i dont know why but i get this feeling the nintendo should make a gta like game but with the miis i think its a bad idea
Brandon's Yeahs
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Community

If wii don't get a Donkeykong themed wiimote ill go bananas!.,.

Yeah and/or follow if you agree that there should be Hoenn (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald) remakes using Gen VI's engine. Maybe Royal Ruby, Sacred Sapphire, ____ Emerald. Help me think of a name!
Call of Duty®: Ghosts Community

Any idea why the tactical button layout messes up the B, X, and Y buttons? It should just switch A with the right stick compared to classic. Or, here's an idea, we should be able to customize every
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Good: 3DS eShop is back up. Bad: Notch says no Minecraft plans for Wii U, because they're too busy right now.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

I would love to see mewtwo come back. His final smash can be his mega forms. Anyone else agree?
Hey guys, it's Brandon! Remember to yeah and follow!