Mostafa++'s Yeahs

Comment on Ludwig's Post


05/22/2014 6:53 AM

Nah, just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't sweat MANLY TEARS! >:D

Comment on Ludwig's Post


05/21/2014 6:26 PM

In-Game Art Academy Community


07/04/2016 3:14 PM

Art academy home studio landscape lesson.

Play Journal Entries Super Mario 3D Land


09/04/2016 3:04 AM

I got to the secret levels in Super Mario 3d Land. It was surprisingly easy

In-Game Art Academy Community


10/01/2016 12:24 AM

A woman that I drew. My Wii U is low on battery now xD

Comment on Alli's Post


07/06/2017 11:19 AM

It's okay I probably deserved it Haven't played Sploon in ages. All the stuff is under my bed oops lazy Sorry ;(

Comment on Phil's Post


07/06/2017 2:19 AM

Oh well, I saw it on the Internet, that doesn't mean that I didn't put time and effort into making it. And no, why would I friend you?

Comment on Shabz's Post


05/04/2017 7:42 PM

It is really fun. Botw was amazing finished up a week ago. And because I sold Mario kart 8 for the wii u, im getting deluxe for the switch

Comment on Shabz's Post


06/27/2017 3:57 PM

Mostafa I see you got a switch, can't wait to battle you in Splatoon 2!

Comment on cherry's Post


03/14/2017 4:13 PM

@Yep! Marie is ma waifu.

Comment on Mostafa++'s Post


08/06/2017 12:13 PM

Yes. There is much happiness in me when we play this wonderful game together. However, you know what makes me unhappy? The new Sloshing Machine set! Did you see the leaks? Why would they do this to...

Comment on Ania's Post


01/05/2015 3:15 PM

You are one of the very few people. Luddy's b-day just isn't that important.

Comment on Mostafa++'s Post


06/27/2017 2:20 PM

Hey, Dersh! Congrats on that Switch! I'll send a message soon.

Comment on Mostafa++'s Post


06/02/2017 2:17 PM

I don't know if you're coming back anytime soon, but if you check your Wii U PMs I'll leave you my Switch numbers and various other communication methods if you want them.

Comment on Mostafa++'s Post


05/29/2017 7:32 PM

Hi it's been a while. How ya doing? I got to play arms in the globaltest punch and it was really good. I'm getting it on launch.

Comment on Mostafa++'s Post


05/07/2017 10:11 PM

What would you say is more enjoyable: the Fluidity aspect of this game, or the Spin Cycle aspect?

Comment on Mostafa++'s Post


05/07/2017 3:06 AM

Would you say I, as a fellow science and puzzle buff, would also enjoy this?

Comment on Will's Post


05/03/2017 1:31 AM

@Moatafa++ Have you heard of the Character "Obelix"?

Comment on Will's Post


05/02/2017 1:39 AM

Ninja/Viking! Just like how Naruto is a Ninja/Wizard!

Comment on Will's Post


05/02/2017 1:38 AM

Oh no. She's a ninja, too?