Users Madi Is Following
Octarian♀ babygurl2006
Hi I am Kamil the octoling! I have a Wii U and I like to play Octo Valley! I am also the leader of the Danger Squad. My friend Dom is co-leader hes cool too! Yay!!! (^-^) :3 Also thank you ALL for leading me to 400+ FOLLOWERS YAY!!! Go Octolings (jk just for roleplay (^o^) )!!!!
Madi Merp.dah.derp
Dear MiiVerse, Thank you for, well, everything. I met the best friends I could ever meet here, and I'm incredibly sad to see you go. I've been here since I was 11, it's been.. Interesting. Besides all the bans, you've been good to me. Now, I have to say goodbye. Goodness, why am I about to cry? Sincerely, Madi ★ Updated: 9/17/2017 Online : ( ) Offline forever : (*)
SS!Labrin sweetgirl2020
hey.whats up i'm SS!Olivia.leader of the SS!squad! if you want to join just add SS! to the front of your name i'm a professional youtuber‹3 Music For Life! i'm Catholic!
Dreemurr DreemurrTheWolf
Hi I like anime and stuff x3 VIDEO GAMES -Fran bow -fnaf -Pokemon -LoZ -Fallout -Most games (Im not naming all) I LOAF JACKSEPTICEYE, MARKIPLIER, AND PEWDIEPIE I am a furry and a roleplayer. I take art requests so don't be afraid to ask....Im not creepy... Night in the WOOOOOODS! Follow for follow :3 oh and I'm 14 :P anywayyyy Bai! depressed anxiety *boop* Im a total trash mammal- Mae (NITW)
Luke lukeisawsome9068
Hi first of all i am Christian. also thanks gracie cat soly and all my other are some things about me favorite anima : naruto favorite animal : red panda favorite game : pokemon sun /zelda that is all bye guys/gals †††††††
Taco-San ramart
Thank you for all the good times, my friends. I'm glad I got to meet you all. My time on Miiverse was time well spent, thanks to you. Thank you for always encouraging & supporting me. You have helped me grow not only as an artist, but also as a person… Mostly as an artist tho'. Like, my art has improved a lot. xD May you be blessed in everything you do. Later! d(>ω<)/ ~Tamaru "Taco-San" 11/7/17
Hilary LiveLoveGame
Hey guys im AnimeGirl and im a pro gamer at Call of Duty and GTA.Follow Zen-Kun on YouTube plz :)
Ell Loliaholic
Thanks for the subpar time everyone! Twit/Tumb- DreamyBeaches Ell#7847 Insta: dreamy.beaches dA: Frick-Boy
™§~kelly▲ kellyzanna
salut moi c´est Kelly je suis très sympa et je suis sur qu'on sera de bon amis. j´adore tous les perso de sonic rouge , cosmo , cream , tails ,amy, blaze , sonic exe tails doll ect... et surtou SONIC ET SHADOW,bendy happy tree friends et fnaf .^^ et mes youtubeur préféré squeezie karal cyprien et kluna tik ma chanteuse préféré mylene farmeur équipe de rugby préféré le RCT аbолле тоi а аппа
??Unown??? Unown100477
WE DID IT WE REACHED ARE GOAL 100 followers! Hi im the unown user Here at miverse! My name tells you that ha ha (^o^)!!! Follow me if you want i promiss im kind and I follow you back may take 2 days though, I dont play often. (=^_^=) Meow meow. Evreything about me is unown well not evreything lol. This is my second user .I have another user but not telling bc im unown figure me out. new goal 200
2 Meme 4 U coldmedecine
Hey, I'm an overly "extra" 13 year old who sometimes posts funny jokes, or something you probably dont care about that much. But in reality Miiverse has let me say things I couldn't before and has helped me make amazing friends, your support means the world to me, and I would enjoy it if you followed me so that I can know that whenever I post I'm not just another unfunny, too observational jerk.
kyu! kyu-09
kyu!です。 すぐ眠くなります。 書店・路地裏へようこそ 連載中?です。 並行してショートショート部屋でマンガ描いてます。 お暇なーら見てよね(*ノωノ) ラクガキとゲームで息抜きしてます(´♡` )/ 残念な大人だよ。 ゆるーくだらだら生きてます。 Sorry,I can't speak English. I might not reply your comments. コメントは返したり返さなかったり遅れたりします。 フォローつけはずしはご自由にどぞ。 I am 無言フォロー常習犯。 新作ゼルダBoW プレイ中だよ!しあわせ♪ 出現場所・・・miiverse、絵心教室でラクガキしてます<(_ _)>
Spoopadee Chica2Cute
H0i!!! (^o^) Im Chikadee2Cute and welcome to my amazing profile! I ♥ to make friends and be nice all the time also to cheer people up,I love Yuri On Ice,AOT,Danganronpa and many other animes! Manga Im currently reading- HunterXHunter. I'm always up for a GxB RP or BxB Rp I have A LOT of ocs to Rp Chiks to follow (•v•)- Qweenie Brooke Mr.Lemons Sahid gone 4ever Novapotato Spoopy >ω< Thanks you!
Boom Boom lololearning
·····••••••♡♡♡♡••••••····· I like pork, vocaloids and anime And I like to draw... I'm self taught Y'know My aunt is the best cook I like to eat Ma' fav food is pernil CHICKEN STRIPS i gotz mad chubbs I be 13 Meh also enjoy burgs Thanks for the follows I love frogs but ma' fav aminal is cats No hablo ingles Thanks for all ur support! bye frens!
payton Paytonr
This user's profile comment is private.
ilias008 belassel008
Hi. Please follow: @3dsvsthewiiuwiiu @miyukiluckystar @DogyBro @MatthewS17 @grim16 @realYeahAngel @veryscrappy @CarlyPandaCake15 @mariofan112004 @BroLookatThis @Nate123 @DMcNeil2 @Hichem_Kawaii @malatheangel @GageAwesome08 Yeah lots of my posts and follow YOU will be here. Profile updates on my favourited post. Cya!
~Mews~ candycane2005
ok hi i am αβγ i love my husxy and i am wired to so..... ya but if you want you can add me if you have not been on for like 6 or 20 days you are done so ya i can't wait for school i am so happy i have a twin sister we live in japen and we fight alot so .... ya i hate her she is dateing a twin to like omg well that is it from .αβγ
NLW Korry3 Dazzelharp123
So I got myself a 2DS... anyway JOIN MY POTATO ARMY!
kera jacquella
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ben OrionLeads
.......... oh hi i'm ben Plz follow Pinkitty,Nic,Jac Clow,ZeldaFan22 and Whyatt
emily girl catleaderess
hi im a halfblood, and my fav game is skylanders! my best friend on here is jesse, he's really kind to me and he's awesome! my schedule varies. If you want to talk, join in! I'm a huge fan of tfs so if you or me transform a lot and you don't like it, go. current species: normal if i dont talk see me tomorrow! don't forget my new pet tattletail, smartie! smartie: im smart!
Sebastian sebastianmurphy
Hello all of you Sebasses! You guys are the best social team ever! I love Slipknot especially their song Duality! And follow me and keep on being a Sebass! Follow me, and keep being a savage!
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
☆Neo~Kun☆ NeedMyWaifu
I'm Neo (^ω^) I love anime, gaming, drawing and listening to music. Active✔Supporter Puerto Rican Gamer. Walkerz Join - Alan Walker #1 Favorite game is Minecraft Favorite Youtubers SSundee Crainer DashieGames and many more! I'm a guy that likes to play and be friendly and a huge fan of games. Goal:1000+ Loyalty is Everything! (^3^)\(^o^)/(σ▽)σ Support me and I'll support you. Bye
Quinton SteelerNationGuy
Hi my name is Quinton. Here's some things about myself: I love sports!! I'm 14 Follow4Follow! That's all for now!! Go Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins!! By the way, eveyone has heard that the 'verse will end in November. So I ask a small favor. Click the follow button. I have a goal of 500+. I will follow back. Together, we can make miiverse an amazing place.
BlackGlitz Fnafluver
Sup 15 years old | self taught artist| I own a UT community but not the 2 main ones. It's a third one. I claimed it a year ago. If you don't like sinful stuff then I highly recommend that you don't follow me... plz 4 ur own good I LIKE Undertale, Eddsworld and other fandoms that im too lazy to mention Currently feeling: Feeling motivated and ready to animate quality cringe OFFLINE ONLINE ★
cypri70000 cypri700
salue les gae je cherche team de splatoon
TrusTa whitepaws1983
hi why u here MEOW o shiz waddup
こんにちは(^∀^) souta-minion
Ĺιζ syu_can119
Tokei MissRedWood
Trash god. Psst, over here! Ig: Looney.cøøn There, now you'll be able to find me~ ς(˘ωˇ)г ~☆
ßιρ◆Prøxу dwscow
#MARRYMEAXELHAHAHAHAH If you haven't noticed, Axel from Kingdom Hearts is bae xD ςταя ωαяς = ♥ ♥«Iη ιονε ωiτн яενεяςε ġяiρ»♥ ♥[Kingdom Hearts 365 1/2 days]♥ Charger just died on me, I may or may nah return. I dun like goodbye's, so peaz out for now..
C Lonk78
hi ? ! ?? !! ??? !!!
Victor CutieVictor
Ello Guys , My name is Victor and I am from Russia but I live in Ireland . I am a surgeon and I'm also a figure skater . I win all kinds of medal but it is mostly gold . I love anime and music
Μεlissα daddymax76
Hi, I'm Melissa! As you *probably* may know... I like Homestuck. Even though I also like Anime and videogames, I like to read and draw as well. The content on my profile is for everyone, Homestuck or not. It doesn't really matter. Villainous is great! ...Vocaloids are still a thing, right? Enjoy my profile, Melissa Makara
Sinful 64 H3NTA1lotion
Booty. ( ò_ó)7
カフェオレ kafeore-ng
Sεrε~Снαη sereluli
Нi… Мγ ηαмε is Sεrεηα. Βυт сαll мε Sεrε. I'м sнγ,βυт νεrγ sωεεт αηd ηiсε. ~♡ :3 I'м 12 γεαrs σld. OC: Aγυмı (anime). Fσllσω мε αηd I ƒσllσω γσυ. BFF:Flavio,Giady,Alice SBFF: Aly (ID Alinagrek) Sisтεr: Bea (ID LensyFox) Fανσυriтε gαмε: Sρlαtσση. Fανσυriтε снαrαстεr: Ρεαсн. Fανσυriтε ρσκèмση:Meloetta e Sylveon. I lσνε drαωiηg. Ρυт α γεαн iη мγ ƒανσυriтε ρσsт, ρlεαsε.
WoT in Hetalia N a t i o n s ?
Name's Madison \(ºˇº\)
Straight as a fruit loop (/ºˇº)/
WoT in Hetalia N a t i o n s ?
Name's Madison \(ºˇº\)
Straight as a fruit loop (/ºˇº)/
Roleplay and Gay trash \(ºˇº)/
I is le good friendo