Users ミルヒーDumbo Is Following
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
◆ まさ ◆ sub masa0o777
よろしくおねがいします! お気軽に、コメントして下さい。 ■□■無言フォロー大歓迎!!■□■ フォローしてくれた方は、なるべくフォローします。 【最近やってるソフト】 ・スナックワールド ・SDBH ・パワプロヒーローズ (投☆832・野☆748) ・妖怪ウォッチシリーズ全シリーズ [トロフィー・図鑑allコンプ・バスタ妖怪愛999] SUKIYAKI x2 SUSHI x2 TEMPURA x1 (3新エンマ・4神 他 増殖済) ・三国志・オセロ・マリオ・ドラクエ・イナイレ 他 ●別アカ メイン:masa00777 ○ユーザー 大人x1 子供x2(♀・♂) ●端末 メイン2台(アカあり)・サブ1台(オフ) (New 3DS LLx3台・Wii Ux1台) ※改造・中傷・詐欺行為はやめましょう。
Rayanne(∞) YoshiKitty654
So this is the end.. I've made so many friends and memories here, and I want to thank everyone who helped me on this journey. Thank you all for making these years so amazing. I make a lot of spelling errors because I'm always in a rush. ●If I don't respond to a Wii U message, comment on one of my posts. γøςħί!
Wıιmег˜˜ Wilmer_44
すけさん Ichigo_Tofu
Genjo TheDragonIsMe
Hello this is an alt for extra post and chill. Main profile → Genji ( Alex Ich ) 'Fire Emblem related' profile → Lord Leo This is a non serious profile, the other is :^). P a y a i s m y l o v e
Hola a todos y gracias por echar un vistazo. Aunque me considero nintendero, no le hago feos a ningún sistema, siendo mi preferido la NeoGeo (CD). Jugando a: Wii U: Xenoblade X, Splatoon, #FE 3DS: Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice PS4: KoF14, DOA LR Próximos: Super Robot Wars OG (PS4), SD Gundam (PS Videojuego más esperado: Xenoblade X2, un nuevo Fatal Fury o un Fire Emblem (normal) para Wii U.
2Tea 2teaErdbeer
"Pasta is fashionable because it is delicious" Fashion Officer². ▲ ▲ ▲ Currently playing: tLoZ BotW Mk8dx puyo puyo tetris Splatoon2 Any ArtAcademy
Swindle SoManyMegaStones
"Expect betrayal and your friends won't disappoint you". ~Slugfest As the NNID implies, I have tons of Mega Stones. To be specific: - 342 XY Mega Stones - 204 ORAS Mega Stones - 546 Total Mega Stones - 10 Orbs Not much to say about myself. I like solitude and quiet, and despise basically everyone I don't know, or should I say, don't want to know. Sorry, not sorry.
Ni ghosty144
Interesting stuff: -There are 6373 Ni s dancing to Disco. -Turritopsis-dohrnii is a cool jellyfish. It's biologically immortal, which seems Deviant compared to other animals. -Something bad happened; I Tumbled and hit a hive of laser-bees! -Ghosty144 is interested in ornithology and likes Birds (especially blue ones). -"Maika (Ni)" doesn't like it when the pizza restaurants are Closed
sid master_sid
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa. FMA and FMA:B <3 That anime should've been named feels metal alchemist tbh. I dunno follow if you feel like it and I look forward to us becoming friends. :3
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Gakenzi Gakenzi
Hello there! Thanks for visiting my profile! I mainly just post art here, so if you like that then hopefully you'll like me! -------------------------------------- Thanks for 1300+ followers! Yeah and comment on whatever you like, I don't mind :3 No requests. No Wii U chat. #PapiIsBestGirl "Excuse me...What did you say about my hair?!" -Josuke Higashikata
AC 0:) angelboricua
Hello! How is it going? :) Traveling, games, music, lawls, homemade cooking, and a long walk on the beach. Blue chirp: angelboricua4t DArt: tweedlejack If anyone wants to keep in contact. \m/(>.<)\m/
メロディ r9c48t53bepp
・任天堂さんMiiverseでたのしい時間を作っていただきありがとうございました。 ミーバースで知り合った全ての人に幸せが訪れますように。そしてまたお会いできるその日までお元気で。 ・とび森4つの夢番地。 デスバレー村 3D00-006B-E777 はなはた村 3B00-007F-5D00 アレフガルド村 3C00-001C-ECA6 ラルフ村長 アルカディア村 3B00-0065-ADA5 りゅう村長 (CLINICで検索可) 夢見で来てね~♪ ・ハピ森ツクッター ラムネ0876-7754-867 ・3ヵ月以上不在又は非公開ユーザーの方等々一部勝手ながらフォロー整理させていただきました。(ご報告まで)