Lordi's Followers
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
Scamp Scamps16
Hi I'm Scamp, this is my second profile for my second wii u, my original user is Scampi16. I love Mario Kart and Splatoon.
Caleb cyoo0919
I am try getting 1000 followers! and pls like my comments!!!!
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
Jenni madmcc13
I play ysfe and wii fit u so I can eat more cake! I love The Legend of Zelda, Mario and LEGO. No random friend requests please.
†•Jade•† emicamilia
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Jules michael50
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!
Scamp Scampi16
Hi I'm Scamp. I go by the name of Scamp in the mii world after a very special dog of mine who is no longer here. I love animals as well as playing games. I have a dog, 8 hamsters, 2 degus and 4 rats. I love drawing and playing Mariokart 8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Hyrule Warriors, lego dimensions & Star Fox Guard. No blank friend requests please
Lacey XxLacey2xX
Hi i love playing Animal Crossing New Leaf my town is called Rosewood my Dream Address is 7E00-0090-2988. Other games i love to play is Ever Oasis Super Mario Bros 2 Word Search 10K Mario Kart 7 My other account is xLacey24x which i play Tomodachi Life on.
Wisteria WisteriaMoon123
Hello, everyone! ^^ I'm an extremely awkward and cringy teenage girl from the United Kingdom. (No Racist Criticism Pls.) Anyway, thanks for poking me! - Slowly pokes you back - Ehhhhh... [ … … … … ] What do you want? A cookie? Alright, you can leave now... peace out.
574 Friends, not Followers. What an honour & privilege it has been to know & help you. I'm shall miss you.Please keep creating your arts! I love the positivity,creativity, support, & humour that our Miiverse has shown! Please visit me: Mayor Nixie, from Spunkvil- Dream Address: 4D00-000F-62CE. Love & good vibes to all!
Mason BoyDoddles
Miranda mkelbach2
~My name is Miranda ~I'm 14 years old ~Twenty Øne Piløts is my favorite band ~I like to draw :3 ~I'll follow back! ~I do Wii U Chat ~I'm trash ._.
Liz Harada LizzyMarlow1984
characters based on RL samurai i like: Sanosuke Harada, Souji Okita, Takatora Todo, Mitsunari Ishida, Kiyomasa Kato, Yukimura Sanada and Kenshin Uesugi. WANNABE SAMURAI FOR LIFE!!!
Lacey xLacey24x
Hi enjoy playing Tomodachi Life on this account :). My other account is XxLacey2xX which i play Animal Crossing New Leaf on plus other games :).
TailsFan29 Dan.mi
hi i'm sonic fan welcome to my profile my favourite sonic character is tails and other sega game series i'm into is samba de amiigo,super monkey ball and chu chu rocket tails is cute sonic 06 is idk
lauren ArminArlertFan
★ Lauren ★ 20 ★ ACNL ★ snk ★ England★
jakyboy johnkingdad
im 8. my hoby is art. i was born on the 13th of febuary 2008. i have brown hair.im realy kind.
sinnie sirenstone
Hi! I'm a happily married adult gamer! I LOVE playing my 3DSs! I mostly play AC(NL&HHD) Maisie: SkyHaven Sinnie: H~Town 5D00-0015-44AD Like my life, my towns kinda haphazard *shrug* Also like Miiverse, Badges, Stretchmo, Puzzles & Pinball. I really just enjoy playing to ease my mind, laugh & have a good time! :·) Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid ~John 14:27 :·) «sinnie»
PinkFloyd PinkFloyd1971
Sono Pinkfloyd di Wiitalia, gioco dal 1980 quando c'erano i cabinati arcade, prima in bianco e nero e poi a colori. Ne abbiamo fatti di passi avanti da allora...
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Craig neonSnowLeopard
Back up account for Craig (smaffie)
macnchis macNchis
what up homies
Cezdog NevClan
Hello I'm 25 I'm a christian. I'm a total yeahbomber:-O I love cats. Please follow one of my gr8 friends Timbo. I'm married to my wife Francis who is also 25. And I have a daughter named Vanessa who is 10 years old.I have a pet cat her name is Molly she is 2 years old. I also have another daughter that is 1 month old (almost 2 months) With grey eyes and a very light brunette hair color!
<Danger> Danger1000
Yo Danger is back and better than ever and ready to kill people in the Danger Zone! Facts about me: *I love heavy and classic rock *16 yrs old *Ironfall:Taze Clan *ISZ:N/A *MK7:N/A *SDSW:N/A Road to LV 99 *Michigan State Spartans is my favorite college *MK7 Legend *Root Beer is my favorite drink! *A certified yeah bomber ^_^
Lekiller-1 bourachma
Salut jai 120000 ans non je blague jai 12 ans jeux préféré call of duty black ops 2, manecraft, mario kart 8, super smash bros... j'accepte tout les demande d'amis puis abonner vous je voudrai avoir 100000000 d'abonner non je blague encore 1000 abonner c'est pas trop demander non ? et je m'apelle Amine$$$ je suis très comique,sportif,gameur,dormeur et très cool avec mes abonner bay!!!
LUCIE pokkdfqbu
salue je m´appelle LUCIE
Clémence rezatuliju
brayden braydenanthony
Peggy Capsb3stgirl
Hello, i'm a person of very few words.. back to gaming! Ps. adult gamer but, young at heart!
matty tadybears
i like yoshi games cats miwo dogs woof this is made by admin crew
nikki nikkithenat
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Funny Funnny
Kaky CarolRose
I have been playing games for 28 yrs. I like Zelda Harvest Moon Animal Crossing Games. Follow for a Follow.
Hi everyone, my names Lordi! I'm 48 years young.
Fav books: The Hobbit,The Green Mile
Fav film: ...
Hi everyone, my names Lordi! I'm 48 years young.
Fav books: The Hobbit,The Green Mile
Fav film: Shaun of the Dead
Music : Alice Cooper, Nightwish, Iron Maiden
I also have a 3ds,PS4 and Kindle e reader,love them all.. Never Too Old To Game