Appa's Followers
I am a member of bally braddan i'm the most amazing goalceeper my name is solo:D my friend has a bally braddin world:D
Little T. thawan01
Hi im little T im a expert at drawing my favoriote pepole in this is blu he is kinda of my best friend now im a boy
ひろ yuuto020719
ヒロです。ゲームは上手ではないのですがこれからよろしくお願いします。 マイクラいつでも誘ってねー!! (^ώ^) ……………………………………………… ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥すきなフレンドは、なみさんで~す♥これからもフレンドさんよろしくおねがいします!\^o^/♪ よろしく!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪***************
Iτz Vīνīεη Blumenkindx3315
Hii :) ↓Fakten↓ Name: Vivien (Vivi, Vivichan) Alter: 15 xD Status: Single :J Wii U spiele: Mk8, Splatoon, Need for speed 3DS Spiele: Acnl, Tdl, Mk7, Switch spiele: Splatoon 2, Mk8d, Zelda Thx for 100+ followers follow me bye
Best line in HEHSomers: "Take matchbox!" "Darwin it's a cliff cave." "Teffe Teffe Teffe Adie!" "So, well that's also, chromatic!" "Your dad is the printer." "Dad dad dad dad dad." "These peanut bowl is so good!" "Sunk it with goes!?!" "Darn it guys! wrong idea!" "Driven all insane, yes!" "Tattletail, eat your meal!" "Hello me MEHS!"
cathy catherine82
ignacio ignaciolezama
hola conpis e estaba jugando mario
アルフレッド yy000911
BendysBack bAd-2-bOnE
hi. Im usaully on minecraft.Im A Master Of Battle Mode. I've Got DLC for Smash Bros. so BYE! i said bye? why are you still here? stop going down. well anyways online:Yes Posts:Yes have a good day.
Makinze Thoesmixgurls03
(need more followers) (♥★sunset★♥) Amaig▲ *be sure to comment and give YEAHS on our post thx allat *hugs and kisses* me!... OMG thank you guys for all of my followers and if you comment and give yeahs I will be sure to give A TBH!!!!!!!!!!!! (excitement)! thx and be sure to give this girl credit ..... OMG HELPING THE ADMINISTRATION TOOOOOOODAAAAAY PROUD OF THE ACOUSTICS OF MY CAREER!
joe ramonamcgee
hi i love pizza
Not real Babychito123
Hi i am new to miiverse lets see if i we can hit 100 followers
Mater MaterMooreSave
Hi everybody! Welcome to the Nintendo experience.
れむさん!です remu0119
どうも、こんにちは!れむさん!です。 名前はまどねす!を真似ている訳ではないです。はい 本垢では、[きたちょうせん]という名前でスプラトゥーン、マリオカートなどをしています。 サブ垢(れむさん!です)では、マインクラフトをしています。 最近ワールドを全て消したので暇ですww 後、自分の事は[れむさん]と呼んでくだしい
ISA 2006tomokii
今日も日本は平和です。 好きな人教えて!
<Danger> Danger1000
Yo Danger is back and better than ever and ready to kill people in the Danger Zone! Facts about me: *I love heavy and classic rock *16 yrs old *Ironfall:Taze Clan *ISZ:N/A *MK7:N/A *SDSW:N/A Road to LV 99 *Michigan State Spartans is my favorite college *MK7 Legend *Root Beer is my favorite drink! *A certified yeah bomber ^_^
Ty-j.exe Ty-j101
My name is Ty-j.exe but you can call me Nightmare ty-j. Age:13 Likes:Puns and Drawing →Press follow← M.V Fam:Jelly,Ty.exe 2.0,Tran,Dumbo,Jen_the_k,****,Sakura,R!ØT★Faith,Мi§†γήi★ħ†,,Stiff Tiff,Z. Monkey,Doggy chan and Nightlight. I will miss you all till the end ;'( THE END IS TODAY I WILL MISS U ALL,ESPECIALLY YOU JELLY CAT ;')
Anthony city1234geo
tommy Tsp-and-Dad
hi tommy here. im 8.
courtney callmecourtney14
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Sad Flash Sup3rflash116
Hello There Im Nice But Im Also Sad. Plz Dont Wii U Chat ME. I Have An Obsession With Anime And I Cant Stop Watching It. Thats All Bye!!
★☆•~JJ~•☆★ SamuelVEsther22
Hello Miiverse :] - I'm Sam. I Am Really BIG On Nintendo Games. I Am The American World Record On MKWii Grumble Volcano - 30. 980! I Recently Beat My Record Of - 31. 009! Let Me Tell You My Clans. ммк [Member] τν [Member] ωωs [Leader] AO [Member] That Is All The Clans. My Favorite Game Is ♥Mario Kart Wii♥ My Favorite Character Is ♥Funky Kong♥ Make Sure To Have Fun :] !!!
sυperƒαβiο forfabio
ciao a tutti i !sono superfabio♪,ho 10 anni e i miei giochi preferiti sono super mario 3d world,splatoon,mario kart 8,sonic lost worl,smash bros,yoshi wolly world e tloz ★★★★★★★★★★splatoon ★★★★★★super mario ★★★★★★★★★sonic ★★★★★★★mario kart ★★★★★★★★★smash bros ★★★★★★★★★★★yoshi ★★★★★★★the legend of zelda divertente★★★★★★★(ok,mi sto vantando) clan:s★e segui i miei followers e me(ovvio) ciaoo!
Litten Trolling_U_Good
Been here since 7/31/16 Litten's the name and spitting up hair balls in people's faces are my game! I dab 2 the beat.
DaKidd32 DaKidd32akaboss
Miiverse why did you ban me I said that I was going to a planet. Nothing was harmed.
SilverBoi_ TeemoIsCute
Nice to finally see someone is on my profile page! :D I like to play Puzzle Adventure games, Hardly ever Draw (Ik its sad, I'll try to draw more) I am mostly on Yt watching cringey stuff most like myself but heres some people u should follow Ricardo, Nate★, and the Amazing Hawkeye! :D I will try to post more often but Im back in school, just please try to get me to 300 Followers! :D
brandie chesna2016
Bunny Kitty_Apple22
Hi everyone! My goal is to reach: 1,000 followers!! My favorite colour is pink My friends call me Bunny XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD and if you follow me ill follow you
Logan krispykreme107
Goodbye everybody. I hope we'll see each other again somewhere on the internet.
ハルク 86haru68
宜しくお願いします(-`ω-)自分スプラ2出たらwiiu売ります。自分は主にマイクラを投稿します 好きなアニメは 1暗殺教室 2進撃の巨人 3東京グール 気が合う人でも誰でもいいのでフォローお願いします。 フォロワー300超え目指してます。ご協力お願いします 後、自分5年生ではると》晴人と言います
pac man minecraftfan2642
Murph 1738Ranger
hey I am Murph I first got nintendo network back in March 5th 2016. I will always request to play Minecraft Mk8. I like help to moddify the Super Mario World. My Follower Goal is 150
Nico nicodudley
sanspuprus kirtie1985
RosieCheak Mariahbex83
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Blue BlueMix
Puppet shows, Animations, Remixs, Facts, Animatronic voice actings, Soundtracks, And even EcoGizmo and HEHSome's remakes. Voiced, Produced, Directed, And pronounced by: E.B.S. Animated, Composed, And Presented by: BlueMix Don't forget to Subscribe, Likes, And Comments.
!♪♪♪(1)~.? Hayato-gohei0330
すごいと思う東方キャラはもみじですよろしく動画をよく見てる フレンドリクエスト下さい スマホではピクセルガンをやってたりします 良かったらいしょにやりましょうスプラもやってます 好きなアニメメイドラ
つーちゃん nanasama-777
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********** akaneyuuta
自己紹介をします。好きなスポーツはサッカーです! *趣味 ・サッカー ・歌を聞くこと、歌うこと *サッカーリフティング 最高記録 1772回 マイクラいつもやってます! *好きな歌 ・道 GReeeeN 声 GReeeeN ・キセキ GReeeeN 読んでくれてありがとうフォローしてくれたら絶対返す!
Hi i'm appa i am a san jose sharks fan if you are a san jose sharks fan follow me or friend me #S...
Hi i'm appa i am a san jose sharks fan if you are a san jose sharks fan follow me or friend me #SHARKS FOR LIFE !!! And we reach to 100 Followers friend me we can play splatoon together or Wii U Chat
If you read that wanna play smash?