billie12's Yeahs

Hi, everyone! I'm in charge of bringing you all the latest word from the Super Mario Maker team. I'll be posting news about new additions and updates, so keep an eye out!

This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. Users may be restricted from connecting to Course World in the following cases: • The user requested stars from other users. • The user took advan...

North America: This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. On March 8th, we released a new update for the game. This update adds new elements including skewers and keys, so try them out and ...

This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. Due to planned Miiverse maintenance, certain features in Super Mario Maker will be briefly unavailable on May 17th-18th. This includes uploading c...

This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. Please note that we may delete uploaded courses, reset the total number of stars a user has earned, and/or restrict their access to Course World i...

This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. On the evening of May 19th, we released a new update for the game (ver 1.43). This update includes the following changes: • The Star Ranking now ...

This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. Due to planned Miiverse maintenance, certain features in Super Mario Maker will be briefly unavailable on June 6th-7th. This includes uploading co...

This is an update from the Super Mario Maker team. On the evening of July 21st, we released a new update for the game (ver 1.44). This update includes the following changes: • When commenting on a ...
hi im a girl who loves making levels and friends!