Jxmmi's Yeahs

One year ago, on this very day is when Nintendo suffered the loss of a great man who has made Nintendo grow so mush. And that man is Satoru Iwata. He died due to the effects of cancer. He has done ...

Join Team Neon, the anti-redesign group trying to change miiverse rules like the 30 post limit and not being able to have two discussions open at the same time.

How about a Xenoblade Chronicles X online mission special where teams of 4 compete for the best times and RP score?
Draw 2 Survive Community

New thread for players to post game updates additions and sugge...
If you have any suggestions or recommendations about any other updates/additions that you would like to possibly see in Draw 2 Survive, please use this topic to po...
Aye yo whaz good, Battlefield, Destiny, overwatch, Xenoblade. thats it. Sremm life