ang's Friends
Sonicbro69 Sonicbro69
Hey, guys! This is retroboy44, but it's Sonicbro69 now. This is my new account. So feel free to send me a friend request and a follow. I will most likely Wii U Chat with you guys if you want. I love old Sonic games, and others too. So, have a nice day and see you guys next time. where all the Sonic fans at? #Sonicnationtoostrong.
zach dabbers21
Whats up people
Tenebrix SoulBlack974
I Love Play !!! My life is games
Nasia AKS-simmons
Louise Loulerenard
Jiffy Theultimatemaker
Hi my name is Jonah i like drawing and video games!!!!! and movies!!!!! Tmnt!! if we hit more than 100 !!! that would be so cool!!! am 13 years old i also wiiu chat
Aaron noticemedannyboi
bubba 654epicgaming
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Black★Cat. okappa21
*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....* 最近はスイッチでスプラ2ばっかりでWiiuのin率↓。 スイッチのマイクラ購入しようか迷ってます。 *.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*.....*
jim jimclay
Frederick frederick2990
cassandra mroots31
hi im cassandra i accept any friend requests im really nice and sweet and my favorite game on this wii u is minecraft. i do wii u chat
xXsharkXx 09sharkboy
im 9 years old i like playing call of duty on Xbox 1 with my friends logan and Toby and i like playing minecraft with my other friends mr mario BAYLOR and nick
alf cyrrano
CAT-Edniel ednieladam_123
Hi here is info about me Name:Edniel Age:14 Favorite game: mario and pokemon games Favorite Wii u game:paper mario color splash Favorite 3DS game:mario&luigi dream team Favorite song: Never let up-BigBang-pokemonxy wild battle Favorite pokemon: Oshawott and Popplio My neko twins:Noah13Pink-cindy Bestfriends:Satu~Kun-Ice-sky My sister:amber My pokken teacher:Rubyrose61
kev kevthanironmin
je t'aime Katie
DealWithIt Marioguyman
I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Need for Speed Most Wanted, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Minecraft. I have the games under my "Favorite Communities". I like cheese! I like potatoes! Cheese is good. MLG → Major League Gaming Memes are life. MC for life!
$$LOLBRODY bacarc
FAVORITES GAME:Minecraft FOOD:CHIPS ruffles cheeder sour cream and onion HELLO MY NAME IS BRODY Once i Get 100 followers i will create a Minigame World
aleah the1o2king
i like everyone Follow or friend me please!
sammy sammysa13345
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Vae shadowfangirlsis
OMG MIIVERSE IS ALMOST NOT EVEN A THING!!!!! Im gonna miss you guys (or girls) sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! Including my followers and friends! If we get 300 followers, i will follow you and if i can, i will friend request you back! :) :) Love, Vae
TomHd kaoma12
Jeremiah OSUCowboys1
hi i am a themepark enthusiast so far i have been building a themepark if you want to join me on some of my worlds just ask to friend me with a question about minecraft