elizabeth's Followers
oz osborne-keifer
deku NarutoHiro2017
hi my old name was originally .0. or zero as my full miivereser name but im on my original 3ds now so that's why im starting on this 3ds system file now ^~^ +just as my old profiled stated i'm open to becoming and makeing aqeaome miifriends and i love to work on my own manga in the works called ''Spirit-Blade'' my 2 main characters are Hironu-Zero and Luna :p :3
Mom MomZombie82
hi my name is Kendall and you should friend Kendall meow or kendall cat i don't remember and friend unlockfriendzone and I love red pandas and cats and cute baby pugs My fav colors are blue and black I have 90 friends and reached the limit but i can maybe make room for you and i am a girl not a mom and u guys are awesome I have a dad a mom and 2 brothers and a dog and nice friends lov u :) ♥
☆Yelléna★ Toscane830
Wshh les gent Bienvenu a mon profil ! Pk tu regarde mon profil ??? dêja ! sa ne se fait ps !! tu veut que j présente Donc desent en bah et tu verra (Age 13 ans ~_~) (Prénon Océane) ma c'est Ambre pour la vie tu voie c'est pas toii ! Tkt jdeconne !! VOILOU JE TES DIT TOUTE MA VIE ☆ ♥ Bisous ! ♡ Noublie pas Abo Toi
H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
Stealthy R2D2-C3PO-43
Hi there! The games I like are Animal Crossing New Leaf, Legends of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Maker, Ninja Gaiden NES, and more. If you like, you can send me a friend request so we can play games online like Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. My top 3 favorite Super Mario characters are Wario, Rosalina, and Waluigi Also follow me and I will follow you back!!! So lets try to get 100 followers!
Kenleigh powerrangerk28
Hi and welcome to all who came here, I enjoy games like the next person does and I like drawing. plz follow me... my goal is to get to 1K+ followers. I love playing Smash Bros. so much, and other games, but i only have one Wii U game.
Alyssa Lil_Pro06
hi, im lissa im single i love EDM i love drawing i love making new friends i dont care about the haters im sad cause miivers is ending i appreciate 200 followers bye ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AND I DONT DO WII U CHAT
Fleicity.Q flecitysmoke
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ĶЯ»Trey angustrangusmoo
hi my name is Trey my nickname at school is angus or trangus plz friend me. i like moose milk. i mosty play fifa 13 and splatoon im in 6th grde now Hi i want to be friends plz friend request me
♪★maurice↑ maurice-cup
don't do wiiu chat I relax try not to get banned from miverste really im a fan of dragen ball z nothing else but miverste I whatch yutuebe neflix chuchyroll and aldut swim
that dog χ sadestness
woof (sup i'm a dog and I don't have a name so i'm a dog aged 55 (in dog years) and my hobby is eating trash LETS SAVE MIIVERSE!!!!!
antho curtisbrothers
A★mr.cŁiňķ linkly456
hey whats up its me mr.c link i'm a splatoon player i'm a level 26 and i have 100 MAX! friends! and i do wiiu chat too! i love drawing! and alot more status: single can't accept anymore friend request because its full sorry :'( and SOON will be getting the nintendo switch also something in 2020 is going to be SPECIAL!!!! bye!
βυηβυη BonbonFemale
Greetings. I am Сħα- wait a minute... THIS IS THE WRONG SCRIPT! Let's try this one... TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIE- THIS IS STILL WRONG! This one? How's it going bros and my name is Ρεωd- NOPE! M-maybe this s-script? Hello everyone and my name is Sσρнιε. I love to roleplay, so send me a friend request! Also I Ισνε to draw! And DON'T ask who my crush is! I'll tell you when I want! βακα... Bye
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
にっこー! riyu419
にっこー!っす!よろしくー! 好きなゲームはポケモン!よろしくー よろよろしくしく!! コメント、等々見るのが遅くなることが多いのでごめんなさい(~_~) よろしくお願いします!
ziro NarutoJBB
hi im allredy on Miivers for about i'de say maybr 1week igess but i'm allways opend and happy to make any new or old friends that i've known befor + any new friends along the way :p my dream goal is to become a very well known+ suseccfull manga ulistraitor creating my own orignal seiress called Spirit Blade :3
SQ★Ίς★Àļεχ Pixels08
Comment hidden by Mojang Hallo,Welcome to my random Profile. (TEH SHIPS R COMING) yass, My fav game is Toyko Mirage Sessions #FE I'm in 3 clans :) Follow me Follow you bruh XD I'm probably a minecraft addicted fan. "Theres only 3 Choices, Give up,Give in or Give it your all!" -QuotezAnime(Credits to the internet) So adios amigos :] cya Miiverse is Awesome! #meme4life
bobobanned RPlover999
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seaner copyfromsean
what up i like chinken ice marsh bars i'm moving i like pizza hotwings if u read this thank ok bye got bord
§ēħůηĒχΘ•Ł AnimeOtakuGurl
i like/love/and what im -ARMY AND EXO-L BTS-bias-taehyung-bias wrecker-Suga/EXO-Bias-chanyeol-bias wrecker Sehun (YEHET ) -Kpoper -kpop-EXO(Sehunnie~),BTS,BLACKPINK,GOT7(yugyeom is ultimate bias wrecker),SEVENTEEN,VIXX,2NE1,REDVELVET,GFRIEND,BFRIEND,,SHINEE,BIG BANG,TWICE,MONSTA X,B.A.P,NCT,TOPP DOGG,IKON,GIRLSDAY,GIRLS GENREATION,A.C.E,WINNER -ANIME-Tokyo ghoul (IknowMoreKpopButIdon'tHave Space)
PikachewШЩ dreamer2127
Hi! My name is Olivia! So I'm just going to tell you a little about myself •I am turning 12 on August 27 and going into grade 7 •I live in Canada, Bc •I like listening to Owl City •I have a 10 year old younger brother •I actually have a 2ds •I have glasses And Mv admins hate me.
☆penguin★ mlccay
my character for role play name: alexander penguin age: 20 rates: super strong , funny , kind , nice , caring and sometimes weird in a good funny way and power over water and steam machine steampunk mech like body with 4 big copper gears on back and 2 big titanium hands race: gento penguin gender boy wears: steel toe boots leather jacket and a white top
louis mikadochou
phaze213 phaze213
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princess pilialoha1
hi everyone i,m sadie i love my sis and my mom i'm 14 i love descendants 2 i love china anne mcClain and booboo stewart i love to sing and i love wiiuchat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LUCAS AND MRACUS FYI Jake paulers help jake get thu with he troubles he is not bad
caprisun matthewshedden
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PrestonPay AgentSilver
I love Poken Tournament #LucarioFanClub I like minecraft
chy yoggie123
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ňĺğħł☆βφγ★ aidendox
hi guys ilke to play splatoon minecraft and youtube or sometimes mario kart 8 and my name is aiden and if u follow me i'll follow u and my birthday is not the 11/22 its the 12/17
Boi DJ_tastic
Alright 400 Words To Describe Me Lets Go Im From Los Angles Im A Cali Boi My Favorite Youtuber Is Tanner Bruangardt My Favorite Food Pancakes My Dream Car Is A Rolls-Royce Ghost Im Mostly On Everyday Im Probaly On Minecraft Or Black Ops 2 My Favorite Show Sam&Cat Im A Person Who Sits In A Very Cold Room 12 Hours A Day Playing Minecraft Um...XD Don't Know,Bye
♪•Lil' Tea M4T14XCO11L
HEYO YOU MISSED ME WELL IM UNBANNED!! I'm Matia Im an avrage 10 year old and yeah ill put wierd names like for instints "Cheese" okay well bye and.. FOLLOW ME ON SNAPCHAT @MatiaMihaljevic Follow 4 Follow Like me drews CHEILD WEVE OKIE BEEYYE
panda fs kirtot
hi friends, i'm here on another account because someone reported me for something i didn't do. anyway im here to make friends and have fun. i like to play splatoon mk8 kay aniversery.follow these people jamestony1111 benboy85 and joogles im going to have a switch soon but i still will play wiiu a lot but switch to
TT#Da COOL Alexa0014
My favorit games are splatoon and minecraft i love plaing them with my 99friends now lol XD evey one please friend me i have minecraft you can help me with my find the button map # we can do find the redstone blocks lol i made it myself now its on youtube :-< # I love minecraft if you friend me i will exept but you need to give me a reason and i can# talk in minecraft and i can not wii u chat :-/
Grim kaidash311
i play supersmash bros
cat ruler kimmyjr
nice kindful play with friend and make then bertter like playing like to play with my borther somethime l see youtube splatoon, pokkemen tournament, something play super mariobros lego batman3 usto have like zackscottgame dont do the t my best friend is ace jr foxy wolf tinycy94 make suer you follew them somethime get mad cuase people dont hear want i say or dont say noting or they say bad word
yes miiverse again! sorry for mean comments! and yeah... frozenfan107 sorry for putting lava on s...
yes miiverse again! sorry for mean comments! and yeah... frozenfan107 sorry for putting lava on spidergirljs island! but you dont have to forgive me...