chris chrislebg11
bonjour je m'appelle christopher j'adore les jeux vidéo surtout les jeux ou on droit survivre moi je veux avoir 1OOO ABONNER et aussi vous m'abonner je vous abonne mais s'est vous commenter je vous abonne aussi
Leo Valdez Arthuro05
Howdy! if you you wanna be a follower I'll follow you in return when I can, and I LOVE Video Games.
[ΣΨ] Ruth teamarnold05
Hi! I'm Ruth! I like Pokemon, Legend Of Zelda, and Super Mario! I hope to have at least 100 followers someday! (My birthday is November 27, not 1/20.)
АввуВаппеδ agpharoah
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salut je m'appelle milan j'ai 9 ans je suis francais je fais impeu près 1m30 j'aime les jeux de ps3 et 3ds du genre: ps3 little big planet3 starhawk etc 3ds tomodachi life mitopia pokemon etc dans la vie j'aime mes abos (ON EST 37) mes ami(e) et ma famille j'ai tout dis ciao
GH☆Tiny! kookceb_tiny
it's pronounced Koo Keb im the leader of the gold helm clan! but... Due to leocypher, im closing the gold helm clan
drmario MaNameAJeff
Serena momdadSERENA2009
Hi im Serena I like play,playing with my friends and family.
alisha fun8691
hi i like to wii u chat and please send me a friend request
Leo Game X LeonmasteXXL
Hey que tal gente !!!?? Soy Leo acabo de cumplir 10años He visitado Paris,las Canarias,NYC ,Canada ... Por que quieres leer esto? Soy de Catalunya soy soltero aunn Z El cerebro de mi classe pero no el tipico amable , no soy youtuber ,tambien soy feliz en vida GUAPO . YYYYY bueno ,, My Amig@s de Miiverse son Sara Roger,DVID y Vic SMV Bye bye g
Dallas dallashouston132
hello i am dallas and im new to the the nintendeo community I like Yo kai Watch Pokemon Xy and the new welcome amiibo update
♪Neva♪ belledrolegentil
Salut tous le monde je m appelle Nevae . Je suis nee le 15 octobre . je suis petillante drole cool romantique descender un peu encore plus encore un peu plus Abonnez vous je rend ~.~
Angel Linda80
hola soy ángel . gusto en conocerte. la verdad no me gustara el cierre de minevers hola :( √-√ ×-×
ian IanMonterroso
te extrañare miiverse
Lexince Lexince
Hi! I'm Lexince! I wish all of you amazing luck in your lives and maybe I'll see you on other social medias after MV ends. Bonjour, je m'appelle Lexince. Je vous souhaite tous les meilleures chances dans vos vies. Peut-être qu'on se reverra dans d'autre médias sociaux après que MV ferme.
brode brode123
pokemon moon is so fun
lol wiiu mauderay
xXG4njiXx myazakihayo
Hallo ich heiße Valentin clash of clans Name:Valentin,Valentin2.0 konsolen:PS4,Nintendo Switch Spiele:M7,Super smash brothers,Driveclub,Overwatch,clash of clans,clash royale,arena of valor,usw Lieblings band:DAT ADAM Viel Spaß im leben Musik:EDM,Dubstep,Progressive,House,electronic,Glitch mob,Nihgtcore und hip hop
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