Brett's Followers
H.H hakaharu
becca becbecca1
Sarah lillyokiki96089
Hi i am 10 year old gamer my goal is to reach 100 followers before miiverse ends i hope we can all work together to make that happen also feel free to to comment on any of my posts most importantly enjoy miiverse while it lasts!!!!
ρнΘεБε Pho343
Hallo du hast mich erschroken! Ich bin Phoebe(=Fibi) und ich liiiiebe creepypasta! uh... kannst du es übrehub-ü-b-e-r-h-a-u-b-t so! *kichert* kannst du das überhaubt lesen, endlich! Pah! Ich bin 12 jahre alt und nyah-PEEP- Ich bin 12 jahre alt und male sehr gerne!(jede zeichnung ist auf 2ds) Wie ihr es glaubich mitgekrik-MITGEKT *lacht leise* MIT-GE-KRIGT habt kann ich nicht richtig reden *Lacht*
ゆうな HAORI123
こんにちは!ゆうなです!! 好きな食べ物はメロンです!!!!!!!! 好きな動物はパンダだよ~^~^~ 好きな色は黄色で 好きな音楽はストーリーだよ よろしくね~!
(`∀´) aripei2002
フォロー絶対返します。こんにちは、オレンジジュースのいとこ歴バリバリの17年です あ、今日の天気は晴れです
Die.f taliabkmom
me gusta Zelda
luv urself Esmene2001
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Esmene:) ETF_15
Hewo :) About me *I'm 15 *I'm Shy,Friendly,Nice,Caring *I "LOVE" my Friends and Family *I like to draw *I "LOVE" Music *I like hugs *I smile :) out of no where *I have 2 brothers: ~ Nathan 13 (2003) ~ Gabriel 11 (2005) I'm the oldest (2001) I LOVE them so much! Eating pizza lol XD *I`ll be 16 in October When i get older i'm going to help kids Have a good day :) Thx for ur time Peace out :)
Gabe Beamgabrmi
friend code e i e i o
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
Dan sadisticglee
i dont wii u chat im 31 going on 6 I love playing retro games my favourite series is Legend of Zelda consoles i have are :NES, SNES, N64, Game cube, Wii and Wii U handhelds i have are: Gameboy Colour, GBA, GBA SP, DS and the New 3DS Xl i have close to 190 games and the pride of my collection is my complete library of complete in box Legend of Zelda games including spin offs
Saauna saauna
Im saauna and videogames is a daily part of my life. I love watching anime, such as Naruto or Welcome to the NHK I'm Christian and My dream is to become a concept artist. wii u chat is always acceptable. oh and if you follow me you could follow my great friends: mon mon judah Noah. out of post () free to post(*) #AFC!^^
Lex Lex2319
Brother ninjareece
hi my name is reece and I am the biggest minecraft fan ever!!!! I hope to sometime get over 100 followers and i hope to get many friend requests come by some time and join my worlds! thanks!!
Enderwolf Enderwolf1105
Hi! I'm Enderwolf, and my favorite games are minecraft (WII U and MAC) and BOtW. So if you want to play minecraft with me, send me a friend request and we might both be online at the same time!
Armaan★ Armaan-Spiderman
Hi guys, i am armaan and i am going to kidzania soon so for thoes of you who dosen't know what kidzania is its a place for kids to learn about jobs and buying stuff (^o^) so these are the jobs i will do pilot, pokemon, police and university moving on i like mario, sonic, deadpool, games, POKÉMON and mincraft oh and back to kidzania if your going i want to know what jobs your doing your the best!!!
Florian Hegnudic
Hallo! Ich bin ein ganz großer Nintendo Fan :)
Hey, im a expert at games