Late thank you to those who have helped me earn my fifth medal, I appreciate it! I don't know when I will make a new course though cause I lack motivation due to no new content for months.
I will be taking MA:1-4:King Paragoomba's castle down for updates tomorrow. I will be editing the boss fight at the end. Play the original now before it's gone!
The Jungle theme would be an awesome addition to Super Mario Maker. Even Super Mario World had a Jungle background. If we were to get placeable lava, then in all Jungle themes, it will turn purple ...
I would love to have the snow theme in Super Mario Maker along with the option to make all outside backgrounds at night and its music could just be in a minor key!
Placeable water would be a useful addition to Super Mario Maker along with the beautiful beach theme! Rising quick sand, water, poison, and lava would also be neat.
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