heidimario's Friends
Bob heloronan
save the goat. save the world. save the goat to save the world. save the goat to save the world. save the goat to save the world
Flameboy demenboypro
you do not want to mess with me on battle mini game because i will beat you ez
GREG WOUT.vanaert
mariome mariome123456
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hi my name is aj i like to play basket ball and i like to have friends. summer is my favorite since l like to go swimming in summer. who use wii u chat.
M&M 4REAL! speedrush512
hello everyone!!! i love video games but SMM is the best GAME ever... 4 REAL... Anyway i am a really good Speedrunner i have lots of record in SMM... maybe you remember M&M512DEN4 also known as SPEEDRUN ROBBAN, and this is my new GUY M&M 4REAL! NO ONE CAN STOP US NOW, LET'S BUILD THE 2017-..18-..19-..20 AND FOREVER! GOOD LUCK THE WORLD!!!
"Guepardo" THE-WOLVERINE-82
Hola mi nombre es LUIS, agregame si te gusta jugar RESIDENT REVELATIONS,Mi ID: THE-WOLVERINE-82
Anthony AnthonyDabs
Noahbrine Michellee3
Bendy and the ink Machene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
leoguapo chiconder12
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cece23cece cece23cece
Linkplasy TFrenchy1
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!
skyler bob skylerbob08
kayla kaylaramos325
poohpooh queenzaria
no not yat
alvaricoma tecnotenis
hola soy tecnotenis, me gusta el donkey kong country tropical freeze, el mario kart 8y el mario bros wii u hello, im tecnotenis, I like donkey kong country tropical freeze, mario kart 8 and mario bros u
enano germancasillas
Lord Sloth Mr.Salamander27
Thank You Nintendo for Super Mario Maker! :) If You Were Ever To Take Down The Server, It Would Devastate Me.. :( Please Don't.. Thank You Kindly!
claire OpalJade808
Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
Marat marat.biryukov
Welcome to my page! Here is good. Yep. So... Umm... That's it.
Romano92 Romano9292
michelle mscarlett
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Jeffy Zz_Toad_zZ
Savage Bellabrand
Hi. My name is Brandon. Feel free to friend request me at any time. I love minecraft. If you're into minecraft you'll want to play with me. Oh, and also, I am very nice. HAVE A NICE DAY EVERYONE!
peytoney calebharvey
Robinho.B Robinho_BazukaBR
Sou Brasileiro! Sou gamer! faço videos comentados sobre games e tecnologias.
grabriel pt_ranger
helo my name is gabriel im portoguese joponese:☆☆☆☆☆☆ espanol:★★★☆☆☆ inglish:★★★★★☆ francies:★★☆☆☆☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓ ↓↓↓↑ €€€€ #100
M&M512DEN4 SpeedrunRobban
Hey my name is Robert and i love hockey and my team is colorado avalanche. Like to play some poker some times. And i have a speedrun records on rayman legends. Everybody call me SPEEDRUN ROBBAN today...
freddy slende11
morgui morentin
Pedro TS pedrobeisbolero
Zachary heroghosting
Ironman i32222
Roger Rogefm5-gm
Hola amigos soy de México, mi juego favorito Super Mario Maker, me gusta crear y jugar niveles, también me gusta entrar en línea a MK8, saludos!! que tengan buen día...
brian◆ brianx1
hey que hay amigos tengo super mario maker yoshi`s wooly world y minecraft wii u edition aun que no tengo mario kart 8 ni super mario 3d world. en yoshi wolly world y super mario maker publico mas y mas soy un jugador expectacular soy el mejor no me gusta splatoon me gusta todos los juegos de mario y super mario tengo 1 nintendo 1) WII U no digo groserias solicitud ID:brianx1 meta 100amigos adios
Doggy Dan DingleDan86
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Maxx maxxriley
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lou loulach
pedritopin pedritopin2015
k pasa pollo?
Paingiver lisalisa111
J●§н Windshield21
if you're reading this you just wasted 5 seconds of your miserable life
misha lichito07
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Deven meep1469
mike nyland77
go to mv Tri1stan
hello welcome to the official miiverse of kirbywordy, note: really bad internet, disconnects are common. ppl needing to be unbanned bambimelon choc chip shadoelucifan009 charityambeau octolexi! no! she's banned
kitty cat★ almisbah84
hi every one who want to be my friends l will give him or her a yeah please
April Snowqueen1519
Mike W maico_w
paul game4444
Eric Rocketman123456
Eric, Nintendo fan for ages did lots of originals Atari,NES,PS1. Mariokart, Mario maker and Smash bros player among others nowadays (destiny\diablo). I mostly like retro games shooters and platformers. If you see an open game in kart, brawl or others feel free to hop in. Other elders out there feel free to add me.
Gxcci_Tj linda1217
why cannot you change the profile
Dave007 BlackJackDave007
♪♪♪NEMO♪♪♪ Naruto-13000
♪Hallo♪ ♪Hello♪ ♪Koniquiwa♪ ♪Dobar Dan♪ ♪Ciao♪ ♪Szia♪ ♪Ich bin ♪♪♪Nemo♪♪♪ ♪Pokémontrainer♪ ♪Mario Maker Arbeiter♪ ♪Mario Kart Rennfahrer♪ ♪Sternzeichen: Zwilling♪ ♪humorvoll, sympathisch, aufmerksam, einfühlsam♪ ♪Lieblingsfarbe: Blau ♪Animefreak♪ ♪Keyboard & Klavierspieler♪ ♪Lieblingsspiele: Mario Kart, Mario Party, Pokémon, Star Fox, Mario Maker♪ ♪Nachteule wie das Pokémon Bauz♪ ♪FAs mit Text♪
Devon MasterKanine
Hi! My name's Devon, I design levels for online video games and collect games to play and enjoy! I started with Pikmin as my first video game. I grew up with Nintendo. I love Smash Brothers, Pokemon, and Mario Kart. I also host a game channel!
★NicoSug★ NicoPrevoNin10do
g&k zozo alfredz
hey how are you? I'm fine!!!!!! ^_^ *_* $_$ yo!!!!! merci patrice et coucou g&k blanche MERCI: PATRICE,HARUA,SIDJY,SCANGE,Tchad,KIKI,CBchampion,TYREX,THIERRY♡CAROLE,COYOTE♥CHEYENE,TT★BOY★PRO,Roi jemes,lolotte,KEVIN,CYRIL,DARK GOKU,PIERRE,mr.j,heidimario!!ect..
Dojopan Dojopan
Count Calc Count_Calculus
babar maitrejhon
bonjour je suis une grande favorite de jeux vidéo vraiment tres bonne mais jeux préféré son suikoden 2 . castlevania . zelda . megaman . street fighter . mario final fantasy les ancien bien sur . mais consoles favorite son la super nintendo . la psx . la megadrive . la game boy . la 3ds . la nes . en bref j'aime les jeux . j'ai 21ans mon prénom est monica je suis blonde est plutôt belle .
pupcake peachy78
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
DR. B. Biervirtuose
Jerry Jerryv60
PM nin☆Ben the_inventor
POM, protector of miiverse. I loooooooooooooooooove pokémon!those who destroy the white building in my world will be removed from my friend list! trust me, I already removed someone from my list for that!
darwin drwn2life
Fer fernizzle243
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the charac...
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.