Ashley GZ's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: ashley002


Ashley GZ

07/12/2017 4:36 PM

Lookin Cool!! :D

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U

Ashley GZ

06/07/2017 6:39 PM

Marth is cool

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U

Ashley GZ

06/06/2017 11:01 PM

I don't need no sword!


Ashley GZ

05/31/2017 8:54 PM

Happy 2nd Anniversary Splatoon! This was one of my favorite games, and the one I will remember the most. Everyone hyped for Splatoon 2? I sure am!


Ashley GZ

05/19/2017 7:54 PM

Another selfie taken!!


Ashley GZ

05/19/2017 7:51 PM

Selfie taken!!

Minecraft: Wii U Edition

Ashley GZ

03/12/2017 5:08 PM

I created the Pixel Link Amiibo in Minecraft!!

Minecraft: Wii U Edition

Ashley GZ

12/16/2016 7:00 PM

Stay Determined!!! 5/7 souls completed!! Woohoo!!! :D