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Christian crazyfamily151
Hello there, So yea this is my profile. Yea i'm very experienced Mario kart 8 Deluxe Player especially on 200cc. I have also raced with Mankalor. I've also gotten a lightning bolt to 1st and the finish line 3 times. Yea i item smuggle. I also play splatoon. Ok thats my profile, nuf said.
さやねえ(メス) rwn1113
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
MasterMan master_man147
Welcome To MasterMan's Home! »» I'm Masterman, just another mii. Since I'm not good at introductions, look at this list for interests/status. List: -Youtube -Disney -Sonic -Music -Nintendo -Drawing -Mario -Splatoon -Cartoons -Wii U Status: Out of Posts: Yes☆ Presence: Online★ Yes In Game: No ★Peace!★
Unfortunately, my WillU pad got fried because during a thunderstorm I forgot it was charging. Tha...
Unfortunately, my WillU pad got fried because during a thunderstorm I forgot it was charging. That means that until further notice, I can't play a ton of my favorite games. SMM is one of the biggest losses. I apologize for my inactivity.