Anthonio's Followers
{Tonü} kingjulian1027
Yo wassup. im just ur average brooklyn boy who love to dance, sing, draw, and act. I typically have a dream to be on tv one day and show off my talents. so yea, i do majorette dancing which is like splits, leg lifts and stuff. im a senior in middle school. ima bout to be 14, ima scorpio (#represent) im into anime and thats it, have a great day u guyz and byeee!!! also shout out to bae (aimlope)♥ο♥
wuplays evan_davis1
hey mc team my name is Evan i accept friend request may bff are woldrenown gussyboy ashattack jjslays jason and michael i hope you like my posts most of my build are good and have a good day every day peace.
Arianna Arigamerpro1127
Holi!!El ANIME,MANGAS,KPOP/JPOP,DORAMAS,VOCALOID todo lo que sea Japonés,Coreano o chino me Encanta! Suscribios a este canal y yo me susribiré al vuestro!Ya somos 455 Armys!Arigato! Puedo hablar:Español,Ingles,Japonés,Coreano y Chino!BTS! BFF: ⇒Alicia:Meja1(NEXTsp) ⇒Zanae:Nekotaku(amiali2005) ⇒•Min Rin•:JinArmy(MaouDu07) ⇒Мσshi Μaτ♪:Kawaii78(LuciaPL) ⇒★miirii★:Sensei(miiriichanowo) Seguidlas!
Lance Mocha0000
MII King Stop027
be on topic
Chickpea chickpea1228
Hi, My name Chickpea but people call me Kaira I am 11years old I'll be 12 in December
THAT☆B0Í★♪ sonicth350
Alicia Ponyville6
hOi! *hugs*>:3 offline()online(★) out of posts() I speak Spanish and English cosas sobre mi :3 : tengo 15 años me gustan las pizzas me gustan las hamburguesas me gustan las pizzas de hamburguesa (/._·)/ MEMES Anime Melanie Martínez Undertale Mystic Messenger Overwatch juego: osu! nombre de osu! : Alicia_sensei and bOss can i have pizza pls? xd bye! ^-^ I'M PICKLE RICK !!!! xd
levi leo-31
wazzzzzzzup. my name is justin and i love playing games and having fun. i have had a miiverse account for over 3 yrs. and i have got so much friends and followers. i hope to get 200 now because i got over 130 already but it is pretty awesome. if you follow me i will follow you back. i post about 3 times a day or more and love to tell you guys about stuff. pls follow me and i will follow you back k
zy zy zyfreddy
the hammer the_hammer01
Jack Pandamon9601
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Main Captain Falcon ILY Yami-Chan
nixie mamaswagger
Hi Everyone on Super Smash Bros My Favorite Fighter is Sonic Bowser Jr Greninja Mario Pikachu Yoshi Lucario My Favorite Show to watch is Sonic X and We Bare Bears. My Favorite Youtuber is SML and SMG4 DashieGamer Alex Wassabi it funny. I'm Sonic Greninja and Bowser Jr Mario fan. My Best Friends for life is Big Boy Elissa Ali OctoLexi Chirs Darcy Terminator Error Sans Hailey Brit wolf Buk9 Alijah
BoiSosMan TheAweMiner
Ricardo E. Ricardo.elias
soy un gamer de 13 años me encantan los juegos de accion,zombies,guerras,aventura y roll si me mandan una solicitud se las aceptare ;]
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
nixie sebastiank2000
Hi everyone on smash my favorite is Sonic and Jr and I like sml and i'm best on super smash bros. watch my battle.
Robert Psymega
I personally want to leave here with no regrets so for anyone who sees this yes it's sappy but ol Robert is still here corny cheesy good natured helpful, sarcastic, and determined miiverse isn't over yet and so what do we do? rally together anyone who knows me should know my greatest trait is my stubborness and tenacity! #SaveMV Don't give up! If miiverse does end, then join M\/ наvеn I'll be ther
★Łεσηεlα★ Dayanp10
☆¡Hola ğυαρυгίş de MIIVERSE!☆ Soy Leonela y tengo 14 años de edad↓↓juegos favoritos↓↓ ★The legend of Zelda–Ocarina of time ★Mario Kar7 ★Mario y Luigi–Bowser’s Inside Story ߃ƒ}⇒★Nayrobis Péres,Luisa Saez★ Hobbys⇒Tocar guitarra y piano{la música} jugar tenis,dibujar,charlar con las ğυαρυгίş de miiverse.(˘³˘) #ReinaSinKing ★♪Coldplay♪★ #NeverBeAlone *Que esperas ğυαρυгίş* Dale a seguir+ =)
chara smartguy09
ハムカツゆうとくん keiko7777630
さいごまでみてね!こんにちわぼくわマイクラを毎日やっています。フレンドになってくださいマイクラのマルチがしたいですそこんとこいかよろしくーー 僕のワールドにはいる注意荒らすな!! キモいなどのぼうげんをはかない!!傷つくからやめてねあとマイクラでまぁまぁトピックだしてるからぜひさんかしてね。 ^_^誕生日は9月17日ですああすきなおんがくはスプラのkrakenupと君の名は。のなんでもないやがすきです好きなユーチューバーはゲームプレイングミスターケンとあらしたったがすきです。飛行機マニア募集 好きなフレンド1kazubon69飛行機マニア kinguayato
SONIC taka0tuka8
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Tuckzilla tuck15
shades Shades2006
Teacher: You now have a detention. You: Why Teacher: Cause of your attitude, what do you think? You: B**ch you got me fcked up! Teacher: Call your mother right now! You: ...She said ''Cash her outsid how bout dat'' Teacher: ...
jake jemiddle3
ye ye hello guys its jake and im gonna tell u about me. I play pokemon go level 30 team instinct. Next I LOVE!!!!!! mario and the legend of zelda #linkandmario. favorite games 1 windwaker hd 2 super mario bros ds 3 mario kart wii or 8 4 wii sports or wii sports resort. Next I love sportsand pranks #jstu on YT Next youtube rocks i like zelda master 2010 mystic 7, ireland boys productions
★Wolfy★ yankyz71
J'adore splatoon Squidy♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
りき rikey815
こんにちは。まだ投稿していないんですが、フォロワーが増えてきたら投稿していきたいです! なるべく絵を書いて投稿します! あと、フレンド募集中ですので、気軽にリクエスト送ってください! 宜しくお願いします!!
KomaFan374 sebastianmvsp
Hi! dudes i am Super Medallist Leo,Yo-kai Team Wib Wob:Camellia,Beatall,Shogun King,demuncher and shogunyan,YKW2:Same but without Shogun king and Gilgaros on the team #TeamKomasan
brooklyn Br00klyn2006
things about me: favorite youtubers: alex wassabi, roi from guava juice, popularmmos, marlin, chad wild clay favorite food: tacos hero: mmmmmeeeeeeee talents: gymnastics, walking abilities: thumb to wrist double jointed address: house, earth, not canada
María Isentificador
なっちゃん soramameodeko
ーーーなのかのじこしょうかいーーー ニックネーム なっちゃん 誕生日 8月5日 血液型 O型 星座 獅子座 好きな色 水色と紫色 好きな雑誌 ポップティーンとニコ☆プチ 好きな音楽 パフュームのFLASH 好きな映画 ちはやふる ハマッてる事 百人一首
※イメージです tu1980
顔ポチありがと とりま自己紹介 小6 男子 大阪出身のキッズです スプラ ランク50 腕前S+ フォローすると主が喜びます 目指せフォロワー2000人 NFSの最新作楽しみ
●Mогтопıо● Ieenamajed
Yollo, guyz! What's buzzin! It's yo man Mortonio! I'm: ★ A Gamer! ★ 15. ★ A Nintendo Fan! ★ A Sports Fan! ★ An Anime Fan! Favs: ★ Wii U & 3DS: Sm4sh ★ Food: Pizza ★ Sport: Basketball ★ TV Shows: The Loud House, Lab Rats, LR: Elite Force, Yo-Kai Watch, Regular Show, Clay Kids, Fangbone ★ NBA: Cavs & Wiz ★ NFL: Redskins ★ Soccer: Man United Peace on them streets, guyz!
●Moгтoпıо● Jose.Omajed
Yollo, guyz! What's buzzin! It's yo man Mortonio! I'm: ★ A Gamer! ★ 15. ★ A Nintendo Fan! ★ A Sports Fan! ★ An Animal Fan! Favs: ★ Wii U & 3DS: Sm4sh ★ Food: Pizza ★ Sport: Basketball ★ TV Shows: The Loud House, Lab Rats, Elite Force, Yo-Kai Watch, Regular Show, Clay Kids, Fangbone ★ NBA: Cavs & Wiz ★ NFL: Redskins ★ Soccer: Man United Peace on them streets, guyz!
ATS-YTPs AnimeBoymajed
☆★Hello everybody. I'm Kevin J. Stephen★☆ I'm the founder and owner of Kevin J. Stephen's Gaming Studio and Gaming Property! I'm also The Game Master at video games I play I do Wii U Chat sometimes! Feel free to ask me for help anytime if you need help on any games you're currently playing at anytime! Member of: SG★. SM★. SE★. ŞĎŇĄ▲. SBIU¦. Fΐς★. & GG★ Co-leader of SDRN
おOむら みOこ myutwr
[8月1日]更新 こんにちわこんばんは、タワラ ミヒローノです。 名前の由来は友達が自分の名前と友達の名前を合成したらこんな名前になりました。 好きなYouTuber きりざきえいじ ヒカキン カズクラ 禁断ボーイズ フィッシャーズ その他 好きな歌 キセキ(グリーン様)HANABI(ミスチル) その他 よろしくねー!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julien Monkey-D-Luffy94
ONE PIECE Fan! Zelda Fan! ^ω^ Hello everyone's! Nice to meet you! \(º▼º)/ I speak french and a little english! I'm 23! I love Animes &Drawing &Games &Music♪! I ♥ (MK8,MK8DX and (SPLATOON,SPLATOON2)! (^ω^)♪ FOLLOW ME!;)
RoZe siokara-1
お絵描きの練習場 『じゅぴかのん』の姉のRoZeです。社会人なので、平日などは来れませんがお休みなどの時は来れます。 いつも共感ありがとうございます。フォローやフォロー解除はお気軽にどうぞ^^ 投稿は主にイラストで、スプラトゥーンコミュニティによく現れます。(イラストはほぼ妹) これから、宜しくお願いします。
i won't forget the people i met and memories from the good old days on here