Does anybody need anything? Part 2
Miiverse is closing in 3 days. Are there any pokemon you must have b4 it happens? I'm looking for legit shiny arceus and maybe Lillies vulpix.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Does anybody need anything? Part 2
Miiverse is closing in 3 days. Are there any pokemon you must have b4 it happens? I'm looking for legit shiny arceus and maybe Lillies vulpix.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Say your farewells to miiverse!
They are closing miiverse on November 7th, So, We Will All miss miiverse
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
me:hey gladion ! gladion :,get out of my house. me: want to play baseball! gladion :no! i said get out ! me: want to play checkers? gladion:no! get out! me: why? [gladion starts exploding] me: bye-...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
Hey guys this will be my last post on miiverse ever.I will still be looking at what you guys posted thx to everyone who followed me a have a good rest of your lives
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
My LAST Trading Spot on MV
EVENTS FT: ★Genesect, 20th Anniversary GF Genesect, Happy Hour Meowth, Ash-Greninja, Ash's Pikachu (All released Cap's) LF: Mew on X/Y/OR/AS, Events (gens 3-7) SHI...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
15 days from release and now im officially pumped for Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. In addition to at least 3 new UB's, move tutors, Ultra wormhole travelling and frikkin' MANTINE SURF! Team Rainbo...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mini Giveaway! Diesmal auf Deutsch! Die erste Person die "NUTELLA" Kommentiert erhält ein gratis shiny Pokemon aus einer Liste.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Giveaway shiny 1/7
Jusqu'au 7 Novembre je "prendrais des commandes" Je commence la distrib dès que j'ai envie xd Mais je ne veux pas non plus trop en donner donc ça sera limité ^^" 5...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
GUYS!!! I'm not banned anymore! I'm gonna give out a shiny to celebrate!!!
Pokémon Shuffle Community
Shuffle Community Open House (Shuƒƒle Base 33)
Everyone looking to chat about shuffle, ask questions or reminisce is welcome here. This is to commemorate over 2.5 years of Shuffle and this community. It has b...
Hi! My name is Cameron I like games such as Pokémon