Avery's Followers
Janice JLennox64
hi follow me and i will follow back have a nice day!!!!! and play my cool levels on mario maker STAR my levels pleease!!!!!!
★CoolJosh★ CoolGuy7164
Hey! I'm Josh and I am 9. YOYOYOYO!
★3мм★Matty CharlieTango666
Hello, i'm the one and only.......Matty. ----------------------------------------- Super Mario Maker Stats: 2143 Stars 2 Super experts clears ---------------------------- Splatoon stats: Level: 50. Rank: S92. Clans:SPS and PARANOID. ------------------------------ BOI OR GIRL Just forget it. ---------------------------- BYE WOW IT'S MONDAY.
AlienAugie AlienAugie
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smoshgang kingofsmosh
hi im the king of smosh kings i will follow people
あおい aoi8488
顔ポチサンキュー☆★ ~自己紹介~ 名前 あおい 普通の小4だよ♪ 好きなソフト 太鼓の達人・アイスタ 一言 みんな、よろしく♪(タメOKだよ♪♪ ちなみに、太鼓の達人の鬼は6曲ぐらいしかできないのでそこのところはよろです♪ マダミテルノ 最後までみてくれてサンキュー★★★
Luna W.G.I.D.D
Sachen die ich wirklich mag sind:Eddsworld und Creepypasta. Es würde mich freuen euer freund oder follower zu sein und ich freue mich über jede anfrage egal von wem es ist und ich bin eine große hilfe in mario, Sonic und Zelda spielen aber ihr könnt mich auch über pc spiele befragen. ;)
YeahTronic Yeahnimatronic
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Kristian tradiciones
¡Hola Amigos! De Miiverse ¡Bienvenidos a mi perfil! :D Algo sobre mi: Color favorito:★Verde☆ Comida favorita:☆Pasticho★ Youtubers favoritos:★Fernanfloo,Deiak,Luna,JuegaGerman☆ Canal de televisión favorito:☆Cartoon Network★ Edad:★11☆ Fecha de nacimiento:☆23 de Febrero del 2006★ Pais:☆Venezuela★ Cuidad:★Barquisimeto☆ Animal favorito:☆Gato★ Serie favorita:★Clarence☆ Anime favorito:☆Pokemon★
Timmy SonicandMario678
This is me Timmy! IT'S Late 2017 and you might never see m:'-(e on The NEW 3DSxl, my m@in c*mmun- 3DS: Never mind. Wii U: (°—°) So please look at my comments, drawings, and more! And Happy Gaming everyone… Favorite Series: Maro, Sanic, Kirb! The end is near.. Of Miiverse! Why, Why, Why! Nintendo should have brought this to the Switch... So many opportunities, Nintendo.. Many...
RAMTUBE159 ReeceCarlGem
HI! I'm Reece but I'm also known as RAMMASTER159.I am best at smashbros,nintendo land,Minecraft wiiU,pokken tournament,Mario+Sonic Rio2016,Mario tennis UltraSmash,Skylanders Imaginators and a MASTER AT MK8! I also have 24amiibo's+6 creation crystals.I am 14 not that it matters and I'm aiming to reach 20 Subscribers by Xmas. @RAMMASTER159.
guest EpicSnivy32
Hi my name is theepicsnivygamer. I play minecraft most of the time. I also play Super Mario Maker. I got this Wii U for Cristmas. And I also, cant spell. Thanks for readind this. Love, theepicsnivygamer ps im still epicsnivy9
Javier CooldudeJavi3451
My name is havier шάггаčė.Some people call me havi ,but you can call me javi.My favorite color is yellow.I LOVE NINTENDO. my goal in life and miivevres is to get more frends! :) :] in the mornig u can ask me any questions about me. Javi Out.and i have a youtode chanel
Taymara Taymara1
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Panda BOY Choochee08
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SnJoshua minecraft-170403
Hi i am josh and I am a boy and I like mk8, splatoon, amiibo,super smash bros, mario maker, yoshi's wolly world, pokken tournament and Minecraft: Story Mode and I have 79 amiibros and I am 14 not that it maters and my girlfriend is millie1312 and by the way everyone im very nice and i never i NEVER NEVER grief so please don't kick me please i have done nothing wrong so yeh peace until next post
killer man hectorc84
hi my name is Giovanni and I have lots of talents and I have lots of followers if you follow me I'll also follow you ;)
Hello, plz don't hate me. Also I make mario maker levels F.Y.I. And I hope you enjoy the artwork ...
Hello, plz don't hate me. Also I make mario maker levels F.Y.I. And I hope you enjoy the artwork I will eventually make. So HAVE FUN! P.S. No hate comments...PLZ! Anyways, GOODBYE!!!(not really) (^o^) (^-^) (^w^) :3 You may also call me The Boss Warrior/The Prince of all Bosses(I like jse,fnaf,undertale,mario games,minecraft,splatoons,other youtubers,etc.