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FamilyWiiU WePlayVideoGames
Welcome! This might not be long but… •ω• My Favorite Things! ↓ ~ Games ~ Animal Crossing New Leaf (I LOVE THIS GAME!!!) Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer Splatoon Miitopia Fantasy Life ~ Anime ~ Magical DoReMi Lucky Star Yokai Watch ~ Colors ~ Yellow Purple ~ Animals ~ Cats Dogs Llamas ~ Memes ~ DatBoi Doge That's all for now. xD Well, goodbye Miiverse…
(←8・ゆう・8ー* Yuttey
。.:*・°+.。.:*・°+.。.:*・°+.。.:*・°+.。.:*・°+.。.:*・°+.。.:* すべてのユーザーに感謝します。 ほんとうに ありがとうございました。 _.。・°♡ 302+ Tenkyou ♡°・。._
のんたん momokatv0630
よろしく!!! みんなフォローしてお願いします<^_^> みんな気軽に話かけてね!!! あとミバ友募集中です!!!!!!! あ、わすれてた!!! 顔ポチありっぴ~ たまにテキトーにフォローします!!!!! ミバ友 りんちゃん ~*しろぽん*~ あおり あずさ かみ ユキダル あっぷるみんと(よろしく) 好きなユーチューバーは、、、 もちろんポッキーさん<^_^>
nunes matenunes203
monster hunter melhor jogo
woomy HagDavHouse
Calum aplusmom4
name:Calum fav game [so far]: Yo kai watch
Chloe~Chan KleaKle5
.·•*★hi❤,i'm Chloe~chan(ID KleaKle3) i'm 12 years old,i'm from italy,and i love draw my O.C.'s is:Chloe,Hisashi,Kira and Celestia<3 Don't touch my Derek~Sama<3 (Kaede lo sai bene che a me piace Derek)<3 pls,don't tell me a request,because i don't opening drawing request. and... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... bye❤❤❤☆*•·.
Nena rocky2916
SmolPatato HeyItsTaimaku
Heeeeeeewwwooooooooooo!!!!! Welcome to mer prooofiiileeeee!! "Memories will never be forgotten"-An Ensparational quote by SmolPatatoe
Anya DragonGirlGamer
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CrazyCool? Pulltux
Hi! I'm Maria, this is actually my bf Eric's account, but I've taken over mostly! fav movie: spirited away fav band: sleigh bells fav tv show: community fav game: breath of the wild fav book: the illusion of life
Carmen ThatOneCrazyGirl
Dear friends and other people that follows me Miivers ending soon i cant talk to yall anymore so this is a good bye note i love you Max Autumn Alyssa Keira Luna and *Airplane* good-bye ='C i love you
★Payido★ Payido12
Hello! I'm Payido! Welcome to my profile! Things about me: I am 23 in human years! :3 I love anything Alice in Wonderland! The Cheshire Cat is my spirit animal! <3 Green is the best color in the whole wide world! <3 I love scary movies with lots of gore! I'm not human and I also "Don't Speak Human" (only a few of you might get that ;) ) That's all for now! :D
ダリウス Plastic_Tree
ミーバース始めるまで絵なんて描いたことすらなかったオレ… ここまで絵が上手くなったのはミーバースのおかげです。 本当に感謝!! 最後にこれだけは言わせてください。 ミーバースで仲良くなった人は絶対に忘れません!!
Swap swaptheundrtrash
Hello everyone! I am just a person that really likes undertale and memes. I don't know what else to put...
Veda EiswolfLS
please don't forget 1st Sep 17: ↑My profile comment is more accurate than ever before. FIND ME HERE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ⇒YT: VedaTheBrainiac ⇒dA: VedaTheBrainiac I won't ever forget my friends: Natti Guill Ashley Sarah (and those who left) Green Pine Aubrey
Raegan abbi0409
Hi! I like to draw. - I only really have male ocs, and they're all like my precious sons <3
the kiD! TacoLik
Miiverse is closing. Some say this, and some say that. But / say... Let's make the most of what we have left! :D "Let us go forward in peace, our eyes upon heaven, the only one goal of our labors." -St Therese of Lisieux
Rin dmcistotalyawsom
This is Rin. A gamer who likes fnaf (though the fanbase is cringe) Mlp (fandom is also cringe) Bendy and the ink machine (Let's not bring it here) Vocaloid (thank god that fandom isn't cringy) Splatoon (zero cringe there) and Pokemon (No cringe either.)
MemeSenpai MemeSenpaiALT
Yo this is a memesenpie alt It's very real but hardly active on it
¿Palace¿™ LoneTincup
♥Welcome Tinpeeps To My Place Of Happyness♥ I Love To Draw Cartoons and my own Characters,Even Video Games I am 14 Years old With No Life :').(not really i have a life.) "I Am A Cute Mushroom With Skittels.(Skills) :-)" I Have A Pet Dog And Bird Named Snow(Bird)and Emma(Dog). Im Gay :') Btw
■◆Wronch◆■ MrWrench
Profile comment is like a year out of date... Sorry! D: I no longer take requests from people i don't know. I'm sorry if i let you down! I hope you all have a lovely rest of your day!
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senpai :^) Gumball_x3
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Steen ShinyStarKat
Hi it's Steen (check out my final thoughts) thank you all so much I'm glad to have been a part of Miiverse, even at least for a bit I met some really cool people here glad to have entertained you all with my little doodles see you all real soon remember to appreciate Pikango Sam entrusted me with the Steve Fan Club "My on the horizon..." -Pikango Her name is Shiny
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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Blaze [D] Shura22h22
Adieu les gens c'est la fin de miiverse ›♥‹ Team DIVINA POUR TOUJOURS ^♥^
▲Davide~4▼ dade0529
mi piaccono i giochi di kirby di pokemon e di inazuma eleven per me sono bellissimi faccio parte degli 1 2 3 4 crew e del team skull e della gang di riccardo io sono il 4 dei crew e sono il creatore del gruppo dei pokefanatici seguite bayron 1 e gli altri sono bravi SAVE MIIVERSE(salviamo miiverse)
Akito [D] Akito22h22
*Prends le micro devant le peuple* Je suis Akito Magala... *lâche le micro avec style* c'est suffisant comme description XD Team : Divina
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