cmax's Followers
After starting this user on Christmas 2015, I've had so much fun! I'll miss this place. To find me DOWNLOAD THE APP: Zelda Amino. No more pictures;-; Find me on Zelda Amino as Bitz-Player 3! It’s sad to see Miiverse go but we must stay happy! I have 0 posts now. THANKS FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS!!! It was my dream and I YOU did it!!! Goodbye I guess... (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Nawel Nawelwiren
Salut tout le monde je m'appelle Nawel je vous laisse découvrir mon monde salut. classe : 5 ème G prénom : Nawel âge : 12 ans sport : judo ( ceinture orange ),hip - hop music : guitare intéligente : ★★★☆☆ sportive : ★★★★★ Je fais de la gymnastique forte : ★★★☆☆ belle : ★★★★★ courageuse : ★★★★☆ Et vous avez vu la barre a augmenter alors on peut se tenter un 400 abonner
kyle kyleaddress
Link jugurtha1289
vitautas papaeselmejor123
peebeegee peebeegee01
hello im super nice and i'm a cool, fun lovein peep. i love donkeykong,sonic,legand of zelda and more!!!i have 2 cats Leeroy and Qt-pi!I have a wiiu and a 3ds!so tap that friend request and be my friend i will accept it!100 friends is my goal!yay!!My bf is the herd! bye i said good bye you can go now bye for reals be friends with me will ya?I like you all:]
russell perla117
Λ ƒoııошεг YourFollower
Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue Karibu Bem vinda Добро пожаловать Benvenuto gratissimim Welina Herzlich willkommen
mario u videogameone
TJ tjmax2015
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Mario MarioLuigiFelino
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Hello miivers I'm YoKelly and I liked nintendo when I was just a few months old and I will prof that. I have a ds, a 3DS, and now a wiiu.I can not spell currently and I am trying my best at school and I am in fifth grade. I played my xbox360 when I was little and I played it a lot A LOT . have fun :) p.s i'm getting the switch
YuukiYuuki SwordArtOnline1O
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OnlineGoat a-goat-goat-goat
This is MY profile. I didn't invite you, but, welcome anyway. This is where you go if you are bored, and want to stay bored. Here you'll find unpopular posts that nobody cares about. DON'T LOOK! THERE'S A MIRROR BEHIND YOU! I thought I might let you know before you have nightmares. Prepare to be lost in boredom. Enjoy!
Charlie Charlie1936
Carmen The_Laurel_Girl
Hello, I'm Carmen, I'm 18. I love Zelda games, it's really all I play. My favorite is Wind Waker. I love the beach, since I live near one, I get to go often. I hope you enjoy my profile.
Bo JacobGaches777
logantus noscope37
hello, I would really like to be your friend my favorite games are loz botw, minecraft, mariokart, undertale, and super smash huge loz fan too, plz follow.I live in st. louis I want to work for nintendo can I get 150 followers plz hi? whats up go shoo plz? leave me alone! I warned you
Day mxguitar
Hey im Waffle part of a complete breakfest yum.
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Tybie Norris0901
Heyyyyyy people this is all about me its gonna be lit!! Full name: Tybie Norris Age: i don't want to go that far unless i trust u looks: sea blue eyes, rose gold hair, skinny, ripped jeans, boots and t-shirt. personality: Happy, honest, smart, kind, shy, idk if this counts as part of your personality but i like romantic things Taken by: Kelortiz love u babe!!
ÐαЯк ςτĄя VIDarkStarIV
i love anime alot. i also love nightcore, my favorite band is demon hunter. i really love miiverse, i love talking to all of you guys, i will follow as many of you guys as possible, and i hope i get alot of followers too. i actually live in the united states, not the virgin islands. i'll miss all of you when miiverse ends.
DaZeldaLuv YummyMustard
Hey! I like Zelda, Pokemon, Naruto, and YouTube! If I am followed, I will try to follow that follower! I won't be able to post offten at all, so don't expect me to reply to you right away. I like pickles, and Faygo, also Homestuck, I like drawings, and I also like to draw! I like to draw FNaF the most! I like apple juice. 8D
mikey ClausenMA
recycle people recycle hey its mikey here 10 years old legend of zelda is my favorite #savemiiverse nintendo whyyyy
Chris thepyroarking
My name is Chris.I am 15 I typically enjoy any game franchise, and i would give any type of game a try if someone recommends it. I am doing a nuzlocke challenge of pokemon Silver A Nuzlocke Challenge is where: can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in a place 2.if a pokemon faints,release it,it "died" Wii-U chat is forbidded in this household!
j SackBoy01
RP Part 0 (newcomers.)
Kira Supergirl5555
Hello, miiverse fans! here are a few things about me: I'm 15 l have one cat and one dog. I completed ocarina of time, skyward sword, and wind waker. I'm working on twilight princess. l won't be on everyday.Thank You for reading.
rinconb rinconcb
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jermain jermainsabout2
like mario kart 8
Nike√B34T Eldo24
I am B34T
henry hrumfelt
hi guys remember me
*しろねこせんぱい* hinataro2017
ひなつ参上!!十代前半だよん 好きなもの *嫌いなもの* まちばり ぶりっ子 雑巾 奇数 歌い手しってるよー ハニーワークス大好き!! 共通点あったらはなしかけてくれ。 *ミバ友* ぜる君 ((面白いよ! *Rin⇔Ren*((友達として最高級だべ みこと((喧嘩しても仲直り♥ ユッケDON((永久の友++ リハビリチュウ((相談相手 以下、私の宝物♥いじめんなよー。 かかれてない人言ってねー フレリク!!!!!!私の大好物♥ フォロー100%かえすべー このコメント見たからにはフォローしろよ? し、してくださいね?? アデュー^^^^^^^^^^^
*めろんぱん* kokomi-0602
おはこんにちばんは! めろんぱん大好き☆小6少女です! [性格など] ・健康です! ・広島に住んでます! ・よく友達に(`・∀・´)アホッッ っていわれます о(//^▽^//)оあははっ♪ [好きな漫画、アニメ] ・ハイキュー ・ポケモン ・僕のヒーローアカデミア [好きなキャラクター] ハイキュー 影山 日向 ノヤっさん クロ 研磨 菅原s 及川s 岩© ヒロアカ デク君 かっちゃん 轟 耳郎 上鳴 切島 あと、歌い手好きです ○天月 ○まふくん ○そらるさん フォロワー460人!(òоó) アザーっす//▽// 宿題は後回し派です!ラストにかけるZE☆(°ω^)b フォローしてくださったら、必ずやフォローします! どうぞよろしくお願いします(òωó) 更新日 11月2日頃
Emo Amy Julioerique
hey what,s up bros my name is Amy Rose Rascol from sega follow me if you want to be a bro today bye things about me im famous and rich i live in california i totally a emo girl i listen to metal music and i got a band im a gamer girl i play GTA V and the legend of zelda i got a sister name Jeamy Rose Rascol and she got powers i like to draw anime characters
I am 9 im cool hey