Rose's Friends
SlenderMan TheCommandBlock
Hey, I'm Slenderman! I'm Looking Forward To Playing With Others On Minecraft!
Robby Foxy02016
Hey sup
ian MonsterFreak18
hello people friend me and follow me so we can be best buds and play some minecraft together
JOSIE ILikeAnime523
hi this is ILikeAnime523, I will be making utube vids someday,and my fave games are mariokart, zelda the wind waker, just dance, terraria, minecraft, pokemon, supa smash bros u, zelda BotW, and nentendo sports and nentendoland. I would like to follow in the footsteps of my friend jembird4 who is an awesome artist so please tell me your drawing ideas and i will see what i can do!!thx!!! dank memes
BendyDemon FreddyFaz1987okd
freddy123L kingslayer13260
evan Evanz08
momma checo123456nana
minecraft minecraftpro2211
Lets mine together forever:-)
XXBeastxX XxPvPxBeastxX
Hi!!!, Im Kyra Favorite color is purple, Favorite game Minecraft, Favortite Food Pizza These are somethings about me , So Lets play Also I am a good builder and pixel art +PVP
Applecake Applecake303290
Hai. I actually never had an Applecake
Popularmmo lbou2bou
Οςαηα Cupcakes123406
My heart's stolen by someone secret why would u think i was gonna tell you guys
Noah Feyd2005
Heeeey whats going on everybody its me ya boi Noah and i just want to make a quick announcement that if you want to friend me we can play some minecraft servers...i know its possible and also hit me up with some gameplay thank you and have a good day.
dig4gold! ihasacupqake
Hi!!! im playing splattoon keep splatooning on bye
Mak21 legojedi1234
ZoeyFox CakeIsCake
Hello Everyone, I am Cakey, My birtday is 12/22 and i spend most of my time on Minecraft.I am a girl, I am very sensitive, I love to Build, And Enjoy other creations in minecraft. I also play splatoon, im really good at Turf Wars. I like story mode as well, I love undertale too! my favorite character is Temmie! I really Love to suport all of my friends! Stay Determined! Bye!!
Devin devin317
hey gamers don't give up and keep playing
nanner littlepig101
xavier :3 xavier1522
como estan gente, lo que mas me gusta hacer es: jugar videogames, comer pizza y hacer friends!! las reglas para ser mi friend son: portarse bien seguirme jeje divertirse no decir grocerias y no pelear ESPERO TENER MUCHOS FRIENDS :3 Y LO QUE MAS ME GUSTA d?b?j?r SI QUIEREN SABERLO SIGANME!!! ^^
knitecraft paulstarkey
hiii i am jordan i like any kind of game
wolf bestwolf123456
Unipro Unipugsam
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Za Guy GameBeaster717
mooshie Mooshie0120
Things that i like: Sonic Megaman Mario Pac-Man Kirby Bendy And The ink Machine Hello Neighbor Pokemon Megaman x Five nights at freddy's Minecraft Anime Love to draw Love to sing and play piano Dragon ball Z Naruto Paint the town red love making O.C's Love Making my own comics Undertale (Fan made too!) And that's all see ya!
codey codeyjolly.cfc
FNaFMaster GoldenGoddess1
Welcome to my profile! I love the LoZ series and have completed all of the zelda games. I love movies especially scifi,horror,and action. My favorite youtubers are Markiplier,Jacksepticeye,Game Grumps,Crank Gameplays,and a few others. I am 13 and i love my family and working on my grandparents farm. Stay positive and hope you have a wonderful day :D
Dwayne Jakethedog258
Hello my name is Dwayne.J.Collie. I have one brother. I defend my friends "and if you mess with me your gonna hav e a bad time". I have multiple multiplyplayer online games. Also this is my second account so yeah I started over, PS.Need more friends pls
Mark liltrouble13
hello Everybody how is everyone doing?
Ms.Moder Panpan25417
Panpan Empire is growing slowly I Demand PEARS!!
jeremy Deadredston
cookie avary0
★Jake★ LeafyLuck
sup guys its jacob here and i would like just to tell you guys some stuff like games: minecraft splatoon and some other random stuff.and thats all i wanted to say so Peace Out
Ella pots1979
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landon landocalrizien
minecraft tristinwilhelm
I will play with my friends today
Owster Owster2002
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rosalie Rosalie_roar
noah noah7896
kingsavage saddannya
ryry rylee111
mario kart 8
Syn Synistergrin
young punks, get off my lawn.
DanielWii alejandros126
Hi my name is Danny I mostly like playing Minecraft and Mario Kart 8 friend me to join me in my Minecraft world Also do not forget to join the darkside with my friend Vader do not forget to follow me pls
anthony salvatruchaam89
i am Anthony my friend is occie I am 10 and how do u screen shot also stay lit my fans ofc
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Leo herro79
evan.. The_family_J
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Papichulo PapichuloVia
kirito DerpGames3
☆★Laura★☆ epikitee
Hi! I am not able to be online all the time because of other games, real life friends, and my outdoors-loving sister. Please understand this. Thank you.
pikachuboi joshkeem1216
GAMERNERD GamerNerds5x
hello im human no robot i jus giv maxdonalds burgers to the children yes
KyRissa! qikyka
i'm very sensitive I don't like cursing or racismif I catch any of it I will remove u from my friend list P.S. I still have space for 4 more friends . if u read this than thanks for understanding love u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Shelby w ShelbyW
hi. please note that all mario maker levels posted here are made by my 8 year old sister
maxi losalinas
im chilean and like melanie martinez, bts , apink and anime sailor moon sakura card captor and my favorite anime is mahou shojo ikusei keikaku , my favorite computer game is undertale and fnaf 1,2 and my favorite console game is all games from mario my favorite serie is steven universe and im so shy in the school
arianna arianna529
Well im human....
entity 303 lts110721
bobby themorge40
hey im bobby im 6
jj poohbutt98
Philippians 4:13
notsogrump matadevil764
that dude mariogar689
i like football sometimes i get mad when i play games so i try to control it and sometimes i will be bad
leon 2011 legoBing2011
Derp tv1922
\(•˛•°)/ \(˘°˘)/ Welcome to my Profile! Lets Be Friends! ¯\(•¬•)/¯
jamil stampylongnous
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pvz fan Principe21
luke gem luke_gem
(I DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUEST WITH THE DEFAULT MESSAGE) Yo Im Lukegem. My favorite games are Assassins Creed 3/4, the Zelda series, And MineCraft wiiu/pc, I cant always use game chat and I "Sometimes" do WiiU chat
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Pennywise scott_bradley55
andrew andrewb6
Brock fourRs
angie angelmom1965
i can cure zombies join me in my zombie hospital
Michael michal27
I Play Minecraft...MarioKart8...Terraria...And Undertale... I Watch SuperMarioLogan...Rayman Legends... You Can Send Me A Friend If You Want... I Know About Memes...SANIC
anthony fernandez6796
BlueKnight dheard1973
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Jonas Tanlladwyr
I dont care about if its night or day,I will play ether way
wiki mcwickens01
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Mariogamer jgavara
Hey Guys it's MarioGamer and i like minecraft and every Mario game ever! I am nice but sometime mad so friend me i am at 80 friends I just want 20 more friends so, byeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
levi marioman523
Hello my name is levigamer but im called marioman my favorite things are gameboy color nintendo games 3ds wii u wii school friends pokemon gamecube outdoors cocacola minecraft wii u and pe/w10 star wars battlefront ps4 and youtube now things i dont like losing stuff long downloads and super smash bros chat
dominic anth.dom44
Rhett rooster6
Hi, everyone! I'm rooster6, the Minecraft master. I build Minecraft adventure maps now. I also built a recreation of the game show Deal or No Deal. I really want lots and lots of friends to play with because I'm always really lonely. I also plan on starting up a YouTube channel, so if it happens, please subscribe to it. Thank you for reading this post.
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want to play mincraft?