☆Αмγ☆'s Followers
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
Mikey mikey1241
Hello there, I'm Mikey ,I create pictures of your favorite video game/cartoon characters and MORE! check out my posts and on communities ps: no wii u chat pls
れれれれれ 1980.s.taka
ニンテンドー神! チーム名バグ防衛隊 入りたいやつミーバーズの俺の コメントのところで、入りたいです て書け 上から目線ですいません
Mimilena Orloff3
Alutation moi c'est Milena ! Merci mes Hamsterdigos je vous remercie du font du cœur je me suis éclater ! Merci pour les 200+ Hamsterdigo ! Vous étais GÉNIAL !!! MERCI ! Dédi à : »–Laonna–> Sucεττε★~ τιτα :) Choupette Tina et Louna ! Merci ! Elle sont super allez les voir ! H Bye mes hamsterdigo ! ●ω● ☆
nano R!!!! Retamozos
hi. my name is Nano retamozo!!! i am8 years old. my favorite actors are adam sandler and ace ventuera!!! if you friend request me i will answer it!!! i have 3friends and i think i can beat that!!! i have52followers and my goal is get 80!!!! i am also an master at donkey kongs crash course (nintendo land)!!!!!!!!!!!! i#love mario games!!!!!!i am a boy!!! tap on the post above the letter im writing!
Jordan2 Vξ JordanVE
Goodbye all, it's been a great experience. Frickn' LGBT trash, go die. Out of posts, I'll see ya' never.
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
abigail sports66
hello stranger my name is abby or abigail i draw too so go check my drawings if you want and that awsome drawing of the car cr–z what i play mk8 acnl mario and sonic rio for short minecraft and many more my ocs splatoon or 2 elsa my main oc and fab and op abby hunter echo traci axel gorgia tiger alex abby’s twin im a christain† my awsome’s friends mopar baliey ginger and go follow them too
Matty mattykarin
Thanks so much to all of my friends and followers, and to those who have supported me! I love you all so much♡♡♡. I will miss you guys, hope you guys will miss me too ;υ; Love you -Matty
DSA» Polka tomekdona
Hello my name is Kelly.I like meeting new friends.I am from Poland! ;) my personalty is kindness, careful, gentle! please follow me and find new, great adventures with me! ;-D I'm princess of peace! Mowie po polsku też!Siemka!
Spoopity♪ bubblebude2
Squids are invertebrates, y'know what that means?... They're... [B]oneless. σωσ ☆~ Info About This Dork ~☆ -16 -♀ (MtF) -Smol awkward bean ˙˘˙ -No longer playing Splatoon, if you want to play Splatoon 2, ask meh! ouo ☆~ Awesome People! ouo ~☆ αquα (Mine~♡♡ ˇ˘ˇ ) Buttlet (Emo bean :>) Vix (Pure cinnamon roll uwu) FLNGaming™ (Amazing friendo :3)
Hannah Dhimmok
hello there my name is Hannah, I love playing video games almost as much as I love Art.
★~Yμκα~★ nouga16
Salut moi c'est Yuki j'ador les animaux,dessiner m'amuser...ect Je pense que vous le savez tous miiverse va fermer donc j'remerci les 821 abos Sinon avant que miiverse ferme sur mon profil euh..mon journal de jeux pardon,alor tu trouvera beucoup de dessin et un peus de jeux^^ Bye,bye A oui surtous vivez vos rêves rien n'est imposible ‹3
Akane ._. AkaneDessin
I'm just a chocolate cat .w. Oui, le front de mon mii fait la taille de l'univers xD C tt ce que g à dire :DD Save miiverse, please ;^; : https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-save-miiverse Je n'ai mm pas passé 1 ans sur miiverse... Mes débuts : 22/12/16 En passant, va follow ma tite jujuw -w- (ID:juju95100)
Jane 12_The_Cute
Holiii,me llamo Uxia y tngo casi 12 años y soy otaku Mis animes preferidos son:Kamisama,Kaichou wa maid sama,Another y high school DxD Mis mejores amigos son:Marta,Luis,Sofi,Peach,Andree y Cristina Mis juegos preferidos son:Pokemon Luna,New stile boutique,la saga d The Legend of Zelda y animal crossing new life. Con esto m despido mis naranjitas,q os vaya bien ^^ <3
Tess tessn911
HI!!!! wazup my goal right now is 50 followers sooo... if u follow me ill follow you!!! PLZ HULP ME REACH GOAL BY THE TIME THEY CLOSE MIIVERSE PLEASEEEEE WHY DO THEY EVEN HAVE TO GET RID OF IT ITS REALLY VERY COOL!!!!!
LEONEL jesusleonel26
tito supup332211
David davidg22
Blep!Hey That's My Catchphrase I Guess :D
☆Tanouche★ Taniou28
Yo ! C'est ☆Tanouche★ (ou plutôt ★Ineko☆ -w-'). Ici, c'est mon 2ème compte. Tu y trouveras des dessins..et aussi tout ce qui me passe par la tête. En gros... Des sh**tposts .w. !! Ah et...Mon compte principal → ★Ineko☆ Voilà voilà. A plus tard -w- ! D///A : Inekoow
vixcent vixcentfnaf
Hi im Christan and i love lots of games like fnaf call of duty batim fall out all of them and more plus i love everyones art here :3
FireMario5 juliealexben
hi, i'm FireMario5 and i'm friends with Carlos, Javi, ♀ ♪ frisk ♪ ♂, Angelina, and Satrye. i hope we could have a fun time soon, bye! don't forget that people have feelings though, so don't be a bully online, it can hurt..... so be nice to the people....... but Miiverse is ending, so now everything is worthless...... :(
~InkIsαυrε Golgotte52
Bonjour. Revali‹3 Les OcariKnights sont dans mes amis Switch :p Mon Pans: inkisaure Futur ClosedVerse: Comme mon ID Au revoir.
Δbsøcøla† caro57100
<<[HˇE˛L°L˘O]>> __________ My world is not •c˙r¸a˛z¯y• but … HE'S •C˙R¸E˛E¯P_Y• ______________ Me : I'm gai :) Kenma Kosume is mine so don't touch him (¬_¬#) BxB B) ☆My friends are everything☆ B-day-26/04 My real name is Juliette but tell me Abso follow : celemyn, croco15 and Jean_mahrmoud please :D Je suis un caillou nommé Jean Mahrmoud et mon meilleur ami est une frite nommé Jean Hamid :0
ORIOZ XxZahraX2006xX
The end of Memeverse is near so i'll just do some doodles that are ment to make "not any sence at all".
Sean canonails
Hey Miiverse I think this is my first year being at miiverse and I promise Nintendo I will never put mean posts on miiverse and I want miiverse to be a happy place and people can get angry and put a mean post to teach the person a lesson but that doesn't work and miiverse will stay happy and people all over the world don't want to be hurt I want to help Nintendo they made miiverse so we help them.
rina☆ tenquraudon
今までありがとうございました。 こんな私のカス絵に共感してくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました><。 フォローも嬉しすぎました...泣 今まで本当にありがとうございました!! 皆さん大好きです! 11月6日(月)更新 私のホンアカは… macaron0723 というIDの人です。 皆さん本当にありがとうございました;^∀^;
Carmen ThatOneCrazyGirl
Dear friends and other people that follows me Miivers ending soon i cant talk to yall anymore so this is a good bye note i love you Max Autumn Alyssa Keira Luna and *Airplane* good-bye ='C i love you
mark m12ario
Tahara Zuchire
anything you need to know is at my other account. (network ID mei_meiak)
G&K Leo narutex
bonjour je m'appelle leo j'ai 11 ans et jai une chaîne youtube qui est leoasis oasis mais la qualiter nest vraiment pas parfaite mais sinon bon voyage sur mon miiverse a et mais jeux préférez son miitopia DS splatoon 1et2 tout les mario et jai une team la team tree force nous sommes quatre mais vous pouves rejoire toutes perrsone sont accepté et pas dinsulte ou de groosierté svp je vous aimes peac
Cool Dude cooldude200633
hi guys follow me pls lets get to 200 follows
Laharl Laharl18Disgaea5
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Mгς.Coco•. DeViye
.·•★Welcome★•·. Mrs. Coco appreciates you taking your time to view her profile, she will be posting more often now. Here are some things about Mrs. Coco. ;D Always winking. Age: ? Loves all her Sugar Cubes. Taken by the handsome Hot Coco. Always HAWT ;D All who follow Mrs. Coco are Mrs. Coco's Sugar Cubes ;D motto: Stay cute, but stay HAWT ;D ~Mrs. Coco Loves all♡
ιко? Ari0204
▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Hi new friend! ˙˘˙ I'm a crazy 15 year old girl who loves Anime and Video games. ♪ ★•·.I love you Gladion-kun.·•★ ★~I found my Onii-Chans σωσ~★ ★~Miku-Chan let's start a duet in the stars~♪ ε›~I found my Miiverse Family~‹з ↓↓↓ Twin:Seasonal_Mint Big Onii-chan:FlareonFoxFire Little Onii-chan:Darthlightsabers Older Sister:Phantasmaforever Senpai:Alexboy06 ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼
アイヒラカ(・~・) jog-wat
どうもー!!アイヒラカです。僕がやってることは、スプラットゥーンや大乱 闘スマブラ(約)などをやってるよ!!YouTubeのゆっくり実況を出してるよ みんなよろしく!!(^_^) フォローしてくれてるみんなありがと!! 好きなユーチューバーはこちねこさんと酒桜さんとトムとマルクさんです。 フォローなどをしてくれると泣けて嬉しいです。
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