Cherry's Followers
Meg PinkFighter
Jailyn kiki83doll
Hi peoples! I'm Jailyn! I love the color purple, and white. Fandoms: Undertale, sonic, mario, pokemon!(duh), and a bunch more! Favorite CHARActers: Undertale: Sans. Sonic: Tails Mario:Blue Toad & Luigi Pokemon: Pikachu!!! Other: *shrugs* Honestly, thats it... bye.... Pikachu pika, pika pi....
Daddy jonesjr0689
Marisa Marisapink
Thoughts: Wordpress is marisapink9. Search online to find.Goodbye forever Miiverse.One day we will see you in another form. :') and thank you for all of your support. I will miss you. "All things are given from "man up above" Started miiverse in 2/19/14
Francisco Marcos1107
hi im francisco i like new friends and if you yeah or follow me ill do the same back if you dont have friends or followers sendme a friend request and youl be my friend and if you whant a follower message me or send a request ill follow you and feel free to check my profile
βυηβυη BonbonFemale
Greetings. I am Сħα- wait a minute... THIS IS THE WRONG SCRIPT! Let's try this one... TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIE- THIS IS STILL WRONG! This one? How's it going bros and my name is Ρεωd- NOPE! M-maybe this s-script? Hello everyone and my name is Sσρнιε. I love to roleplay, so send me a friend request! Also I Ισνε to draw! And DON'T ask who my crush is! I'll tell you when I want! βακα... Bye
Freddy FreddyFazBear250
Profile comment hidden by admin.
まい mmmmmm1359
~自己紹介~ 年齢 何それ美味しいの? 小5 名前 まい 好きな食べ物 オレンジ 好きな武器 カーボンローラー 嫌いな武器 スプラシューター 誕生日 見ればわかると思う。 好きな人 ○○○○○○○君 スプラは初心者だけどよろしくね! フォローは、99%返すよ
レイナ(><) Reina.2023
にすに 1satiko
小学生です。 男です 皆さんフレンドになってください! よろしくお願いします
としいちきうななぜろ toshi1970
MemeSensei.Always l am indebted. Follow 620 Thank you! Follow thank you! フレンド募集中(((無言フレリク断ります)))
(●¬●)Clara clara2awsome
hello there(o-o).. name:Clara age:12 birthday:Private something about me:i mainly play splatoon
Migirane™ ARSON-1984
I don't complain for attention I complain because I want help I know my skin isn't paper, but I still Ctu it I don't cry because I'm weak I cry for my friends Say what you want, You'll never hurt me I'm hurt enough I've already snapped But my friends are putting me back together I'm a 12 year old female. It said 17 cuz' I used my older sis' age Obviously depressed Laly:3 is mine only >:0<3
ゆうな HAORI123
こんにちは!ゆうなです!! 好きな食べ物はメロンです!!!!!!!! 好きな動物はパンダだよ~^~^~ 好きな色は黄色で 好きな音楽はストーリーだよ よろしくね~!
Úlla TheMagikYoshi
♥Hi, i'm Magik! I am always glad to see others, and to play with others. ♥ (\ /) (>ω<) <(♥) (") (")
みゆリン miumiu61877
こんにちは 私はゲーム好きの小学3年です 好きなゲーム スプラトゥーン 好きな食べ物 お刺身 嫌いな食べ物 肉 好きな事 ゲーム 良ければフォローよろしくお願いします! ここまで 見てくれてありがとうございます
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Pumpkin SourFace144
Happy Halloween! Have a great thanksgiving! Merry christmas! And happy new year Won't tell yall this when this site ends so might as well tell you now...
Morowensa Morowensa
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mourning. I try to draw what makes me laugh, and I hope it works for you. Please check out who I'm following!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
*º«Lϊ௧* Lolita-Kaiju
♡ Hello Everybody, Flashbang Here ♡ I'm A Small, Squishy Little Child. You May Talk To Me But Be Warned I'm Antisocial... ♡ I Am Irrelevant Trash With An IQ Of .025 ♡ I Am Going Through A Mid-Life Crisis Because I Wasted My Money On Bread... :') ♡ I Mostly Eat Salmon And Tea ♡ Don't Even Try To Wii U Chat With Me ♡ Could Someone Please Be My Senpai? I'm An Irrelevant Peach That Needs Love
Vela VirtualVuke
bob Weremammoth
The world is a scene. -Shakespear Since this place is to end, I have to thanks all the people I have meet, all the people that I have dueled in Splatoon, all the people that I have raced again in Mario Kart, all the people in Minecraft, and, of course, all the artists I have meet. To all of you, Thanks, and take care. Bob
♪Luna♪:› ximenayluna
hi there im Luna you can call me smainy but it ok. guy you need to follow me,Zorua,Pikachu '^',and all my friends you see in my perfil I like: Bendy and the ink machine Pokemon Gravity Falls Yokai Watch UNDERTALE Star vs the forces of Evil
Red ssjredspeed01
goodbye....... ♪thank you....ill say goodbye soon....though it's the end of the world,don't blame yourself now. and if it's true,i will surround you,and give life to a world,thats our own.♪
SpoopyCoco CocoLoca7
Im 12 I like to draw and sing. I love my friends Irl and here, you should go follow them right now! @ α«Zero»α ↑ @ Cap.Aςh @●Яıηκαςнı● . . . . (˙ ″˘ ″˙)………. I'm bi and pan...And my family is homophobic sooo....Hecc... Help....
spoopy†ari nikkiann85
OHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH ITS TIME TO GET--- ‡~şρδφþψ~‡ this is a werid place- wheres the B O N L E S S commotion? enjoy theres puns and memes er-whatevs i am donut,hear me roar i love breathin' B R E A T H I N G I S M Y O X Y G E N tum:donutdinodoge insta:same thing↑ im making comics and stuff on w**toon and tum~
Matty mattykarin
Thanks so much to all of my friends and followers, and to those who have supported me! I love you all so much♡♡♡. I will miss you guys, hope you guys will miss me too ;υ; Love you -Matty
Destiny prettylittleyana
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Chara o.Nightsky.o
Greetings, I am Chara. Thank you for awakening me. You are a great partner, we will be together forever won't we? kittenparade is my sister that draws on my account with my permission. Age: 16 | Genderqueer Female. I love AUs & animating but I suffer from extreme procrastination. I like drawing edgy stuff & I care about people. Shipping/Friendships*: PittooxPit, Lucas n Pit*, Charisk.
エルモ hashiyan23
皆さんどーもこんにちは♪ 特にスプラトゥーンをしています。 フォローしてくれたらフロォー返します。 フォローよろしくお願いします! フレリクはお断りしてます。 一応腕前はA-~A+辺りです。 好きなYouTuber フィッシャーズ はじめしゃちょー ポッキー ななとGames スカイピース レイターズ 禁断ボーイズ(復帰おめでとう!) カズクラ ボンボンTV はんじょうのYouTubeちゃんね る! 好きなゲーム スプラトゥーン マリオ(いろんなジャンル) とびだせ!どうぶつの森 仲の良いリア友 ウインナーTV ビーコンつかうな! クッキーモンスター ゆうたん ホタP たくみ クリボーーーーーーー らいと ここね (英語は省略しました) うちは、今日までしかミバが使えないので最後の最後まで楽しみたかった~…!!! アデュー!!!!!!
#TUKUSI Tsukushi.h
顔ポチありがと!! 名前は、#TUKUSI(つくし)で~す! 好きな授業は、体育です。じきゅそう毎年1位 趣味は、TWICEを見ることです。 習い事は、ダンス(ヒップホップ 前は、トランポリン、空手。 好きなドラマは、カンナさ~ん TWICEで一番好きな曲は、ワンモンタイム TWICEで一番好きな人、ジョンヨン TWICEガチで好きです。 長くなってすいません。 よろしくお願いします!
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
ice spumoni-icecream
Hello & Welcome XD I like to make new friends and play games with them so I'll accept friend requests, if I know them. I like to play: Animal Crossing New Leaf Super Mario Maker Super Smash bros. 4 Splatoon 1.. 2 Mainly and Legend Of Zelda Ocrina Of Time 3D, sometimes. Btw I do not use wii u chat so please don't ask. #SaveMiiverse I'm staying till the end, no one can change my mind! Thx♪
EvilCherry EvilCherry
Hi.I love games+living life.I'm always testing how far down the rabbit hole I can go, for you see,I'm quite mad.Please join me in a bit of fun. Name-April Age-13 Fav.Food-Cherries No chat.Want to know why I.M. me. Interests-Drawing/Art-Cartoons(old+new)Comics-History-Paleontology-Mythology/occult-HeavyMetal Games Splatoon-SmashBros-HyruleWarriors MarioKart-S.Mario3dWorld-Shantae games-ArtAcademy
Frisk jorkidy
Hey the name is Frisk you may know me by my wii u profile anyway im hero of the underground i like splatoon and squid party favorite characters r peach and kirby also owner of sweettale and painttale o.c are cookie and derpy go follow my other profile Frisk * nobody came*=) post left[yes] chara:*creepy face* asriel astell and me: STOP SCARING OUR FOLLOWERS CHARA chara:FINE
Kellan Lame-chan0000
BigPapa B3y0nd_R34s0n
•☆Sarah☆• sarah.waffles02
miiverse is ending??? welp im not leaving yet so have fun while it lasts boop. •Stranger Things •Rick and Morty i draw occasionally on here …slowly becoming an artist… im a happy lil alien˙˘˙ im changing for the better, loving myself for who i am and things couldn't be any better i mostly play Splatoon i have a lot of Splatoon OC's (see favourite post) no Wii U Chat or blank friend requests
*Yellow* pel671
I now just do some silly comics in splatoon and maybe smash bros. I'm pretty good at both, so fight me (I honestly don't know why y'all yeah my comics) I have a 3ds, games include pokemon X,Alpha sapphire, sun, smash bros ever oasis soon, etc. If ye want to be friends, just send a request....or don't. Can't be blank though.. The Peeps that follow me probably have better stuff, do check them out
dan kotopaca
Hello you can call me Cherry! I like to draw and I like to play games in my free time. Im current...
Hello you can call me Cherry! I like to draw and I like to play games in my free time. Im currently into splatoon right now but I love to play some animal crossing too! Hope you have a great day! :) ☆
I love ♀!