Users Jacob Is Following
Michael YoshiParty14
Greetings, fellow Nintendo fans! I love any and everything Nintendo, and I am a hardcore collector of amiibo & retro games!! I am also a Christian and love Jesus. My favorite franchises: Mario, Zelda, Banjo-Kazooie, Kirby, Pikmin, Animal Crossing & Pokémon. I LOVE making new art for everyone to enjoy! In fact, I upload new drawings quite often and take requests! Thank you, and God bless!
issac masterblaster13
hi i am isaac i like many games i have great friends! like matt the catlover and you can be one of my friends too!
btan btan05
Teddy TeamTeddy1.31200
i am good at basketball
Natman Batman998800
I like Smash bros.,Donkey Kong country Tropical freeze,Splatoon,Mario Kart 8, Mario games,Yo kai watch,Mario Tennis open,Triforce heroes,and Pokemon Super Mystery dungeon.I like singing,I am bad at drawing,and I like to dance.
Beano BWar3ofM3
Im new add me
G-man festivapixie
Yo! I love Mario!
Letsa go!!! It's a me, Fΐς★£цίgί™ I'm a drawer & designer! Maybe you know me because I HAD a another account. My BEST Friends: •Milan •Talha •Zidan •Lea •Justin •Nadine •Kevin •Dominik •Philipp My Hobbies: •Drawing •Designing •Gaming •YouTube (We love Sans) •Chatting •Flirting ;) My real name is Tyrone and I'm 14 Years old. I life in a tiny village in Germany. (Gütersloh) Have Fun ;)
jasmine jcasalmario15525
hi im jasmine i have 4 games on the wii u and i do quizes and i have a lot of games in 3ds
Blue Kirby Javon91
All my characters Kirby Peach Rosalina Sonic Mario Link Luigi Tails Yoshi Daisy Inkling Girl Pikachu Knuckles Amy Zelda
yeah king finnjj
Ness 16085XL
Hi everyone,Im Ness,from earthbound.I like to collect amiibos.I also like to play Splatoon and Super smash bros 4 3ds and 4 Wii u.My favorite character in super smash bros 4 is Ness.Im hyped_up for the new nintendo nx, the new super smash bros for nx and the new splatoon game for nx.Im a earthbound character.Please follow me.
1★シェン Spazer40
電源オン!さぁ始めよう〜音速ソニック越えていけ〜〜♪ Hello I'm Spazer40, I'm 17...That's about it. November 8th....
[TK]JUSTIN crazyman4242
Hi im justin im 15 I love smash and injustice my favorite smash charecters are Marth, Ike, Roy, Corrin, Mewtwo, Ryu, and Cloud. Injustice mains Green Lantern, Deathstroke, Solomon Grundy, Doomsday, and to many characters more to list. I have 100 wins with Solomon Grundy,Batman,Aqauman,Superman,Doomsday,Deathstroke,Green Arrow,Nightwing,Bane, Hawkgirl, Black Adam, and Green Lantern.
Alex Alextheawesome38
Gabica ZiGabi
Hii :)^^ We are Ziga (my boyfriend <3*) and Gabi = *ZiGabi* (happy couple:) and we love playing all Nintendo games:]. Follow or Invite to play with us:) Have fun:) ...PRIVATE QUESTIONS, PRIVATE MESSAGE!!!! ...and NO WII U CHAT!!! ...Friend request: [18+] Thank you, come again^^ SERBIA!
Jacob 4evernintrndo
Hello everyone on miiverse i'm 16 and a pretty good artistic gamer who likes anime,mario,pokemon,zelda,kid icarus,mega man,star fox,splatoon,and kirby i try and draw as good as anime and am always glad to be there for my friends and you too i'm a really funny and friendly person once you get to know me and my favorite pokemon is delphox and i'd love to talk to you sometime if u like to ^_^
Starry StarryG.0616
Goodbye Miiverse ~I remember that I joined on Miiverse because of Sakurai's Mii ~Rest in peace
Callisto shmalderink
homer crantonman
HyliaPlayR stephenhalland
Hi! The name's Stephen. Favorite Games: Paper Mario, Splatoon, The Legend of Zelda (BotW), Mario, Super Smash Brothers, Just Dance, Cuphead for XBOX, ect Likes: Nintendo Switch, Youtube, Just Dance 2018, Ninjago, ect
Barney Goomba9
OBVION masktype
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Sarah Slvick
Hellu thanks for pressing my face hehe Some of the things I like are: •Games (obviously) but mostly Nintendo. •♥Anime♥ •Cosplay (Deal with it) •Drawing •The outdoors __________________________________ Please feel free to look at my posts and screenshots! However, I've had this profile since 2013, so if you look at my posts from then, Rip Thanks for checking out my profile! Arigatou♪^^
~Sarah~ sgvick
Hi there im Sarah! Thanks for pressing my face lol. Not really much to say but if you wanna know more about me, check out my profile for my 3DS and follow it please! My other ID name is Slvick. Anyway thanks for looking at my profile! Take a look at my posts! •ω•
Niti Nititini
Mein Name :Arianit Jahre:13 Lieblings Spiele:Mario Maker,Smash Lieblings Flash Games:Super Smash Flash 2,Mario 63 und Naruto! Spiel gern Online also gebt mir eine Freundschafts anfrage wenn ihr bock habt Lieblings Anime:Naruto,Dbz,One Piece,Death Note,Tokyo Ghoul Lieblings YouTuber:KuchenTV Heimatland:Kosovo 3Ds Profil:Niti ID TiniNiti zocke dort DBZ Extreme Butoden Schönen Tag allen im Miiverse.
Louie Louieguns
hey everyone my favorite youtuber is animebro.
Waluigi rescueboy3
I'm Christian, I play Nintendo, Sega, and Capcom games, I have a Wii u,3DS,PS3,PS4,Xbox 360 and Phone. #DBZ
Yung Venuz Djvirus2
ey, am yung venuz. am gungod and i liek moni moni4lyfe i liv wit me Cuz at ma mansion. #verifyvenuz Joined: 19th of June 2015
Alex MarioPlayer78
The name's Alex. I'm 13 years old. I love playing video games, reading every once in a while, and being with my friends in Miiverse and the real world. As you can see the pic on the right hand side I put, that's me winning a smash battle.
PenguinPal bebz917
Hey guys, my name's Bebz! Well, Bebz the Penguin.
jackseptic WIIUAMIBO
i love youtube,my top 3 favorite youtubers are... 1.jacksepticeye 2.dank meme vids. 3.vanossgaming if you follow me ill follow you back! you can also follow my other jackseptic account.
Jacob mywiiness
Hey babe. Follow me swagdaddy
David christine3039
Hi! I a wired guy who draws random stuff! I love Nintendo games and I also like to draw random thing like Countryballs! I like potatos
Shadow PL-NICO
Yo c'est Shadow. Jeux favoris: Super Mario , Kid icarus , Zelda , Fire emblem , Super smash bros et Pokemon .Merci à tous les abonnez !!! Abonnez vous !!!Les jeux vidéos ces génial, Tchao les amis !!!
Chrissy ChrissyAngel
Hi im Christina im random I love drawing and games many kinds im funny and nice :) and im fun to talk to I stream games well of what I can and im trying to be an artist :) I'm also trying to be a youtuber
Matthew mateo0077
Hi! I'm Matthew!I love Splatoon and I only do wii u chat if i know you.Once you know me I am a really nice, caring and smart person. Go check out Sean's, Jose's, and santana's user page! School has just started so I won't be able to comment or post a lot.I love playing Roblox, and nintendo games!P.S. I like Cats better than dogs and I love everything about them!! Have a great day everybody!!!
Red Damion14
Hello everyone! It's good to see you all! I'm 18 years old. My favorite color is red. I like Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, and Super Smash Bros. I don't Wii U chat. I am a saiyan warrior, Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue Princess Peach from evil. If you like to be my friend, feel free to send me a friend request.
David robots_davids
yayay sariahstewart
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