Eva's Followers
★自己紹介★ 好きな食べ物 すし 大切なフレンド 【SI】全員 誰かフレンドになって!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*nau* 11nauzet11
hello mi name is nau i used wii u and wii bye. follow me and me follow you
lit lydiarucker54
cloud caleb9530
please follow me it would be thankful :3 games i play:smash bros,ice station z,kirby clash deluxe
Pinkie 2BPencil91
Hi,Im blueBoy age~ adult, also a big kid by heart :) color~green,purple,blue food~ spaghetti,rice ,chicken system~ wiiu xbone pc,soon switch,3ds that is all here is your cookie i know i cant draw o.o ok bye now :)
b nobrabs
hi im william
?A? naasusatoe0616
~チーム~ INK!チーム STチーム 女子限定チーム AEfX_チーム ~他~ 好きぃなゲーム スプラ(WIIU) ぷよぷよクエスト(スマホ) 好きぃな人 ホタル(シオカラーズ) 魔理少(東方) サグメ(東方) アイン(ぷよクエ) アルル(ぷよクエ) です。よろぉ :彼氏 #ふぅたぁ# :親友 ぽっつs フォロワー190人突破!フォローしてね!絶対返す!
cloudheart ariaswordsman89
i watch anime, movies, tv-series, & k-dramas. in love with Willowstar. -Huge fan of black clover. --Thanks for reading !
Daddy ClanFlemm
ALEX alexander354
Hola soy Alex, mis juegos favoritos son los de kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. Intentare aclarar cualquier duda que tengan sobre cualquier juego, gracias. (•ω•) Hi my name is Alex, I love games such as kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. I would try to help you in any question that you have about any game, thanks. (•ω•)
Miles yoshi126345
Hey, thanks for checking out my profile! ~Favorites~ Super Mario Sonic the Hedghog Animal Crossing Splatoon 2 If you follow me, i follow you! Bye! ^•^ Current new game im playing : ~Sonic Mania~ Also be sure to follow some of my awesome friends like Jay, Garry, Esme, Wendy, Gregory, and my best friend, the most legendary Skipper!!!
としいちきうななぜろ toshi1970
MemeSensei.Always l am indebted. Follow 620 Thank you! Follow thank you! フレンド募集中(((無言フレリク断ります)))
Samus Aran AnimeFan508
Hi, I'm Samus Aran. Age: 20 Relationship: Cloud♥ No: Wii chat >_< Family: Bayonetta & Lucus Bff: Lucina, Flame, Cam, & Boy I love anime, I like to draw, and text message with my new friends. I really like a biggest fan on Youtube channel- Markiplier, Dashiexp, Cobanermani456, AnimeBroMii, iHasCupquake, CyrelleSonic18, Denis, and others. I love you guys! see ya online ^-^♥
Jay Dawg Jquan_Hood
THA SQUAD Jcoolwitty & Tizzin_Boss search it up. New account Fø Mø Mariø Maker. Thought I go for a cuter mii but hey what the heck do I kno. All I got is the world in my pocket. Its All jus Trail & Error, We live'N' We learn and don't repeat what Y'all 'ready Xperienced Quavo My HeadHoncho Samuel L Jackson My Dad R. Kelly My Brotha Rihanna My sista Madea My Granny Nicki Minaj My Momma
Presley buttercuppower
Hello, my name is Presley! I have a 3ds only. I hope to make some posts before Miiverse is gone for good.
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
Emma! Peeper1970
NathanTime FreddyFighter7
Hey guys! Welcome to my profile. Things about me: Favorite comic book series: BLEACH Favorite color: Purple Best Friend: Doug aka SuperD900 Favorite games: Tomadachi life, Terraria, Team kirby clash deluxe, and Super smash bros. Plz follow me! ^ω^ I also LOVE to draw animie even though its not that good.
Naomi pinkiepie.1124
Hi i am ☆Sakura☆ everyone can call me Naomi but i like puppies,kittens,and other cute stuff i really apreciate it if you follow me and my most hobby is to play pokemon sun and i always check miiverse but i have school i hope we became good friends thank you and God bless! yourstruly Naomi
nikki adamlodge
Hi im Nikki, i make posts nearly everyday, make sure to follow for more warning when posts come out! Please don't be rude in any affensive ways! Thank you for understanding.
♪kk♪ Lyn3388
game on
wolf girl Famfun3388
hello everyone have fun and have a good time
★♪Jane♪☆ jane503
~I'm sorry your just so awesome I just had to yeah-bomb you!~ ——————————————————————— Hey my name is Jane I Live in: North America. I Like: A lot of things I Dislike:A couple of things What I Do: I draw and sometimes type notes or take screenshots. What I Hope: To be better then what I was before. Bye, hope to see you next time or something. P.S. I don't care if you yeah-bomb me.
ZeroDeaths ryan1965
Name: Ryan Age:15 Gender: Obvious Fav Franchise: The Legend of Zelda Likes: The Legend of Zelda of Course! (Especially Breath of the Wild) Cod, Assassins Creed, Skyrim And Mario Favorite Video Game Character: Dark Link Here's Where u say: "Woah This Guy Is Awesome!" And then u click "Follow" Also i can't do Backflips :|
アヒルちゃん4ごう kamimura1124
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開に していると思っていたお前の姿はお笑いだったよ 皆さんこんにちは アヒルちゃん4号と申します 中1、13歳です 性格 ぱっぱらぱー 高頻度で頭のおかしい投稿をしております ミーバースが終わるなんて知らない ※主にスプラトゥーンに出没します みんなよろしくね ≧ ι( ë )丿≦ テッテレー
lula alejulula
HELLO;) soy lula y os voy a contar cosas sobre mi si me seguis os sigo me gustan los peluches y los animales se me da mal la ortografia mi asignatura favorita es inglés mi mayor sueño es viajar a Londre al guna vez mi color favorito es el verde mi canción favorita es infinito(buscad la) #SAVEMIIVERSE BYE;)
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
Samantha Samthecat999
I like to play games and have fun
★LEA★ Rosalie0603
My Dearest friends and followers: The End is Near:/ Don’t know if I will be here til the END . But I just wanted to Thank you for the Awesome ride. It was a pleasure knowing some of y’all.Going to Miss you . Thanks for your yeahs and comments. May your Future look As Bright as you and May the Lord Bless you & your family. If you ever see me online Say HiLea:) Peace out / Keep on gaming:D 9903
Isaiah victorisaiah
Allo kind people!My Mii seems eternally bored. fe fates is my favorite game. Lost Mario Maker for the 3DS. not sure what else so yeah... Oh wait! RIP Miiverse 2012-2017 I am gonna go cry myself to sleep now. (No,not exaggerating
Jale steinfurt07
Hallo ich bin Jale, meine Lieblingstiere sind:Pferde und Meerschweinchen.Meine Lieblingsspiele sind: Animal crossing new life, Tomo dachi life und Team Kirby Clash Delux. Mein Alter, vererrate ich euch nicht.Und dann noch willkommen auf meiner Seite viel Spaß:)»D
Alicia Aliciabrooke2406
Bebe Bebejm
space rainbow welcome to my profile all you need to no about me is my favorite colors are blue purple and white i love anime and i like drawing. some of my favorite animes are bleach log horizon soul eater lucky star noragami and good luck girl!! and most favorite game is stella glow
rey rey1238
Adán adque2
Shark♪Bait shortie1972
Hoiiiiiiiii sharkie and i draw.... and STUFF about me Bff: Cy and jenn k bye dud stop stalker hai meow oki u rebel you not getting to my post dudddd still u not k u reb
aubrey aubrey.com
hi my name is aubrey im 21 my fav shows are full and fuller house i love doing art but im not very good but it is relly relly fun i do not post very often and im very very random i love you all be safe and all who follow me thank you all so much and i can't wait for future talks with yall bye
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Wassup Everyone! The Name's Eva Jones! I'm 24 years old and I'm a girl who is a fan of great stuf...
Wassup Everyone! The Name's Eva Jones! I'm 24 years old and I'm a girl who is a fan of great stuff. And usually, I don't Wii U chat. Right now, I'll have to make things better than ever!