WoHBlake's Friends
Landerson Landerson2369
Christina GamePad02
This user's profile comment is private.
MetaKnight Korey594
Hi I am Aurora! Be a good friend to me please. My favorite game series is kirby super star. Somtimes I can be a silly goof ball with any of my friends. : fav game character is Meta knight and kirby Have a twin sis and lil brother. bad memory Don't wiiu chat...ç-ç friend me follow to follow changed my mii to meta knight I'm very playful I am in ink squad Hope you have a blessful life! (^o^) ☆♡★♥
Infinity WolfLover0910
Do u LOVE video games? Do u LOVE animals? Do u LOVE Chocolate? If u answered yes to all of these questions then u must add me immediately bc we are now BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lil b Kenshad18
Hello im Brysen and my nintendo network is Kensah18. *List what i like to play* splatoon super smash bros. i accept friend request if your mean to me i will block you or not be your friend anymore if i like you alot then i will send a friend request or in a event don't block me pls NO WII U CHAT!!! well smarty chu is my friend
Sanzee Sanzee
Hello, my name is Sandro and I am 17 Years old ;) *Location: Austria, Carinthia *Favourite Music Genre: Metal + Rock *Favourite Wii U games: Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD,Splatoon,Mk8,Bayonetta *I'm a Zelda Fan! -->Botw hype So that's it guys. By the way if you want to play splatoon or Mario Kart 8 you can add me! :^)
Avery AveryTheTiger1
hey guys my name is avery im 8 Years old I like to play videogames i love tigers the end
elise bwhitehead
Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! I LOVE FNAF, Jacksepticeye, creepypasta and im obsessed with video games (gta V, slitherio, minecraft, rpg horror games, resident evil, undertale, pokemon etc.) thx everyone for 500+ followers! (on the way to 600!) Also, I will take friend requests and i will ALWAYS respond to comments on my posts!
Daniël 20DJ02
hello, i'm Daniel. i'm dutch but can speak englisch, a little bit of french and a little bit of german to. i hope to play splatoon togheter and lets play zelda breath of the wild!
enry jubeka88
Charlie 4dietricks
Hiya! :-P Still reading? Ok you are ridiculous Tryin' to get some dirt? No Im done.
aj shnitz2005
hello and plz follow me
Zack-Draws zackdavidson1975
hi! welcome to the chill corner of miiverse here you will find: •a single hot tub •a music player that plays a small selection of music •a ball of hype named Sharqueen •Numa who for some reason really loves the hot tub •and other people of the hot tub squad •oh also Hiwas Land thats not as important tho
Nathan NordyTwo
Formerly NORDY!!!!!!!! and Orion. I love Metallica, Transformers, and the color purple. I also follow the Minnesota Wild hockey team fanatically. Also, be sure to check out my Legend of Zelda posts, both from BOTW, and Twilight Princess. TP had some particularly hilarious moments. Currently playing BOTW, Sm4sh, and Windwaker.
MABS 271331
Musica, Smash, Dibujar, Pelear en la Calle. :v Music, Smash, Drawing, Fight on the Streets
dominic dnewport08
hi im dominic i play game cause games are cool and awsome people DOMOnic,zayzay,eric and ben there awsome also powers-strongbeam,fast track and teliportaion enimies-mevilis sonic.exe herobrien and domten.exe and SCRAW YOU BILLY! jack says that also i am a rayman,mega-man,LBP and sonic fan also i play cool rpgs and i do creepytime with dom that is new to the series and i have a PS4 bbyyyeee
StoRmBeAsT pikey12
Hey guys, i'm a massive fan of super smash bros for wii u,mario kart 8 and splatoon. i will be playing online playing those 3 games a lot so be free to join me and don't forget to sent a friend request. :)
∞Lucarama∞ 0Lucarama0
Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8!
Ben Mariostarpro
This user's profile comment is private.
kayla kayla_boo12
Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! im Makayla 15 Anime is the cheese and crackers lol Drawing is my passion Music is my soul Okay nice meeting you byyyyyyeeee P!atd and TOP fanatic♥ BTS ARMY Kpop fanatic♡♥ Why are you still here leave theres nothing to see since your still here follow me on ig @just_.cause_.i_guess ive been here since 2014
tsmplays maliktheking22
Devan devandrake
My name is Devan Drake. Please follow me, and make me popular. My favorite TV shows are Rick and Morty, Robot Chicken, South Park, and some anime. I've collected four amiibo and have three different Animal Crossing amiibo series cards. The games I like is Splatoon, Mario Kart, Tomodachi Life, ACNL, Roblox, The Sims, American Truck Simulator, and other games.
i lik tans rooter2013
stuff i like.undertale.ssb series.sonic games. family guy. cleland show. america dad.amibos. you tube. one punch man. pokemon. ssb4 dlc. my favorite character in ssb4 is sonic.my favorite pokemon is lucario.my ssb4 character i hate is olamar. the pokemon i hate the most is milktank. rap. my favorite song is his world from sonic 06. i like popularmmos. my favorite game is ssb4 is cool
brendan reshyram13
hi im the biggest pokemon fan and my name is brendan and im 15 and i love anime and my fav pokemon is mudkip he or she is soo cute just updated
Castro castroso.joso
Matt Steakham
Si-99-Game Si-99-Games
I`m usally known as Si-99-Games but You can call me the (Gold Dynamo Roller). I play splatoon online A lot so if you play splatoon send me a resquest so we can play online for custom squads and private battles Which ever one You Want.
Luigi Austinluigi
LAW Simdaddy43
im anthony i hope you yeah my helpful hints and i have multiple hint check them out
Martin martin2304
They say we dont have games please Devil's third Bayonetta 2 Mario kart 8 Pikmin 3 Splatoon Smash bros wii u Starfox zero Fatal frame Zombi u Captain toad Pokken Xenoblade x Sonic lost world Super mario 3d worlds
KAIGAR makdecalh
Daquan daquan16
Hi im 19 and i like pokemon, digimon, yu-gi-oh, soul eater, mario, legend of zelda, godzilla, dragons, animals, minecraft, and bakugan. i also like to hang out with friends and i play a lot of games and i have a 3DS so if anyone wants to be friends we can. :)
Ant jml87448
Hi im Anthony and like smash tournaments because it really brings freinds together for an amazing brawl or should i say smash
I'm WoH member WoHBlake. My favorite games/game series' are The Pokemon series, The FNaF Series, ...
I'm WoH member WoHBlake. My favorite games/game series' are The Pokemon series, The FNaF Series, The Legend of Zelda Series, Super Mario Maker, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and SSB4. You should go follow zackdavidson1975, PrincessZelda357, NCnumber2, candypandagirl, iKachow06, KoH-Jayden3ds, noki_elfqueen, Adam559, NordyTwo, and the WoH members (I've listed some here)!
Miiverse member since 5/21/2015