9's Post

IF I POST IT THEY WILL COME.......................................
so I've been told(we'll see)

stinks when friends remove you from their list. but i understand and think we are still friends.

FREE MESSICA!!!!!!!!!!! ha sorry I know you don't give a rip plus you def don't want no1 doing a free you post but I had to
Baseball Community

congrats to Ken Griffey Jr. voted in to the Hall of Fame, first time on the ballot, highest vote percentage of all time!!! way to go KID!

to all my friends/followers/followed happy thanksgiving tomorro...
to all my friends/followers/followed around the world happy Thursday tomorrow hope its a gr8 1 for u n yours

just a post to let those that may care i'm still here, don't de...

[9's corner]
what is this trash...I can't have 2 open post...rubbish I tell u friends there is a new place to chat but I can not talk about it here...message me if u want deats...

[9's corner (suckas it not dead! 1st 1 from this side o new miiV]
what a strange new world this...@ 1st I went into panic mode cause I thought my old post/drawings were gone. welp its a new day 4 sure don't know how'll it'll play...
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