Users Ryder Is Following
ItzNqhlPvP Leitning
Kennt ihr mich ich war bei den top 10 besten Minecraft PvP Spielern dabei ★Also wer traut sich 1v1 gegen mich★
reece Baller4life04
I dont have friends
Keagan Keagan1112
I love you !
cool man2 anailil
Itha midnightglow56
hi(^o^)(^-^):) :3
nick tiff0817
hi im nick nice to meet you ok no more good guy talk i like spatoon, super mario maker, and super smash bro they are my 3 fave games in that order
Rosalina BlackRabbit1234
Xylor Xylorr
NickMan™ Nich0las6
cam cameron12365
try and try as best you can but beat me in video games you can not hahaha!hopefully we can be friends though
Dumbo DumboK
"Apples rule. If it weren't for a conspiracy of the fruit manufacturers, we'd all have apples." ・ Sorry, I can't follow anymore (1000 limit). ・ May get lost in notifications/activity feed. ・ May run out of 30 comments. ・ May not manage to keep track of all yeahs received. ・ May not accept random friend requests. ・ May often not be on the Wii U. ・ May like April May. ・ Thanks for the support!
Braxton braxtonio
milkbone wrigley612
this is ultimategamer4379
AlexMiguel TITITO1010
I play video games for a living. I'm well trained in nintendo and some playstation. Also like Horror/Weridness, Anime (enlish subtitled) and My little pony friendship is magic.
Roho Roho80
Gabica ZiGabi
Hii :)^^ We are Ziga (my boyfriend <3*) and Gabi = *ZiGabi* (happy couple:) and we love playing all Nintendo games:]. Follow or Invite to play with us:) Have fun:) ...PRIVATE QUESTIONS, PRIVATE MESSAGE!!!! ...and NO WII U CHAT!!! ...Friend request: [18+] Thank you, come again^^ SERBIA!
crystal erly123
hello welcome to my profile here are thing you should know about me *im 15 years old *im a vampr *my parents died when i was 12 *call me stala 4 short as crystal *my eyes are red in real life *i got blond hair *i sing and write songs *im a athlete *i have a bf his name is gabe he have blond hair *he is 15 years old he's eyes are red *and i am british *for hollween im going to be sexy cop
sonic sonicroman
im a huge nintendo fan and my favorite characters are corrin, sonic,roy,mario,ike and my favorite game is super smash bros and fire emblem and the legend of zelda tri force heros my favorite food is lobster raviol. send me a friend request if you like, i like game theory and soon starting a show called sonicromans lets play and lets watch movies and cartoons i love game theroy by matpat #friend me
Ronan rtclegostarwars
hi i'm Ronan. i like splatoon, mario games, captain toad treasure tracker and more. i except all friend requests. i like puzzles raceing and adventure. to see more go to my profile.
G0LD3NNIT3 Goldennite11
da ASIAN neilpitamber
coby adamglenn
hi i have no friends ö
la nena nairobis1211
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Thomas superwiiubros
Well, it's time to say goodbye. The past 5 years of my life have been amazing. I'll miss Miiverse. I guess it's true, you never truly appreciate something until it's gone. Be sure to find me on Closedverse. -Tom
tristan mgctsy123
Kirk Jirschefske3355
John superskymon
Hello i am john-i have played on the wii u, wii, ds lite, and 2ds.i am a newbie to the wii u but i can chat about skylanders trap team,mario 3D world,nentindoland, and smash bros for both consoles. i will be friends to some people... i hope for yeahs and follows!
MR.Tavarez sin-city05
live list
Matt md9550
Hi, my name is Matt! Or call me MD :). I like to make friends. Also I'm a great gamer and some of my favorite nintendo games are Pokemon, Super smash bros and Legend of Zelda. COD is not by nintendo I like to make friends and I'm always ready for a challenge. If you need something, you know where to find Mii <--LOL get it Btw if something looks weird, it might be my little brother.
LB bhouse
zac atack tomspiker
This user's profile comment is private.
$avagelife vcf1121_drew
hi im 21 and im a gamer. drone,brandon , juan and jeanna are my best friends:)
Bailey Bad29sjd
Hi everyone my name is Bailey. If you wanna be my friend then do what you need to do because im new on miiverse. :3
Emily icy90124
dont worry im alive but beware if you text me it may take a while for me to respond because i like youtube
kaitlin harris-kaitlin
Hi,my name is Kaitlin and welcome to my profile! I like disney infinity and lego marvel or dc games.My favorite games are super smash bros wii u,Splatoon,and Legend of Zelda.My favorite Legend of Zelda game is: Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker.I ♥ music,drawing,and dancing.Questions? If do comment profile pic.
ak AikHeng
sup ah here
CHARA redboots22
weegee is supr col# 360noscope and memes
Andrew Metaknightfav120
Well, the only thing you gotta know about me is, I am a very punny, respectful, and understanding person. Add me if you want.
Jayson samswizzlejr
Hi! My name is Jayson and my favorite game is Splatoon! :D I do most of my gaming on Xbox One. I don't really have anything else to say right now but I'm glad you got to know me more by reading this!
political bearcub4
bye everyone looking at jy post because miiverese is closing down soon so see you guys later :-(
Hello people im a big fan of games like splatoon and kirby im fine with friend requests but if yo...
Hello people im a big fan of games like splatoon and kirby im fine with friend requests but if your shy to give me one dont worry. Playing Splatoon AT NIGHT