Senpai's Friends
$◆ĞŘÌΜ◆$ UnluckyMars
Holly Hollystar2004
Hey... im holly soooo ya I love video games but hate pants sooo i wear dresses i adore minecraft. I also love anime and roleplay if you want to talk play or rp with me ask ok? good day!!!!!
Death1313 Sup133
hi i like to make new freinds
Estevan DuhItzEstevan
What up my doods. Friend when me when you get a chance and lets hangout sometime :}
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josiah ghostssnper
hi my name is josiah i can do a lot of things like play soccer i am good at it i love nerd out songs i am very shy =) i play bo2 and 3 i love those games i will miss u all :( i all was happy play with me its fun i love FCB and also i have 1 sister AND 2 BrotherS
Edwin NBA* Tiger4753
~★Mιгιmα★~ alienuser888
~★Mιгιmα★~ ♥Im Going To Tell Few Things About Myself♥ ♡Besties:Creeper♡ •I Love Music •I Love Anime Like Alot! •I Am A Nintendo Fan •I Love To Play Mario Games •You Tube Is My Favorite Thing To Watch •I Do Not Do Wii U Chats •I Speak Spanish ♡If You Follow Me Then I Will Follow You Back♡ ♥Im Not Online That Much♥ ♡We Can Be Friends And Chat And Play Together♡ ☆★Enjoy Your Day★☆ :D
mike shyguypro5678
adam rudie2008
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suzie nighthuskey
Hi this is great community, having fun playing on my new wii game system. Enjoyed playing lego city undercover, 3d mario world and nintendo land games.
Rigo Rigo147
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Ephraim dragonKingEphrai
FoofTheDog foofy15
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★NekoGeo★ AnimDude91
I'm AnimDude,but you can call me Anim. i'm just a 14 year old who makes terrible art. but anyway i like undertale and Roleplaying,so you don't like those,you won't like me Follow these people: ★ηεω~Dev★ (Senpai òωó) Anissa (sis) Mschievous (other sis) SuperMario (bro) Co-leader of the ηεω clan See you guys! ^^b
Mom jlham85
DiegoRep dieguishern
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Good wiiu
YAHIR yahir108
мγ☆чηινяsε xXLittle_0neXx
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Ally allisonnorris
Gringo EvanLindsay
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Omar LikeOMyGodStarBu
Hello there, Im Omar :D Here are somethings you sould know about me: I love the Paranormal, Nintendo is the best, in my opinion, I play Splatoon 24/7, I love making new friends. Im color blind so, dont ask me whats my favorite color :P. Here are some AMAZING people you should follow. Sage Jess JrPlaysMlg Octo Julian And Adding... Bye Sage May Rest In Peace
Fowler FowlerUnified
hey i am Nezih the Fowler Unified Call me on the wii u chat! and registered on fowler unified
junior joshjam7
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Kousei x57589
h-h-hi im kousei im from your lie in april and im pretty good at piano eccept im tune deaf favorite song : 1-800-273-8255 favorite insturment : grand piano favorite game : minecraft, terraria favorite drink : water favorite food : sushi b-b-bye i guess...
jaden jaden8837
MineKidCad CadeTP
Rossy Baby RossyBaby1980
pikachu colten112
If u want to play minecraft or splatoon with someone then send a request i will accept it then you can join me or i will join you either way i like redstone,gaming,and youtube check out my friends channel cman 573
jesus redragonkingrule
minecraft is cool
jeremie :) THEGODMAKER
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pearlwolf$ mckennaj05
super josh JoshuaBickle1322
I played minecraft and I like creative, survival, and rollplays.
Nick scribblenauts28
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miranda mkevin789
bash bash5710
Shadow crossroads5977
Hey ................................. no regerts
craig kingbaruto
Jammer Mumean
Dear Wii U Users, Hey! Welcome to my Wii U account! Im your average preteen who loves playing games like minecraft or Mario Kart 8! My best friends are Daniel, Cheezit, Royal, Aliyah, And Emily! So after reading this i hope you like playing along and if you do, you should play with me!!!!
Levi Jadnerysrosa
Taggart clarkpr78
hi welcome to my profile page.i like to play smash bros. favorite character is pikachu.that is all you need to know about me thank you for looking :-).Also I don't care if you leave a blank Friend Request for me.
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Jenny Jennyhoke85
Nin★Iwata vogelsong
Mii_Boy nicofamily4
trapper trappet16
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Gh0stRidR RICHARD1706
Edgar bod526
hi this my other acount if you someone name 2108pops this my other account so yeah i am 14 i am irish britin and mexcan american and is also a good player and friend
Tàìlś yasmin-maaz-1986
Maitan Maitane612
bigbilly BigBilly86
dominating zelda
aj sonic MonkeyAj
hi my name is aj and im 10 years old and my favorite food is pizza and my favorite game is call of duty and the things i dont like is school and i love vegetables and fruits and the most person i hate is salty kid his a stupid
McRay diabeetus1509
jorge jasmineandjorge
luis Dark-R10
hello here are some facts about me i am male i love gaming .... plz add to friends lol if you have mario cart 8 maybe we can play
boss5$0000 zepedafamily2004
cal of duty
Jordan JordanBryan2975
Daniel SarDanz
Ashton JakeNevill
im ashton!/jakenevill
AngeloRex Angeloneitor
Saludos desde Temuco, en Chile.
Cookie A-KittyLover
Greening I'm Chara Dreamer your new best friend! so like playing Spatoon Mariokart 8 Super mario 3D world Yoshi's woolly world Super smash bro and yea that it sOoo bye!
Flames flamesrock12
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Catt sdabrossard
1v1_me vinnycucc
Christian mary366
~XxDonxX~ Don2015
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Jacob umbreon587
connor cameron2013
kikee KiketheD3STR0Y3R
hi ninten morio sorry if i be'n mean to you im sorry
Blu Gerardo16
What's up Rockers of miiverse! My Name is Blu and im a Rocker Professional! I am singer! May the METAL and ROCK be with you brothers! I like music of Metal like this: Power Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu Metal, Alternative Metal, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Metalcore and Rock.! Im a Friendly, Respectful and Honest \m/ In the world of darkness, Heavy Metal shines with its own light.
やくぶつ kosouen1998
royboy tashanicole
zach zacharykuta
Brotown brotown56
Sup u guys brotown here always awsome and majestic. You can find me on Bo2,Smash,Mh3u,and soon to be pokken tournament. Friends: RenagadeSparkz Gamergirl804 Sweety411 TheEpicJalen 4shly Girlsrule145 Picapiedra Chronos NarutoUzumaki Favorite Things to do: Goof off Joke with people Eat, Sleep, and repeat Love Taco Bell and Anime ♥•♥ And dont forget to follow i upload daily ;-)
mallory amenone
robbie honolulukalani
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