gamemaster's Followers
diego321 steven266
TheAlex178 Alexgamer8000
¡Hola bienvenido! Mi nombre es Alex, y me encantan las consolas de nintendo Consolas que tengo:Wii,wiiu nintendo switch,3ds,y game cube Hago directos Colores favoritos:Verde,rojo,y negro Juegos favoritos:Minecraft y los dos splatoon Clan:RK Adios
javier juliohemi
antaraco1 antaraco1
ψRΔщdyψ rowdster23
Hello my name is Rowdy and yes that is my real name. I love video games! clan: SG★ also im a what i like to call a GLITCH MASTER! and friend list is full!!!! have a nice day!! R.I.P IWATA
Daddy drewfunnyyy
Hi I'm Drew aka Daddy
XxLiamxXxX Liamlyle
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мς | $ρούл XxF3re5akz6Lp
Hello People On Miiverse Kein WiiUChat No WiiUChat Followers: Geschafft☆ Nicht Geschafft★ 100☆ 600★ 200☆ 700★ 300☆ 800★ 400☆ 900★ 500★ 1000★
Santi Santiguner
chile campeón!!!!!
leo jenkinjb
Alexander potato303
Hello Miiverse! I am Alexander, a Nintendo-obsessed 13 year old! Universal Studios Nintendo theme park hype! Nintendo Switch hype! The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild hype!
raquelita RaquelitaUSA
Olá,meu nome é Raquel mas pode me chamar de Ra ou de Raquelita! por favor me sigam que eu seguirei de volta Quero chegar a uma meta de 500 seguidores será que eu consigo? Obrigada pelos que eu ja tenho!!! Foi mal pessoal mas não gosto de animes. Mas estou começando a gostar de Pokemon Go!! Série preferida: Gravit falls(acho que se escreve assim) Desenho preferido: Incrivel Mundo de Gumball
Soup SOUP32
I've been a Nintendo fan since getting an NES for the Christmas of '89. Most of my game play time lately has been split between my Wii U, 3DS and Vita.
RealTFM Pac-Dasher1925
Tyler tylerbarclay2005
Heyo, pplz. I'm Ty :P I enjoy Animal Jam, Transformice, Smash Bros, MK8, and other games which I'm too lazy to impliment in here. Please, no rood friend requests. Miiverse needs to be a fun place, even tho its dead. And for the 10,000,000,000th time... I DONT DO WII U CHAT. have a nice day! :P
jay jayjay706
hi im jayden im 13 u might know brother jason he looks just like me
aaron c cooldudes1235
hi guys whats up
Craig craigm71
hi my name is olivia i ysing my dad page to post on here.I am 11 :).I love peach as you can see on my posts.
Dman Dmoney191
im the best at the soothing game
Drew hondalexus
RoyalKamui Fairy824
Hello there, my name is RoyalKamui (Call me Laura if you'd prefer). And welcome to my Profile! Currently, i'm on Hiatus on Miiverse so I won't be posting much. I will only use Miiverse only for messaging. Sorry about that, currently i'm really busy.. I don't have Summer School, but I have lots of things to do.. Anyways, feel free to look at my old posts. See you.
Stevie BeanieBB
Hello I am a christian and a Follower to God. I love the smash series, Super Mario Maker, Tomodachi Life, Minecraft, and the Sonic series. In real life I'm a lover NOT a fighter.I don't do Wii U chat.I have a dog named Buddy.My current Karate belt is Black. I don't play video games on Sunday. :( I'm a member of the Mario fan club. I like to draw.
Michell Michdistille
Hello everyone if you like my profile so follow me :) #followforfollow Switch,Wiiu,3D Fave videogames:Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon X, Animal Crossing New Leaf,Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Resident Evil Revelations, Street Fighter 4, Mario Kart 7, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe,Pokken Tournament, waiting for Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon!!! ahhh y también hablo Español al 100%
Triple D. Loyaldiva
♪EVERYBODY SMILE AND BE HAPPY♪hello everyone! im an anthropromorphic lovable,huggable, cute furry wolf that everyone likes! i wanna make TONS of friends and followers and get to know you all better! i wanna make your time in miverse a happy and memerable experience! thank-you! (^o^) close friends: lovebug yoshi wulffrith barex ♪damon456★ SKa2 Skarfy Neil nice NexesĒĦ so many! οωο
Timmy G Timmy_G7
Hi my name is Julian and im 8 years old. My account is named after my Dad named Tim. I love foot ball and play it alot
Cody grigor1976
Hi my name is Kyle.I am from Greece.I dont speak good English,but I try to do it good.So I like videogames and I have a Wii U.And If my friend reading this... .So my best friends Are:Mads,Jess,Aisha,Tobias,Josh,A friend from greece on miiverse.His name Is Kostas.Hey Kosta If u reading this I just wanna say that you are my first greek friend!So anyway if you want to be my friend just Comment to me♥
sBs beachstar
MK8 9999 VR DKC Tropical Freeze 200% Rayman Legends Awesomeness 10 Mario Maker 12 medals
tommy BeastMonster
Dr.JO 0pl.1qaz
Dr.JO です。 マーベルコミック大好きです。 好きな映画は、「トロン」、「TMNT」、「トランスフォーマー」、「ワイルドスピード」です。 好きな漫画は、「デスノート」です。 好きなゲームは、「ゼルダの伝説」です。 コメント、フォロー、フレンドリクエストまってまーす! ※誕生日-9月16日です。
◆●Puppy●◆♪ dannicasmith1976
I am now the leader of MeowTeam#1 Please feel free to friend request me! My Fav games are here! --> Minecraft[Mc] Super smash bros[SSB] Super mario maker[SMM] Terraria My fav friends are here!! ---> Mommymommane Zman Builderbuy Lexi Starfox000 Kdawg Trusted friends are here!! ---> Lexi Mommymommane Builderbuy Starfox Cranderson My BFFS are here!!! --> Goose Lexi Mommymommane Cranderson
Gabriel lorinho123
Oi pessoal beleza tenho 15 anos e sou de gravatá, PE, brasil ! Meus games : Super Mario World (SNES) Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze . Mario kart 8 . Mini Mario e friends Amiibo challange . Super Mario Maker . Just dance 2015 . Mario party 10 . New super mario bros U + New super luigi U . Capitain toad treasure tracker . Mario vs Donkey kong tipping stars . Nano assault . Nintendo land .
kurenai229 metal-na-are
よかれと思ってただいま参上!! 好きなゲーム ファイアーエムブレム スマブラ MOTHER 世界樹の迷宮 牧場物語 トモダチコレクション 残り期間 精一杯楽しむとしましょうか
Timothy tdtigers
Hi, I'm Timothy and welcome to my profile! My favorite thing to do is hanging out with my family and friends. I'm a Christian, Brony, Juggie, and a Gamer. I like to play Super Mario 64 on the N64 and Halo on the XBOX. I do Wii U Chat with everybody and friends, play Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros. Remember to have fun on the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.
timmy shadow155552
antonio epicgamer543
eat-sleep- game on
liyah aaliyah1dforev
i want a bf :-(
gordo mejia1980
Kußi Adler9
ich bin ein echter zocker und spiele am liebsten Fußball und mario party 10 UND marvel super Heros und ich spiele gerne auf der ps3 basketball Fußball und pac man . mario kart 8 spiele ich gerne auf der wiiu
ed bigedward
i love my self
MoonRabbit TheMangle87
Love to draw, very good at it too! Anyone listen to kpop? #BANGTANBOYS Venturiantale Wings of Fire Music Art Steven Universe MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!! Add me!
tony Cairo2004
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brycen bbhr2015
hi please be my friend if you are nice
mipv spiderkid510