Calvin's Friends
TJ TJ_6969
Jman legoman10197
its ya boi
Palkue Palkue_Metropere
hello friends im new to the wii u conslole. im from india and i have an acsent. my only friends are calvin240 and jonathanfuson. just because you screw around with guys from india ik not the same. so dont try
ZageIsAMLG iiZeRoXii
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shep gamer shepherd2006
hello im shepherd im good at minecraft -all i know is english -i play five nights at freadys (all) -i know dantdm,populurmmos and gaming with jen.thats it well im nice (unless you make me super mad) im 11 and my name is mikah.
angle richardhdz
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bluesheep ilovearlyn13
cool kidxe argueta232323
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みやもときょうたろう kyon-aho
MC custom custom_MC_wolrds
hypermobility syndrome is one of the medical conditions i have so don,t poke me!! i also have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) so when i,m playing i tend to foucus on automatic stuff rather than building. and with juvenile rumatoind i can make my hands cramp playing this. i,m senseitive to sound by 1.5x so don,t scream into the mic. clans im in S.T.A.G leader wellman1 ★★★clan leader vitthal
josh joshuaw21
O_O you mine it? NOOOO
your mom taz_1000x
Latchlader Ethan829
Around Aroundsound_87
Hai! My name is Around. • I am in LOVE with YouTube and RolePlaying. • ♥ I love KickThePJ, Danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, and Crabstickz ♥ • I'm Panic! At The Disco & Twenty Øne Pilots trash • I love minecraft. ^-^ ♪ I'm running out of space to write, so this is it world, goodbye ♪ -Around :D
Peter Pan Pierre_The_Pie
Hiya! Welcome to my wall!! Also freind meh.I also can't wait for the Nintendo Switch!!! Things im interested in. 1. Video games obviously. 2.Pizza 3. Donald Trump XD 4.Youtube 5.Prestonplayz (My fav Youtuber) My fav games are Minecraft , Legends Of Zelda , Overwatch and Cod. Things I hate 0: -Stampylongnose the laugh like seriously -PewDiePie -Homework a teenagers life.
jelly franniejean
jacob mitchellboy2007
love mario forevermore
great-dane gracegreatdane
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.
jake roboodog123
Phoenix tyredd76
hootan hootan777
hi lets enjoy
Wyatt CraftySmitty
Jacob Jacob414032
Scott VenomMoon
Hi, im a person. Im 15 years old and I am a huge fan of Terraria, Minecraft, CoD, and both Watch Dogs. I will accept most friend requests if I can. GARGLING HIPPOS
swaggy swaggysmom
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Natro Nattro
I love monster hunter Im really good at Mario i also play MC and ScribbleNauts But I Dont Have Mario Maker now Due To Smash Bro's Being I Dont know glitched and we had to get rid of it BUUT i may get it back..... one day.
Jo JoTheJigglypuff
tony ritzbitz0624
vikki vikki82
XGoku ssj nursynurse
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terrariboy wiiyoumeok
do you play minecraft
Gee Heyboywonda
bluvacktor yari0525
its really fun we get to play chat its so cool
Gonzalo P657.8
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jonathan jonathanfuson
hey guys im going to talk to you guys about what i do well i make gaming vids,vlogs and my favorite food is pizza, and sometimes wiiu chat, before i stop talking im going to say plz friend me. thaks for reading this guys :)
PR Gamer21 mommy2mnk
hi i love game like zelda,mario,sonic and more i like to make friends because mom put me on a online public school so i have no friends love you
axel 37686axelcanohot
Dad AlWeimer
GKnight GavinKoenig
Welcome to my channel...wait that's youtube...umm...*TAKE 2* Welcome to my profile I'm a guy that can't wait for Zelda Wii u,animal crossing U, Pikmin 4and splatoon dlc Favorite ssb fighter:Link Favorite weapon type in splatoon:Roller/aerospray/nes-zap `95 Favorite Game:Zelda T.P. Well... I guess this is good bye...tell my next post/journal entry!
winter gitchimigizi
Brian mygamewiiu
Peanut Datboi
yo im calvin i like outside related things. im no annoying 9 year old im 16 i hate thw wii u so m...
yo im calvin i like outside related things. im no annoying 9 year old im 16 i hate thw wii u so much ( yes i regret buying it) if you think you want to friend me we can game on it otherwise dont try to trool me for your stupid youtube video ( people tried to trool me) anyway thanks for wasting a miniute or 2 of your life reading this. peace