squeaker's Followers
ivycc fairytailfreak2
hi my real name is ivy these are some things about me:i dye my hair alot (right now its dyed magenta) and my favorite singing group is : imagine dragons
Flufy 101 foodd2006
Follow me and/or other users!Like my sis Blue Tiger and my pal Joel and Sparta!!!.You can find me on the Fantantasy Life community or the YouTube community.I'll post a lot of Fantasy Life related things though.Flufy out!¡! BP
Moody bossinberger101
hi minno here! i like to talk... ALOT! most of my friends r great. i understand if u cant or wont be my friend, just please fallow me! if u fallow me i fallow u! (please be my friend)
Trey Tman86
What's Up Miiverse! My name is Trey and I'm a really cool guy! I love video games and music. l been playing video games since I was 5 years old. :-)
fav jawn trouble79
hello!! my name is xavier and im new on here. looking to make friends and ...
brusta amarianking2009
Arceus493 duckbread
↓here are some things about me↓ -i am 12 -i am really good at cod -i am mexican -★☆i almost set a world record once☆★ -i am a big fan of pokemon and mario -i like turtles also i am a mexiCAN not a mexiCANT! mk bye :-> why are u still here? well? get out of here! if you read this part u r dumb
mari yamari123
Hey everyone .... if you don't know yet then listen up ......i ♥♥♥♥ FOOD lol u know the name hit that follow button (I will follow you back)better yet a friend request ....love yall now im about to eat some chicken♥♥♥♥$$$$$ ♥♥♥♥Queen♥♥♥♥ oh yea respect my man Tom (aka big bro ) or he will disrespect you♥♥♥He's special also another Queen★ you know who u are♥♥♥She is amazing person
Dom catdaddy6
Sorry Miiverse is ending next Tuesday. Thank you for all your support for all these years. I'm sad that Miiverse is ending soon. If you don't want Miiverse to end, go to one of my posts and leave a: "#DoNotEndMiiverse"! Thank you for all your support with all your posts. I'll try to "Yeah!" as many posts as I can before Miiverse ends. Bye Miiverse!
★Tredogg★ Tredogg90
Wuts good miiverse. I'm Tre. I been gaming since Y2K. I roll with the Trice Shadow Sect guild on practically every game I play. Get at yur boi if you want some intense PvP action. Let me know wuts good. I roll team valor red with TSS on pokemon go. We get the job done with style. Remem crew. If yur second yur just the first loser. Keep it 100 and on point always! For the Sect! Real talk. No chill!
miguel miguelRobinson11
can you be my Friends
Assassin16 20Master19
I love Pokemon‚Yo–kai‚and Super Smash Bros.My favorite Yo–kai is Jibanyan and my favorite Pokemon is Mewtwo.And I also like anime my favorite animes are Fairy Tail and No Game No Life.
kagura vilanadark
salut moi c kagura j'♥ beaucoup dessinée, je créée une team fairy tail abonnez vous pour y participer! J'♥ les manga comme fairy tail , naruto , letter bee , one peace,soul eater, chi , black butler , silent a voice et red eyes sword! je deteste la musique sur MIIVERSE et mon frere !
Neyo Tuioti
i play mincraft on ps3.
¤→Matsu←¤ bcindygogo
Quien lo diría.... Tan rápido pasó el tiempo?... Y ahora serás arrebatado de nuestras vidas, pero no de nuestros corazones.. Muchísimas gracias por esos bellos momentos.. Recordar cuando te vimos nacer....Muy bellos tiempos.. La vida sigue..y aunque cueste aceptar tu ausencia... pues gracias a ti logré conocer a tan bellas personas, pasar horas y horas de diversión..Ser Feliz♥. -Miiverse 2012-2017
Afewerq Dawit21
Hallo ihr da drausen ihr seit jetzt auf meinen Profil und jetzt gibts Infos Name: Afewerq Alter: 11 Geburtstag : 23.8. Hobbys: Zocken Fußball Lieblingsyoutuber: Domtendo,Julien Bam JuliensBlogBattel (JBB), Sneili Sneils und Zombey Liebliengsspiele: FIFA 17 BFF: Gato Nya! Spiele für die WII U:Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World MK8... KEIN WII U Chat Luigi=Lieblingscharakter Lebe in Deutschland
DeEpicKing masonmink25
Hello everybody.You must know my name already. I love Pokémon and Minecraft and Super smash bros.Brawl My favorite youtuber is Me 09SharkBoy I sometimes anwser calls on WIIU CHAT I'm a boy Favorite TV show Adventure Time Favorite pokémon is Mewtwo Top three games Minecraft,Splatoon,and Pokkén Tournament Favorite Game Murder Mystery and Dodgeball
?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ benneuman
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Domas Domaskid
Brandon s04n4w2u
What's shaking guys? Name's Parker, Brandon Parker.
sniper2000 bezons
DE King King_of_all_swag
I I'm DE King But Here's Something About Me... ☆My Favorite Anime Is★ Attack On Titan Naruto Dragon Ball Z Tokyo Ghoul My Favorite Game Is... Super Smash Bros.U Mario Kart 8 Minecraft Splatoon ●My Favorite Color Is● Purple Black
»—MJ—> mjsaltback02
Hi, welcome to my alt Back up account. Original Account hharris81
party boy! ANIMEKID242
мςν★sky★ willets5
...its over AGAIN MY LIFE IS A BLACKHOLE >_<....and its happening again....... :( its over....
Retro_64 athens568
was'up guys follow me i follow u also. im sure we'll be best friends.i hate bullying,and doing mean things. i love splatoon,i also play legend of zelda games, Pokemon etc. soooooo yeah, byeeee :)
Dorian mook89
What's up everyone im Dorian! i am 17 years old Bestfriend's: Zella, Ciara, Hawke, Dorei, ★Rough★, Jay, crazyhair12 and DjSparker. Zella - Best person ever Ciara - My Buddy Hawke - Silly and TROLLER Dorei - Her Profile is gone Jay - A Real Playa ★Rough★ - Nice and Cool DjSparker - Leader of the squirrel's crazyhair - i'll miss u
Malia divalatte
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qavo micccagh
Μк★Mango littlemangojango
Sup Mango here. Tomboy BFTS: Rathamun,Pisces,Mariela(♥),Abri, Osana,Kek(♥)★~Чυυкi~★Marcus&Oка Яΰτσ My heart was stolen by the sweetest guyAnd most handsome Kevin <3 :3 ♥Luango♥ (Lumi and Mango) :] I love Anime....I draw it sometimez...:> :0 Top4 Fav animes.... 4.Toradora! 3.Fairy tail 2.Himouto! Umaru~Chan 1.Lucky☆Star Brother ★tad☆ :] wanna know some other things? Visit Mк★Mango2
vale★♂ Vale00love
Hey! Wii U Friends! (\^0^/) <3
Rubix Only4Smash
Preston stepreston
hi my name is preston and i love minecraft and splatoon if you want party with me! YOU CAN!!!!!!
Hakai SprSonic05
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¢ğς¶$ħãщη shawnfedex
Hey guys it's Shawn! Miiverse is shutting down and there's nothing we can do!:( I hope you all aren't as upset as I am. We all love Miiverse,we will never forget you. You had so many memories and I met most of my very loyal friends. Thx for everybody that's following me!:) Also you guys can follow mortyirl,michealgarcia,Serg210,DankMikeyMouse&Savageking27!They're the best! Bye guys,Shawn Out!
Hello my fellow edge-lords and meme-lords. Things about me! Favorite anime: Attack on titan. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Hunter X hunter. RWBY. Gintama. One piece. Cory In the House.
darkwidow darkwidow64
im 18 and from the bipolar sunshine# ohio
i love gaming and music and art! When and if u seen me,...
im 18 and from the bipolar sunshine# ohio
i love gaming and music and art! When and if u seen me, you gonna be swang!
Shot and disc is the bae!
football is the bruh!
no disrespect.
call me ru
smile :)
gracias migos ;)