NintenBro's Followers
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
robert4 13-GHzb09r
********** TylerZBan
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Miles Miles-100
Hi, I'm Miles! I'm 14. Joined: March 2016 I play MK8 and Smash 4 regularly I've played DKC:TF & TLOZ: WW RIP Miiverse, thanks for all the good times (Discord): 10Miles#8336
Naomi goopley
↑↑↑plz plz yeah my favorite post i worked very hard on it↑↑↑ hi there im naomi and this is me im a sonic fan i draw(more on my 3DS) ocs Goop Chase Luna Kicks Gleam Lea my friend mattbuscus follow him my SIS pinkcat707 follow her my SIS Miry follow her i have a 3DS profile called harrycat77 plz follow it i don't expect friend requests sry !
Youssef dantdm588
hi everyone miivers is my first time we put friends we play together we do whatever we wan't if you guys put friend request i will chat with wii u chat
ŽĀ☆nijaMKS mariohowen
SW-4902-3217-5512 SLT MIIVERSE FERME BIEUTOT RÉvoluTION SPLATOON 2 RANG S PARTOUT -^-^ ___________________ | | | (º) (º) | | | | • | | ----- | —————————— | | ——— | | | |
◇Yuna◆ 5622sy
うちゃ!!(„-∀-„)/最近暇なε☆уцпа★зだお///^^ Melfykissおいちい♡ Miiはミバ友と一緒のデビルだぞ\(=„>∀<„=)/ もう、ミバが終わっちゃう... 悲しいなぁ 自己紹介するね~ 小6の11歳です^^ 趣味は、最近唯一でる恋話ボソッ とハニワメドレーを 聞くことだぞ/// 最近は学校が楽し~ 笑いのツボにハマってるからね!!w 最近はハニワのメドレーが大好き♡ YouTubeではがみちゃん神です!! がみちゃんばっか見てる^^ ハイッッツ!!!こんな感じだお// フォローしたら返します! 良く聞かれるるだけどざ~ コクハクフッチャッタww 好きな人はいるけどね彼氏はいないからね^^ いじょぉー!! 優しくて面白い人なら好きー!!条件もっとあるけど!!w あ、嘘つきは嫌いだよ >∀^-☆ [更新日11月4日]
ALEX alexander354
Hola soy Alex, mis juegos favoritos son los de kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. Intentare aclarar cualquier duda que tengan sobre cualquier juego, gracias. (•ω•) Hi my name is Alex, I love games such as kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. I would try to help you in any question that you have about any game, thanks. (•ω•)
becca becbecca1
Foofighter lila-adonai.ryuu
皆さん初めましてLila adona のファン第1号(自称)のFfです。宜しくお願いします。 (Lila adonaのYouTubeを見てネ) ゲームは 初心者です。 みんなの活動を覗いては、連続共感に命を賭ける不届き者で、無言フォローしますが…広い心でどうかお許し下さい。 フォロバは、せずともかまいません。どうぞお気遣いなく。 しよーもないパロディのヒントを家族からもらっては、絵心の微塵も無いイラストを書いております。 主に深夜から 朝にin率高いです。 スプラ腕前は、A帯を10ヶ月抜けられません。 多分、無限ループ 入りますた。 www フレンドは、あまり居ません…こう見えて非常に小心者です。 無言フレリクは、応じ無い事が あります。 今日で ミバ始め ちょうど2ヶ月経ちました。 今や残り2週間となりましたが 最後まで皆さんと 楽しみたいと考えています。 29.10.26
brian mataza69
hola a todos les mando abrazos si me siguen e igualmente si no je, me gusta mucho el 3d, zelda y mario, y juegos de aventura gracias por seguirme
Shafin coolshafin90061
#imSoAlone chewchew2005
WELCOME BACK! welcome to my page and my name is kaylee . i post every day! lets get to 50 followers!im in love↓ with cats XD and butter /\ /\ (•ω•) (/ \) | |¬ ¯ ¯ and my birthday is 8/11 so ya Good day and bye! still here? go check out 1 of my rps! just go now plz follow me! why are you still here?go look some where else!
Peter peter54321
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Hudson 1cheese1
bears eat chairs.
mario dolphin2
Bye, guys. supermariolink35
Well, Miiverse is closing. It's been fun, but it's time to move to the future. There have been good times and and there have been bad times, but ultimately, they were fun times. Goodbye, my friends. I hope to see you on Switch one day. -Kareem
TBNRFRAGS megamewtwo767
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Susi2979 willowSue
ゆうな HAORI123
こんにちは!ゆうなです!! 好きな食べ物はメロンです!!!!!!!! 好きな動物はパンダだよ~^~^~ 好きな色は黄色で 好きな音楽はストーリーだよ よろしくね~!
fishy eggman104
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squid kid marioo555555
Its a shame that miivers is closing.... I will have many memorys of all my friends messages, That time someone reported me, and how amazing the miivers community is..... Miivers will be mised.... Good bye miivers.... forever. :-(
Paula.A nindeluisypaula
#jijicool# jadejaffrelot
Bonjour en raison de la fermeture de Miiverse je vais écrire un peu moins de message mais même si le manque de message va embêter certain je vous demande de vous abonné depuis l'ouverture de mon compte je ne pensais pas qu'un jour Miiverse fermerais et mon plus grand rêve Miiverse serais d'avoir 100 abonnés même si je remerci ÉNORMÉMENT mes 81 abonnés je voudrais avant la fermeture qu'on sois 100.
byeROLANDO minecraft207
♪is the end of miiverse as we know it is the end of miiverse and i dont feel fine♪ KKEEEYAYSYYAHEAHYHEYAHY!!!! one more day!!
QR★Bren Menita9
.*★Holi☆*. ^^Me llamo brenda Me gusta:^^=splatoon=^^,smash,mk8,(mis juegos) Me gusta: dibujar (^_~) Tengo un hermano y 0 mascotas Ago una serie por si quieren verla o aparecer=GUERRA INKLING Mis amigos Preferidos:Aneli Marie ignacio emanuel Games Michi kevin jahir NO ACEPTO SOLICITUDES EN BLANCO Algun día jugamos Yo te sigo si tu me sigues Creo que es todo BYE (No soy buena recordando cosas XD)
мαιαçнı●¬● superbudd
Hello Errbody My new is back. Im back with my new mii I havent changed anything im still me. śçħőőι наś ßεεη оκ ●¬●. Im thinking on moving off wii u for a while i shall return though. Im really just a Artist in Training but i'll become a master artist soon all I need is a little more training and im good. My goal is to reach: 300 follows
agent3 themaninpurplepj
hi welcome! my friends are Katie,Zoe,Zae,Sal,Ak★amg,agent2,tayianna,S★Halloween,and noe
LUQY7 tacocat987
Hello! my name is LUQY AKA Christi. Why is my name LUQY? Oh it's because l played the Ouija Board and the Spirit called me LUQY. ^^**Besties**^^ My drawings jason [bae]:3♥♥♥ ♪-ρεαснγ-♪ Hope u enjoy ur day!!♥♥♡♡☆☆★ -~I LOVE YOU TOO BAE!!!♥♥♥~- #SaveMiiverse
Yeahshi YoshiYeahs
Hi. I'm Yeahshi! The Yoshi that likes to yeah give. Everyone is cool 2 me. (except the haters) u can add me if u like. (only if u pay attention and read this because most idiots dont) and i dont wii u chat. Riddle School is best NEWGROUNDS game!!! Bai. I said bai. U may go now. Hey, Lakitu, that's enough with camera. Ok for real bye.
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TONY Hondacas_2007
Y'all wish I'm banned am I right haters? Ello, I am Hondacas and I'm ExTREmlY socialy awkward. I love drawing, and music. I'm homeschool. I don't get triggered easily, or offended often. I also don't Wii-u chat. I am a Christian † (Please no hate) Goal, 140 followers Other account, Hondacas (Sorry for the cringey art, I'm teaching myself) Follow DAT_KRINGY_GAMER yaryCR Alexander_828 gaby97
chandingo chanding2009
Hi I'm Blane Beck I'm 17 years old. Im in the 12th grade. Im really into Nintendo as you can tel...
Hi I'm Blane Beck I'm 17 years old. Im in the 12th grade. Im really into Nintendo as you can tell. My favorite videogames are:Loz wind waker hd,SuperMarioGalaxy1&2, SuperMario3D World&land, AnimalCrossing:NewLeaf,Minecraft, Splatoon,MiiTopia,TomodachiLife,MarioKart7&8