Users Omega Quil Is Following
Raltsgivin WTheRalts
Thanks to Miiverse; thanks to all that inspire me; November for Thanksgiving... ...and food. :3
ALEX alexander354
Hola soy Alex, mis juegos favoritos son los de kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. Intentare aclarar cualquier duda que tengan sobre cualquier juego, gracias. (•ω•) Hi my name is Alex, I love games such as kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. I would try to help you in any question that you have about any game, thanks. (•ω•)
Μία 22345MiaFlores
Farewell Miiverse, The day has finally come Miiverse ends tomorrow... Will I miss it? OF COURSE! But the thing I'll miss the most are my friends... Im sure something new will come out like Miiverse and we'll all be reunited again, if this does happen ill look the same and have the same name, if you wanted to find me again. Im going to stay untill the last few hours of Miiverse... :')
jack portiss04
hi my name is jack but my real name is dylan things i like pokemon r u pokemon r ssbfwu things i dislike school wake up erly clean my room can wii u chat me be my friend age 8
justice 720999
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Makaly Makaly107
Hi people! I'm not really sure what to say...I don't post much, but I love to see what you guys post. I hope you guys have a wonderful day everyday! :D If you want, you should look up this song: Silent Scream by Damien Dawn Also, if you want, you should look up the animated short film: Scarlett and the animated short film: In a Heartbeat.
Kelsey Pandachu123
Hello there! Thank you for coming to my page! Anyway, I'm a college student and a huge anime and game otaku (that's "fanatic" in Japanese for those of you who don't know), and have been playing all sorts of games for most of my life. I enjoy Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts, Klonoa, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Persona-- the list goes on a long way. ^^; ...Now taking... DRAWING REQUESTS!! :D
Sparkz SugarSparkz
I've been on Miiverse since I2/IO/I3... Apparently, Miiverse is officially shutting down.. and as Britain said, "One should always be prepared for anything." (Ep. 32 World Series) (•_•`)
Waluigi foxy2015
I love to be friends with good people and play together
Koyuki CookieCake23
Hey, guys! As you may know, Miiverse is ending...Thanks for the support, and the follows too...i will sure miss you guys...maybe we'll see each other again! Who knows?
Hi thank you for clicking on my face ;) my name is Ami and i love games! I like platform games and all mario games. i love drawing as well! if you follow me i will try my best to follow you back ;) about me: *i like drawing * favourite food: pizza!! *i love making new friends ★☆★☆ * i love sports thats all, enjoy your day ;)
red SHELIA55
I named myself ''red'' to be safe on miiverse, but i'm sure all of you good people gotten used of my name. So I like to play mario games there very fun and communicat with my friends on miiverse. and also love to meet new people on Miiverse!!!!
buddy buddychooch
This user is back. Z: Hello the rest of the oc's are back too.
Tyler TylerByers44521
I'm a Pokemon Master and I join RPG's on Miiverse. RPG names 1. Tyler (Team Leader) 2. Iris (Tylers Partner) 3. Lunar (Team) 4. Dai (Ryuu-Shin/Team) 5. Dawn (Team) 6. Blue (Team) 7. Claire (Artist/Team) 8. White Winter (Elemental/Team) 9. Arc (Expert/Team) 10-12 Kurtis, Pika, Miles (Team Guardians of Hope) 13: Wyvern (Team) 14-16: Avis, Rodney, Shiny Gengar (Team R.A.D.) 17: Ciralyn (Team)
CatTiffany Princessa909
Hi! I'm ♪Tiffany♪, a gamer girl and music lover. I play: Animal Crossing:New Leaf Minecraft:Wii U Edition Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Started Miiverse:9/7/2016 About me: Age:13 Listening to: ♪Train - Play That Song♪ Something is better than nothing at all. -♪Tiffany♪ I don't Wii U chat. No blank/random friend requests. That's pretty much it, so have a cookie! ^ω^/●
Haileigh PainterSmeargle
Hello. Seems that you are on my page or I started following you. I like amany games, like okami, pokemon, kirby, sanik, zelda, and many more. Also I shall watch you for all eternaty. A.K.A, seeing posts I like that you make [made] and giving them a like. So, please follow me back, or something I dunno. Just do it! Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams!
joe joe joejoe3247
I am Joseph Warren I love Pokémon Current Devices: 3DS, Xbox, Wii, Fire Tablet and 2 Ipads I am getting a Switch soon!
EeveeStar☆ pinkypen
Some info about me: 1. I was called Pinky, then PinkyαΩ, then EeveeStar☆, then Nebby, PuffleStar and back to EeveeStar☆ 2. I have created Eeveelutions for all the other Types! 3. My favourite games are Pokémon, Kirby, Animal Crossing and Club Penguin 4. I'm an expert at sewing, so my room is littered with gazillions of Pokémon plushies.
574 Friends, not Followers. What an honour & privilege it has been to know & help you. I'm shall miss you.Please keep creating your arts! I love the positivity,creativity, support, & humour that our Miiverse has shown! Please visit me: Mayor Nixie, from Spunkvil- Dream Address: 4D00-000F-62CE. Love & good vibes to all!
Orchard Bethany.clough
hi guys, I'm Orchard, I really want to be bfs with all of you! if your reading this you'd probably want to follow me! so thankyou! Just so you know I'm trying to get a total of 70 followers! So help me! here is the list of best followers: Joshua Bianca ~Paige~ gosipgirl so please follow them! Orchard out! p.s if you give a yeah or post a comment i will follow you so thankyou in advance!
Hi! I'm Omega Quil! I was Fire Quil, but then I got better! Then, I changed into Omega Quil!
Hi! I'm Omega Quil! I was Fire Quil, but then I got better! Then, I changed into Omega Quil!
Top Five favorite games ↓
1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf Welcome amiibo
2. EarthBound
3. Pokémon HeartGold
4. Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon & Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
5. EarthBound Beginnings