Users Spartak Is Following
little one Littleone19
My only friends are Hanna, and Me ( Me is my friends name ) :D
Alejandro Alexjandro9
kingston kingpin27
hi im kingston some people call me king and kingcity you are free to call me those names i like sonic mario games bye
BLG G19am4n101
CARLITOS carlitos2012
carlos carlosjkiio
Hey i want to become 100 Friends before Mii-Verse Die :(
TheCatshot sd-ahm
Vitali Vitali123
renata mariposa1980
La vida es muy corta para aburrirse.
lachlan iw_6418whitton90
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★TRG★снгίς Sauron17
Hello I'm Chris, and I like turtles. Curent feelings: Fine and good. I am the CEO/President of the GMU. (TRG, 3MM, NLM, T7W, TRON) Owner/Leader of TRG. Co-leader of OMC & Member of 3MM & TCW. I ♥ playing SMM, Minecraft , Splatoon, MK8 & SM3DW. I have over 3500 stars in SMM. I usualy Wii U Chat when I am up for it. WAFFLE! That is all! Bye! :D
will william.b2046
Markus vulkanmaus68
Viel Spaß auf meinem Wii U Miiverse Profil ^^ Vielen Dank für 413 Folger
AgentKikoo Xarodiax
Salut c'est MathiasBernard compte Youtube. Ma chaîne AgentKiKooLol et geeks d
shak 245166
hailey pielover0910
ロゼくん Roze naoking830
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Sebastian Sebacel527
Christina GamePad02
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diamond jamielovesgames1
if you friend and you have minecraft tipe the seed 123 and ... behold my world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
くろびかり★ ONE 02983g
Pélfa_GAME Pelfamix
Hello les gens, je suis Pélfamix ( le nom de ma chaine YouTube ). Je vous y invite à regarder en passant... Je suis encore un noob ! Tu peux demander d'être amis avec moi si tu veux, mais je n'accepterai pas forcément... Si tu joues à Clash Royale, tu peux rejoindre mon clan si tu veux ! C'est : Clasheurs XTREM
★Louis☆ louisrobion
Salut j'habite en Charente,j'ai 11ans gentil-★★★★☆ drole-★★★★★ méchant★★☆☆☆ cool-★★★★★ marioKart8★★★★★ marioMaker★★☆☆☆ ExpérienceMarioKart8★★★★★ LES MEILLEUR JOUEUR DE MARIO KART QUE JE CONNAIS ρεяυ☆мογα [?]Zσε~γ[?] Arm'αgεdοη ET PLEIN D'OTRE
Ð^ Day_5th
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simen daniel_simen
I am Simen. currently #56 mario maker in Europe with over 10000 stars. looking for traditional levels? if you are then I'm the maker for you. I hope you enjoy my levels to the fullest ^^
Sal SupremeToaster
Super Mario Maker is what I'm playing right now! If you've played through any of my courses, let me know! I'll be happy to play your levels in return. ;)
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
Nıçκ. lQuasiModol
Sup. I'm Nick, I'm from Germany and just a dude who likes to play videogames and making/listening to music. Feel free to ask me everything you're interested in. // Hype Frame ^-^ \\ I also do love cycling! ( Viva Peter Sagan! world champion x2!! :D) Reached 99.999 vr on MK8, it's considered 156th worldwide and 13th Germany :) - Will be rather inactive in gaming until I've passed my exams. -
scatyfan ScatyFan
hi, i'm Rocco, a big Nintendo fan and also like Rock music. sometimes i am totally crazy :p
Garrett gamemaster2112
Hello! I'm Garrett. I play video games, and I do drawings for part time. What's my favorite food? ''PIZZA!'' My favorite video game franchise? ''All of the above.'' I sometimes do Wii U Chat. Game on, everyone!
gougouni gougouni
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Ryan ZeroRhapsody
[Wii U purchased on 27th March 2013] Favourite Nintendo Series: Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Mario, Pokémon, Mario Kart, Smash Bros Favourite Game Ever: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) pls give animal crossing u [Update: pls give animal crossing switch]
Beano ileifieplayswiiu
Hello my name is Beano,Beaniebum and Beanz (they are all my nicknames). I am a kind person and I like playing Zelda games. I am also a boy. Many people mistake my gender. My top 5 favourite games on the WIIU are: 1. The Legend of Zelda Breath Of The Wild 2. The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker 3. Mario Kart 8 4. Splatoon 5. Nintendo Land
DanKon DanKon9
GeLi Dattelmann
hay ich spiele mariomaker
Niramou Niramou
I still don't know if I am a kid or a squid I think that I'm just a 19 year old french guy Je parle français :) Woomy.
«GOLD★»Ace miyota8o59
広島にまったり住んでいるAce2017です 広島いいところです! 住みやすいですし。 一応マリオメーカーしてます。最高ランキングは国内5位で、スピランばっかり投稿している奴です。 だってめんどry(殴 まぁそういうことです。 コース送りつけるのはいいけど鬼畜コースはやめてね。だって下手だからw 一応鬼畜ギミックはほとんどできます。TAS、ファントム、ファイアー壁キックなど... サブアカウントあります。でもめったに開きません。 なぜっかって? だって超めんどry(殴 最後に自慢2個 【県内】に友達多い ↑ここ重要(殴 一度もキレたことない(ガチ) ってことよろしくです!^_^
ふぶき:fubuki gy8ldq4i1nx
DSA»Tricky trickydee123
Hi there! Trickydee is my nickname! my real name is mayce. I was born 30 Dec 2004 so now im 12 and love video games and water guns and the beach,planes,candy,skatebording, also my three fish called crush and tango and pom-pom! and puppy luna and please friend me! my rank is[ S 87 ] on splatoon my favourite special is the inkzooka!^_^ and im friends samu a hacker! And please be my m8 Thankyou. ^^
Stampy stampylongnoseyt
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I h...
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)