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06/18/2016 12:52 PM

9DODHMIS: Day 9 Well, today's the final day of the challenge! So, let's go! I found the series by watching YouTube and one of the episodes popped up, so I clicked it, was disturbed, found out it ha...



06/17/2016 10:33 AM

9DODHMIS: Day 8 My predictions for DHMIS 6 are: That it will be a party of some kind. (ex: Birthday, Father's Day) We will understand more about the puppet world and Roy. Red and Duck will appear, ...

Super Mario Maker


04/08/2016 7:00 PM

I got this freaky man!

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07/17/2017 8:58 PM

Open Closed

So, it's been awhile...

I haven't been on this for pretty much a year now, so if it isnt obvious, I'm done here guys. You may not even remember me, but that doesn't matter, just wanted to...