Stu's Yeahs

Comment on Yoshi's Post


2 minutes ago

Ahh, well. I'm going to archive this at 16.55, so if you have any last words...

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


5 minutes ago

Now listen all you boys and girls All around the world Don't be afraid to get up and move You know that we're all superstars We're the ones who've made it this far Put a smile on that face There's ...

Comment on Stu's Post


11 minutes ago

At least it lured others into a false sense of security, thinking that you're not the chatterbox you actually are :P It really has! There goes my hope of having full archives. And as for your post ...

Comment on Stu's Post


7 minutes ago

I'm pretty sure the 30 post limit was designed for ya Stu :P

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


6 minutes ago

I'll be honest, I'm kind of at a loss for words. I don't really know what to say. So, I guess I'll just leave it at this:

Comment on Collin!'s Post


33 minutes ago

yea, boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Comment on Collin!'s Post


33 minutes ago

100 percent reeeaaallllll

Comment on Collin!'s Post


34 minutes ago

Thanks I needed that.

Comment on Collin!'s Post


34 minutes ago

He said the n-word with '-gas' not 'ers'. So its cool, rite?

Comment on Collin!'s Post


37 minutes ago

This deserves to be the last verified post. Also, thanks for Toki Tori. I loved playing it growing up on my GBC. :) (It also had some of the best music I've ever heard in a Game Boy game. ^^) EDIT:...

Comment on Collin!'s Post


43 minutes ago

good verified user

Panama Club


44 minutes ago

real nigga hours. yeah if u up

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Less than a minute ago

Requirement not met

Play Journal Entries Super Mario World


38 minutes ago

My last post

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


13 minutes ago

Am I making this a little too over dramatic? Maybe. In reality, I don't think Nintendo ever expected people to care about this platform as much as a lot of us ended up doing....

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


15 minutes ago

I wouldn't say that Miiverse changed my life... or maybe I would... but I do know that it had a significant impact on my life. In a good way. It definitely wasn't perfect... but it was a lot of fun...

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


17 minutes ago

I sent you a friend request on discord.

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


17 minutes ago

But now that that's out of the way, I just wanted to say... Thank you.

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


18 minutes ago

Check to see if I sent you one, and if I did, just accept it and I'll make us friends on my Switch. If you don't have a Switch, accept the request anyway. You know... if you WANT to. I don't want t...

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


20 minutes ago

Second, I did my best to send a friend request to pretty much everyone I could on my Wii U so we can still keep somewhat in touch on our Switches.

Comment on |Ethan|'s Post


21 minutes ago

First... where can you find me now? Well, I was never too interested in making a social media account, but I do have a Discord. It's- ethan #4417