Cyclops's Followers
Munnc Munnc305
"Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." The end is coming. Don't fear it. Fight it.
Jack JackLuigiRocks
yo whats up gamers i am jack aka video game master im a nintendo fanboy and have tons of merchandise my favorite video games are super mario galaxy (1 and 2) but anyway enjoy the rest of the day and most important of all never give-up gaming peace out!
Slash SlashJC1
Hey i'm a boss teen(14) i love gaming and everyone is welcome to talk and follow me and i hope you have a awesome day•ω•
coolkid101 CoolKid714
hello thanks for all the great memories on Miiverse i made lots of good friendships and memories in this place! R.I.P miiverse 2012-2017. thanks to my best friends cheesybrain5656 curlsonsusan and speedyturtle07
#Maia☆★♂ potatoesmall
Heyyyy!!!I LOVE PLAYING MARIO,SUPER SMASH BROS,KIRBY,POKEMON,AND ZELDA.PLZ BECOME MY FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
★MONSTER★™ andeyds
Hi my name is ★MONSTER★ . I'm 11 years old. I play guitar and I love nintendo games.i like to draw. follow me. thanks!!
δεαπ☆ D3anPlusZeld4
Hey, I'm Dean. I'm guessing you came here to learn about me. My favorite game franchises include Smash, Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda. I also play Minecraft and Splatoon. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and playing with them. I don't have much else to say so, I'm gonna go, see ya. #D3anPlusZeld4 #Link<3Zelda #StopReadingThisNow
t65fmy hay815
SakiFox PokeGirl2B
Fav. Quote: "If I Cut The Strings, That Hold Me Hostage, Will I Fall And Shatter? If That's All It Takes, To Breathe Again, Does It Really Matter?!" I'm So Edgy... xShys Awayx Follow pandamaddiestar on Follow MELANY And ☆Alyssa★ On Miiverse. Foxes And Crows Are Cool. I Like Anime, Nightcore, Foxes, Swing Sets, Manga, And Flower Crowns. Um.... Bye... xHands Kalex
firestorm firestorm360
hey, i'm firestorm360. i'm 14. here are some things about myself. i have hearing aids. my favorite song is tear the roof off by bliss n eso. my favorite video game is cave story.I actually prefer board games to video games and my favorite board game is Mage Knight Board Game. my favorite book is LOTR. my favorite movie is The Princess Bride. my favorite tv show is Brooklyn Nine Nine
Dorian mook89
What's up everyone im Dorian! i am 17 years old Bestfriend's: Zella, Ciara, Hawke, Dorei, ★Rough★, Jay, crazyhair12 and DjSparker. Zella - Best person ever Ciara - My Buddy Hawke - Silly and TROLLER Dorei - Her Profile is gone Jay - A Real Playa ★Rough★ - Nice and Cool DjSparker - Leader of the squirrel's crazyhair - i'll miss u
Sir Derp thekidude2
dat buty luks good!
leo leonelcarbajal30
Im part of a ninja team,my sensei told me to gather a team,this is who I found. Alex:parkour/hitting people with the chancla/speed. Mike:parkour/super speed/stength. Toñito:rage's/tackle people. Oscar:able to camouflage/coordinate guy/jokester. Gordo/Leonardo:eats his way out of everything. Me/Leo:technician/parkour/speed. These are the people, I found hope the sensei is happy with it.
chris biggie_c_jb
Just a kid looking for some friends to play minecraft with on wii u
Greninja Greninja-Mike237
Hi I'm Greninja i am a really cool guy and i am a very random person when i game and i am also very competitive and looking for a new challenge plus i am a little shy and i just started so please holla at me when you can and i am very socially awkward too
skullman spinoffs23
Caiden MrSmartiePants09
This user's profile comment is private.
Levi LeviJS
My name is Levi, and I recently graduated college. My favorite type of games are (J)RPGs. Big fan of Final Fantasy. That's about it.
Javier Jye-Javier
Evan MonkeyMadness486
Hi Miiverse peoples! I'm Evan, my favorite game is Tomodachi Life, and you may see a lot of it on my profile! HAPPY GAMING!
aiden!!!!£ aiden9s
hey send a friend request i won't bite *eggs admins house* yeh i like people if there nice anyone and everyone can interac with me *falls in pool* wait miiveres has a pool
Joshua webegamers2015
Hi i'm Joshua, i share my Wii U with my family.
Arian8,1 MOS420.avi
Yes its me Arian Kordi. I'm not MOS420, just calling it that for fun. Why not follow him. Where are my followers?
THAX4BANME lovepots1234
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nick_Sonic Its_Mario_Time72
Farewell to all my friends and followers! I will miss you all! It's been great these past 4 years, but Nintendo has decided to move on, beyond Miiverse, 3DS and WiiU and we should all move on as well. Never forget the good times and the bad times we had here, but always keep you head held high looking toward the future! It's sad to see it all end at first, but I'm sure we'll meet again! Sayounara!
*J.P.*[P]£ aj2003aj
hello. welcome to my profile thanks for clicking my face. about me:im a gamer,i play games *you have to put more..* ok my name is J.P., im a gamer who plays lots of games. im a happy member of £eviathan since around May of 2015 fun facts: i have never put the spoiler button on any posts or comments. ever. awesome friends:D.boy, Noah, Nathaniel, VGG, Jacob, PChicken and Toonydude4 go
snacker101 snacker101
JaydenCat blockwood21054
Hai it's me Jaydencat I LOVE BONNIE THE BUNNY SHOUT OUTS!! fishfriendnofood ninetailmudkip XxMysteriousxX Ellen RaptorAwesome Megan let's try and reach 400K Nascar fan! im officially a freshman! new favorite song: Stessed out - Twenty One Pilots favorite band: Twenty One Pilots gender: ♂boy Age: personal I can only accept 3 more requests
SrPelo loleuu
!HOLA QUETAL¡ sa va mon gars? t'aime les mecs qui CRI tout le temps? BEN,je suis un mec comme ca moi! (UNDERTALE) dedi à: "Nepeta" "Akane's•πα" et"snookems"!(un américain!).
Rory RoryFabre
Video games are my favorite ever!!! My faves are Undertale, Zelda, Pokemon, and everything nintendo! I also love FNAF! My favorite show is Gravity Falls! I love Miiverse! IMPORTANT STUFF!!! If you're gonna insult me and ruin my experience, click the back button! I will follow you if you follow me or if you are a cool dude! I BLOCK ALL MEAN PEOPLE!
mani 456NAHAMANi
my plan is for at least 80 followers... and I MAIN megaman and play all characters,I also think for glory is run by 8 year olds
stevie GamerStevie3
HeяoSнαdoш Shadow09999
"If the world chooses to become my enemy, i will fight like i always have...!" ~ Shadow the Hedgehog Ich bin ein SEHR großer Sonic Fan und es ist meine absolute Lieblingsreihe! ^-^ Ansonsten zock ich auch Pokémon, Zelda, Splatoon, Mario usw. Lieblingsgames: Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colours und bald bestimmt Sonic Forces. xD Am besten find ich Shadow! PS: Where is that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald?! xD
Matthew Lawfuldoughnut
Hey! Whats up my Friends, I'm Matthew My ALT Account is Matty Age 12 Fav. Games: Undertale, SSB4, TF2, KIRBY, and More SSB4 Mains: ZSS and Falcon Follow for Follow I take Art Requests Follower goal: 200 Smash Competitive Name TGG Mattrix
jc_12059 coltoncasey
GDL02 scorpzero
whatsup my name is gdl02 favorite game series is mega man, pokemon, mario, the legend of zelda, kirby, and sonic my hobies are out of gaming is drawing although im not as good as dad and my name GDL02 in short for good dark link and thats all
megabro_88 megabro88
krystal: starfox adventures mewtwo, lucario, blaziken : pokemon for smash bros 4, please
Hello I love any monster hunter game I am a suckup to retro type games games. I don‛t post often ...
Hello I love any monster hunter game I am a suckup to retro type games games. I don‛t post often but when I do I try to make it good and I have one eye sooo... yeah no 3d for me and I play smash bros. lots and lots of smash bros.