Hyrulean's Friends
☆★Ryan☆★ TerboyplazGamez
HI im the real terboy as my ID ****** flipping follow me do not follow the fake one of me
Skybluey27 skyhigh4life
☆Sky☆Puma dahoam37a
Hi Miverse! Ich bin Nülln,und freue mich hier zu sein =D Hier sind ein paar Facts über mich: Lieblingsessen:Pommes Lieblingsyoutuber: Araflooderso,Slivkischow,Trickywi Charakter:lieb,nervig,witzig :> Das mag ich:mit Freunden abhängen,Musik hören,sachen mit meiner Schwester machen Das mag ich nich:streiten,Gemüse Fieslinge... weitere Infos gibt's Privat,bisdahin viel spaß auf meinem Profil! -Nülln♥
Raw Rawtalnt
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Xcite3000 PowerDyde101
Hi im someone that loves nintendo and I want to have friends. My favorite games are Minecraft and Super Smash Bros.
future0906 thefuturegaming
hi im someone who does not take greif but i like minecraft ,and ww2 games i like to do battles tumbles and other things like that. and i have my name the future (GAMEING) because im on my way to being a you tuber. and now do something else not usefull and to waste your time . and please do follow if you think i should be a youtuber.
[ΣΨ]Gamex TheSmashinggamex
hoi i am beast im canadian born 9/11/???? age: questions remain unawnserd i like chezburgers and my oc now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oc: Name:Frost Age:16 Personality: Nice, Quite, Strong, Cowardish and A Nerd Relatives: None yet abillaty (if fantasy ice powers o.o) That My Oc -- Freinds To Check Out Kyledc1121 AngestyBlaze ☆saniyah☆! And Now I Have A Lucario.
nctl Nctl150
I play minecraft survival and smash for Wii U No more comments here :/
heydan CaptainCrouton08
Hello my Followers, fans (and haters.) Miiverse is gonna end very soon and it was a fun experience to get to know some people on this amazing social media platform. But until Miiverse shuts down for good, i might as well keep on posting here but anyways, i may find out about Closedverse. Until then, ciao!
luis sotixAniKen
who whants to join my team?
εχ√JF XxLinkMasterxX
Yo whats up im Joey Futrell. I am the co leader of Nacrostic. the leader is CelloDav. I love pizza. I am really into Legend of Zelda.
********** junior4402
i love cod ll join me my user name is junior4402 also junior
Kevin AYSOkid13player
Sup Im Kevin, Im not a kid by the way Im a teen. My best friends on Wii U are William, Jaylin, Eric, Jbnette. Im a master archer so dont mess with me in Minecraft Battle. Add my second account "XxkevinnnncxX" I dont put friends of friends, and I only kick when necessary or if it gets to laggy.
Robengers robengers
Hello ƒriends, or Strangers I'm Robengers. ☆I'm the founder of Prismarine City! ★I'm on the wii u often. ★I'm a christen. ★I have many games and consoles and I am an expert on almost all of them. ★I am the creative type, and I love architecture, + technology! ★Please do NOT send a blank friend request. ★I'm from USA and I'm on Minecraft a lot, ★I'm always open for a ƒriend.
Stephen HiASJJ
pgn fan Andrejr25
$killer564 geminibrat81
hi! i live in pen state and i like games! if you follow me i will follow you! I like to play with my friends.Me and my brother may fight for the wii u but, not any more.I will acept any friend request.Be free to send me a friend request and no hackers ok;)I all hope you like me as a friend!I have anger isho's.I get sad when no one plays so i watch eddsworld on youtube also when i'm bored.
samo brien1
lets see........ my favorite game is eather undertail or splatoon and im startinging an amibo colecton and if i get 100 folowers i will start doing dayly vlogs untel then peace (^-^)
Pea©e•Pug™ mistymoon633
Jello! Here are a few things about me. (^-^) Name: Sidney Favorite Hobby: Drawing Favorite Color: Eggs Favorite Food: Spaghetti Favorite Animal: Dogs... MOSTLY PUGS! Work: Krusty Krab kik: mistymoon663 Let's talk sometime! Best Friends: Blue Popsicle (Tyna),Peace queen (kenyannah), PANDA (amy), Hank (ashlyn & her family), Super Mario Hawk (daniel)‚Robloxz (Josh), And many more to come!
FabEamon:b papryus
i eat ase, 401-529?fuo
Franklin wiiuconsole55
Hi Guys, Check my creative world (you'll love it) and maybe we could see ourselves playing on Minecraft someday. Add me to your friend list if you want to help me build.
MLG Lawdr5150
noah noahbc543
hi my name is noah and i hope i make lots of friends and i like to play games favorite games: botw splatoon boxboy games that i hate: sonic06 walkingdead the game
hayden Bulldoggs86
sup my name is Hayden and im the best miner in minecraft and a good fighter
CräzzyGg<3 ggwoods
Sssssuuuuuhhh Dude? Im Gg and I love Sushi. (did i mention i was weird) aaannyyywwaayy, i love minecraft. Oh and if u gotta PROBLEM with anyone in my SqUaD then u have a problem with me. Peace out peeps.(im also random)........................................ potato!
DA RUSSIAN jacksonsaunders4
i will let anyone join me in minecraft as long as they help and not destroy anything, if you have any questions then message me.
,jk Xmas2015gift
TheDom TheDom0805
crafty dog legomanlogan
please pleasefriendrequest me
oj owenjohn0405
hi im owen fav game = minecraft fav places = Wales and France
Bradlee PEWDIEPIE2580
OUCH! YOU JUST CLICKED ON MY FACE. Anyway whioe ur here i ve been going threw some hard times and my good freinds Gregory Volvo350 and Lil true have helped. Please stop this bullying going around that is one of the hard times im getting bullied so please stop this! > [ > [
luke basement367
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Films TheFamousFilmz2
Gunnar GWJman13
Hi, im Gunnar! I like Minecraft redstone and playing with friends! Any lover of redstone is okay in my books, but if your disrespectful, yell in-game, grief, lie about redstone or are AFK all the time, dont even bother requesting me. If you use in-game chat, GREAT! if not thats ok but i do prefer people i can talk to. Hope we can be friends! -Gunnar
Delirious MA300052
I am a great gamer and a awesome friend who can help anyone out in the worlds hardess decisions and problems.
bob zombiekiler1
azavier hayes08
Snake bigheadsnake
hi everyone
Pëa©ξ•Půg™ mistymoon663
Hey pplz! My name is Misty, I am a polar bear/ pug... FEAR ME. Real Name: Sidney Favorite Food: Salad Favorite Animal: Me Favorite Color: Eggs Good Friends: Peace Tea(Tyna Justice), Panda(Amy),Peace Bear(brandon), Peace Queen(Kenny), Super-Mario-Hawk(Daniel), Dark Dragon(John), Hank(Ashlyn and her family). And many more come! #PeaceSquad
Liam liamian0831
Hi guys im LizardCat or Liam I love playing SSB4 & Minecraft Also feel free to friend request me! Also don't Wii U Chat me without my permission
Candygirl candygirl49
RareSox Raresox
I always thought our fun and games would just go on and on... I never i'd have to say, "So long"...
Gar skull425
squidy loopjugdoop
hi guys its me squidy now i know what your thinking what happened to spp? well that name is old my name is now squidy i will try to change my miis name but i will get back to you guys later bye
Alinator:) Alinator123
Henlo Stinkie TRB² Youtuber (noun) The best People in Life. The Host of Crystalarium S2
Supermom staljer88
hello first of all i am boy to get that over with i like assassins creed 3 and 4 cod bo2 and ghosts i also also play mincraft splatoon watch_dogs and splinter cell blacklist friend if you want staljer88 :)
S&GBaggies melynda84
Bonjour a tous je suis mathis alias (baggies) je suis un gars j'adore siphano Mais jeux favori minecraft splatoon,mario kart,smash bros wii u et ect... Bis♡
joep joepdejong
DarkDarla marlua
Set out to destroy Miiverse I got captured again but I'm back but it seems I'm a little too late.What will I do now? "What they don't understand, they fear inside, what they don't understand, they try to hide"-You can't hide from us Shinies I'm looking for:Finneon, Bagon Clans or teams I'm in: team shiny(leader), Rebel-born(clan member), First order(clan member), Team mew(clan member)
Carinosa cam117344
\(ó_ó)/ \(^~^)/ \(ö_ö)/ Fav. Games Sm4sh, XCX, Bayonetta 2, and Resident Evil Revalations And I don't WiiU Chat
Natalie walkerfam5151
hey wanna message me?
ØcTo Bloxz robloxz
._. well hi there maybe we can play mincraft togetherif you friend me well I will onley read it if it is not blank I want to know why you are friending me so.... Yea seeyah?
BlockFrost H12Z07
Yo, I like turtles.
Desmond desmondjamison13
Im 16 years old. Like to build etc.Friend me if you want to play Minecraft i play it the most. Im a really cool guy Things I Like: Anime Games Tv Movies Five Nights At Freddys Mario Sonic Minecraft The Walking Dead Dragon ball Z Naruto Youtube etc.
waster mateoylala
i bin playin MW3
momrox unaalu
HyperGrahm SuperSilverY
I like platformers, action games, adventure games, rpgs, fighters and video games in general!
ethan (me) kristine930
I mostly play minecraft but play lots of other things too!
Ash rashray
Hi! My name is actually Libby but I use my Mom's account all the time. Since I used to not be old enough to have one, and now I'm 12 years old. But I made too much progress on this account so I'm still using it! I love Zelda, Minecraft, Smash Bros, Zenoblades and all kinds of cool games!
Tysonomari Egorapter
sup bros i like mario games, kirby games, legend of zelda games, pokemon games, smash bros games, pikmin games and rayman games . I will fight anyone in smash 4 so if you wanna play smash just friend me and we can play
regal360 regal360
Emely Snake61
HAI im Emely! Welcome to my profile! Heres somethings you want to know about me, Three of my favorite games are Splatoon,Fnaf, and Pokemon I LUV POKEMON! XD My favorite song from a game is Fnaf Sister Location rap from fnaf! Hey we might battle on Splatoon 2 sometime! :3 Srry no wiiu chat (only if i know you) Welp thats the end of this page thanks for reading WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMY
k-minus Kaya305
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andy andy9007
Welcome to Professor Andy's profile!
pog captainwii
dante macksnfergfamily
Hey there miiverse people i'm D'ante and i love fighting and party games! Welcome to any friend requests!PLEASE Don't UNFRIEND ME PLEASE!BBBBBYYYYYYEEEE! HAVE A Good Day! Please follow me and i follow you!BBBBBYYYYYYYYEE
Sup miiverse im another one of your anonymous players who enjoy nintendo i have a Youtube channel...
Sup miiverse im another one of your anonymous players who enjoy nintendo i have a Youtube channel with 10000+ subs (the name cant be said due to privacy) but anyways here are some of my favorite games
1:The Legend Of Zelda The Windwaker HD★
3:Super Mario Maker●
But yeah since i have a youtube channel i need your support making vids so help me out plz it will be appreciated cya