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I thought they were done making games for wiiu?
I thought sense Nintendo Switch is out they were done making games for wiiu. Thats what it said on their website. So why is it out on Wiiu and EVEN THE OLD WII? Th...
Hi, im a 14 year old girl. Birthday Sept 1st. I own a Wii, Wiiu, Xbox one, 3ds XL and an old DS....
Hi, im a 14 year old girl. Birthday Sept 1st. I own a Wii, Wiiu, Xbox one, 3ds XL and an old DS. I do not have the Switch yet, dont know if I will buy it. Heres a List of games I like, Animal Crossing new leaf, Splatoon, Tomodachi life, Smash bros., Just dance 2017 and my favorite game of all time Guitar Hero!!
I will miss miiverse very much!
Go follow Shenanigan and Andrew!
Bye Guys!!!!