Users jacob Is Following
Pinky mudstain66
I love to draw and sing.I like reading manga. I love to play Zelda,Skylanders,racing,action and horror games.I think my best drawing is a portrait of my mom, but I dont think i could draw like that on here though.I also got in chorus and and art club. I'm now thirteen; I've been wanting to see what this was for a while.I hope you enjoy! ♥♥♥♥
Moonlight☆ dopegurl2.0
Hi! Im Moonlight☆~ heres some weird junk about me Likes -Furries (Ima wolf furry owo) -Mlp (VINYL! & Rainbow Dash are my waifus!) -Friends/Family (Crystaltehpony & adventuresoflove) -Foxy (eheheh) -Kawaii things (such a sucker for kawaii tings) Dislikes -Rude people (ugh) -Small children (ikr sooo mean) -Cheaters and Liers Ye I hope you enjoy my profile IM 100% SIN & TRASH *hug* Bye~
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
ƒδжý ANGELfloresS
HI im foxy, im just hear to draw and chat, and play games, and make new friends. ¬_¬ and one thing i don't live in colobia i live in california
Ðамιεη xXJENerationxX
Aye. (¬ ¬)/ • Hunter | ♂ | 16 | Taurus Baby | Coffee Addict | Writer | Artist | History Nerd | Damien's Creator •Damien Foster | ♂ | 25 | Greek (ƒŕőм Šрάгτа) | 6'4" | Pansexual | Aggressive bby~ | Territorial º˘°Taken by DarkMoon °˘° •DA: ChromaticMemories Online: [★] Offline: [] Sleeping: []
ĞłφячČнαη♪ Glory200
Hi i'm Glory i'm often Happy ^o^ I love to draw Sonic'characters,Animes,Furries Like:Music, my friends, Anime, Draw I do no WiiU chat, i do not Date Drawing Request: On[...] Off[√]
Saíx creepymaster
The master of all that's creepypasta I'm Mr.CP. sometimes I draw creepypasta version of things or people's oc best friend S. Grounder and gloomy (hopefully I find more) have a good day......›:) inspired by cheese (not the food the artist on miiverse)
GK is mine and only mine. No one else can have her oh yes, it's true. Call me insane or weird, but your words mean nothing! I love her no matter what has happened and no one is gonna take her away from me haha >:] Also, this is the end of my Mv time here. There won't be a last drawing as I planned. Thank you for the good and bad memories here :) †††Long live AG†††
☆Aura Flame-Lunar
Since Miiverse is ending... YouTube & Amino: Aurriku Instagram: auraslush DeviantArt: Aura-Slush Everything else, just search up 'Aurriku' cuz I use that now lol I'm gonna miss Miiverse very much, that's for sure qwq
[<+Sam+>] Burn23
Welcome to my profile, I'm Sam. Talk to me if you want. I am a Gemini. Age: 17 theme: What you wanted By: No Resolve Pokemon team theme: Undefeated. By: Skillet. Jay's theme: His world. By: Zebrahead remix Best Friends: Blazy, Furno, Aura, Connor,Kiara, Ruby and Dom (You hurt any of them. I'll make sure you regret it) (You may find me in A M I N O and D E V I A N T A R T after MV shut down)
Cat☆★ cat316
Hey Peeps. Art has been moved to DA Watch- Animeneko63 Charm3017 Thanks for stopping by on this piece of trash~Mew ~2/12/15~ The birth of my account.
★Pako★ carcrasher14
Sonic The Hedgehog of miiverse :D i'm a artist and a fan sonic the hedgehog and super mario bros. I like to draw fan art especially with oc's and official characters also Sonic is my dad so i'm the son of Sonic The hedgehog :D
Ashley N3MESIS
Hi! :) • ■▼(]!!!IN CASE OF A BAN FALLOUT!!![)▼■• ---Here are my back up profiles--- [★AND PLEASE DO WRITE AND/OR TYPE THEM DOWN NOW AND SOMEWHERE YOU CAN FIND LATER★] N3MESIS-2 Adm1nsB3stFriend ---Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting my profile! ^^--- *No WiiU Chat pls *
*~Light~* Lighthedgehog02
~*ºI'm simply one hell of a hyenaº*~ –Maliah Michaelis ~You can find me in: DeviantArt: LadyMaliah YouTube: LadyMaliah
←↑Vinniε↑→ RebbyJR
HOw'S It HANgIn' mY CRrRRaNKy cReW? I'VE StARTED wOrk aGAin & mY BoSS iS lOVelY. I'LL PASS YOU SOME SPAGHETTI TOTS WITH MY MAN-CHILD ABILITIES! FOLLOW: o0jessica0o o0vincent0o BECAUSE ASDGFHJKSDFGH #RebbyJR I Am A Bi Father Of 5 And A Zillion… Constantly Drinking Soda… My Age Is… Toaster You Dingus -Throws Book
y tho samirules12345
Greetings- There's nothing much to say. '-' I like drawing? Yeeeaaah. Started mv on- 24/10/2015 -Otaku (not really but eh :^) ) -Main Acc- GemmaXthor. -Kpop trash I am a very tall midget.
Smoky IamSANStastic
Tre sonicboom1456
US!Chara☆ DerpyTKawaiiNeko
Profile comment hidden by admin.
レイ(ぷるぷる) G-cisLOVE
スナックワールド楽しい。 バニラちゃん天使。 ミバが終わるまで、バニラちゃんを布教します。 ポケモンは放置中。 そしてMiiアレが触角にしか見えないっていうね。もうね。うさ耳くれ。
~★ßιiτнε★~ PunkGrrlBlithe95
★Andre's★ 37895ep
♪Family:Lill Lilly,Moonknight,OS☆kate, Vicious,Dylan, PS∞2099,Alexander, ★TNT★,Antonio,and MeteorCat Age:14 :3 Taken:By James (Youtube name Jamester897) Part of the Reaper Squad Also In Team Skull. #Team Skulls Yay There Da best :/ I do GameChat :p Bff:And all my followers. ^^♪
§οηαяφ PiXaL103
Hello, I'm §oηαяφ I am a self-taught 18 year old artist. Need drawing advice? I'm the guy you should talk to. I'm offline alot so don't expect drawings every day. Undertale and Smash 4 are currently my favorite games :P Posts Left: 30 Oh also I speak both spanish and english Ok you may now leave.
Jay Heart galaxymarvell
Hey!J'ai 12 ans et je suis une fille complètement normale (Si tu me connais bien ton avis risque de sévèrement changer) l'heure des dédies!~(•ω•)/ •ma meilleure amie Nutello! •Pauline mon amie folle du mardi! •Emmo,Lulu,Tatoo et Céli •Juju et cie! sur Miiverse:26/12/15 merci d'être 636 cookies!★o★ WattPad:JayEye Deviant Art:SharpJayEye
Tøbi Jerecakes
Thank You For Making My Dream Come True. it was a great time being here. :) thank you for the support♡ ig: king.vegaa_
Alyssa XMadQueenAlyssaX
♡Welcome to my Throne Room~! ♡ Status: Check my Fav Post to keep in touch~ Name: Alyssa Title: Mad Queen Age: 20 Likes: Roses, Tea, Loyalty, & Weapons. #TeamMadQueen.
X DetheLegendary
ヘコ=ツン whichdoll
メカクレイカちゃんを支援する会。 フレンドはお気軽に(・ω・)ヘコヘコ (・・・でもただフレンド増やしたいだけのリクはご遠慮下さい。) 一言リク理由いただけるとありがたいです 楽しく行きましょう!!
Songjay Songjay
Hey, hey, hey everybody! I'm Songjay, the Warrior cats fanatic! I love drawing, reading, gaming, and watching youtube with my fav youtubers, including Jacksepticeye and Markiplier! :3 I'm just a wierd thirteen year old with an obsession with wolves, death, and Septiplier... yeah if you can stand that stuff. X3 See you all in the next post! ;P
★Ðαякмоои★ DarknessGem
Sup ¬ ¬)/ ☆Welcome to my profile☆ a little about me and my oc (• - • •I'm an Aquarius •my oc, Darkmoon, is 18 • I LOVE OREOS Status: Take by Damien~★ (Don't you dare touch my Dami...(è ~ é ) *I'll draw my big bro more since I hardly draw him υωυ* ★My OTP: Venom x Damien★ So yeah, bye stranger t(- - t
bc Scifantz
Hai I'm ## years old ☆ I am in love with edm music ♪ Also I luv animae! ☆ Thanks If you put a yeah on my drawings! My birthday is coming up dec. 24th! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ One of my favorite things to do on my free time is to make lego stop motion movies! Thanks if you follow me my goal is 80 followers then 100! Then... well havn't thought through that far★☆★☆ So thx . Have a great day!☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
you probibly just poke my face, right...? so im fourteen. if you come accross my profile then tel...
you probibly just poke my face, right...? so im fourteen. if you come accross my profile then tell me what you think! i am an anime nerd, so bring these up and ill pay attention. hope you like what you see!!! Binx.
smash mains: lucario, roy, marth, shulk and robin.
splatoon: rank B- lvl 16?
Warriors name WolfFang
anime likes: rwby, naruto,YU-GI-OH , one piece, gundam, and hunterXhunter.