Users Dylan Is Following
7spice secretGOLF.nes
ToonZach smashbrothers694
Welcome to ThatGuyWithTheAfro's 3DS account and alternate Wii U account in case my other one gets banned temporarily or permanently. I don't use my 3DS as much as I used to, so don't expect me to post here very often unless I get banned on my alt. I DO NOT USE WII U CHAT. I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly comfortable with that sort of thing.
Jacob Jacobisback52
I've had a great time on this site for the past 3 years, and I truly am gonna miss it. I've met so many good friends over the years who I never would've met without this site. Please look at the list of users who I am following if you care about me. ~ Jacob
7spice Sys11.3.0-36U
#forthejakepaulers /watch?v=s4V18JmguRU cursed video I'd rather be listening to the grammy award-winning 1999 hit SMOOTH by Santana feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty off the multi-platinum album Supernatural.
My yukiakane0507
Reddit amelida
** Viviana6855
Dilly yeowaoell
Dylan zzoeey
hello i wish i had a girlfriend
. zzzznosleep
Who am I?.. Who are you?.. Who are we?.. Let's just be... ♥ Do you know GanjaGal? How about KushQueen? ;-) This is just my practice account! ALL BAD art, wouldn't follow it if I was you! You've been warned! Lol! (^o^)
YouTube zxaise
not only that DAM 24 YEAR OLD CAN USE THIS but i he dosen't care joined 11/22/14 online (★) offline (☆) brb (☆) Trip (☆) PIVATE (☆) Bad mood (★) HAPPY MOOD (VERY ☆) wait what do yo do in ''PRIVATE''? I can't tell you People §)Plus why is your nave YouTube? because thats my real name and did you say Navy? WHA no i meant....Name Yes name. Yea right.......THE END
and zombiehunter99
******** Twitter
will zzXeroGodzz
hey there i love ssb for 3ds
be yungboi89
coming comingzkm
soon temma1
YBXDGaming yoshbrosXD
Brenden smilesgaming4
Before you hit the block button, please know that I’m not a yeah giver despite my massive yeah count. If you seriously have a problem with me, however, go ahead and block me.
KirbyohN3D NotaYoshi
I'm considering this to be my doodle account since drawing on the New 3DS' big screen makes drawing feel more comfortable.
Sam Cro samsoncronik
(?) hiscoconutgun
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Mon2na RedGreenYellow
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.) Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts. If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch. NEATO BURRITO BLOB-OMB BLACK AND YELLOW HELLO
ΞReinNicoΞ SpifferD
If you're here to block me: "Aww, did I win?" Hello! My name's Nico, I'm 14, and I love Nintendo! Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is my favourite game, alongside Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Just a simple memelord from the NSLUC. Room 7 GRAND DAD in Hotel Bigley Chuggaaconroy fanatic I hope to become a YouTuber "I'm so unoriginal, I steal my own memes."
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. 📷ig moonshine.flare 🐦tw Sudomemo Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
Magnemite Nicko44444
Welcome to Magnemite's magne-profile. As you can see, this is my profile comment. And thats all.
Where chocolate bar memes are just a suction cup away. Hello there. Im Doc Louis. Chocolate Bar Enthusaist, and Supporter of Muscular Scrappy Doo, in the NSLU. I also do birthday parties and weddings. If you need a trainer, call the Doc. (Closed verse is a maybe. Check following to see where you can catch my unfunny memes after this place goes.)
Starkist ToxScent
Miiverse is dead guys, its been great knowing all of you, maybe someday we'll all meet again with new stories to tell.
Quester Quester11
Hi, I'm the Quester. I'm a fan of Smash Bros, Mario, Sonic, Mother (Earthbound). Considering getting into Legend of Zelda. I'm 14, recently unbanned, and just got a Wii U. And I like commas, like, alot! Alt: SydBarrett. If you follow me you should follow him as well.
Dunsparce starfy324
SandBag Sez:Welcome I'm a Dunsparce. On this profile you'll see some posts. Some are drawings, and some aren't. Feel free to check them out or something. And on a rare occasion if you like my garbage you can follow me :^). SandBag Sez:End My Alternate account: SandBag (↑NNID:I_am_a_character)
ΞNicoΞ NicolasCharette
If you're here to block me: "Aww, did I win?". Hello! My name's Nico, I'm 14, and I love Nintendo! Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is my favourite game, alongside Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Just a simple memelord from the NSLUC. Room 7 GRAND DAD in Hotel Bigley Chuggaaconroy fanatic I hope to be a YouTuber Closedverse ID: "NintenDank" "I'm so unoriginal, I steal my own memes."
"When we die there are two things we can leave ...
"When we die there are two things we can leave behind us, genes and memes." ~ Richard Dawkins, 1976
Why hello there! My name is Dylan. Here's some things you should expect to see on my profile:
- Memes
- Pixel Art
- Some pretty good levels in Super Mario Maker
- Weird things happening in my Life
- Reminders (Weird Facts)